News: It is official! Zeke suspended 6 games **merged**

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And do you remember Baltimore police shooting, He had his hands up,don't shoot, and that he was shot in the did that turn out, all turned out to be a lie in the end!! Don't believe everything you hear or read without the full context, that's what I'm saying!
FWIW it was Ferguson and not Baltimore ......Baltimore had Freddy Gray die after a ride in the paddy wagon and all 6 cops were acquitted or had charges dropped
erod--- OH man i am so upset...i am close to tears.....all the suspensions we have all the time....makes me we still have a chance against Giants?......what i dont

understand is why did Brady get to wait a year before being suspended through court system but Zeke may not have that option?.....oh man i am so upset...I may have to

go cry for a while...i know that sounds like a baby...but what else can a man do?
Zeke absolutely has that option if he doesn't like the result of the appeal. He can then take it to an arbitration and delay the suspension.
Full texts don't exist in the public, FACT
I was talking about Hardy not Elliot -so who's wrong
Banishment if he appealed this case, nowhere is that stated, only going forward - FACT

you might need some reading comprehension

See, you are basically lying again.

1) What does this even mean, full texts don't exist in public? We have screen shots of the text exchange. And, again, for the billionth time, the girl signed an official affidavit stating the alleged victim asked her to lie for him. So we have more than just the texts. We have an official statement on record from her. Why do you struggle to grasp that concept?

2) LOL. By mentioning Hardy's friend, you clearly were implying that it was someone close to Elliott who was defending Elliott and therefore, his or her statement should not be trusted. Everyone sees that and for you to try to argue otherwise or spin it some other way is embarrassing.

3) No one in this entire thread said anything about banishment if he appealed the case. You just made that up. Everyone in this thread who brought up banishment were clear in stating that the NFL told Elliott if he had another run in with law enforcement (pretty vague on their part) that he could face banishment. You are trying to spin your statement after it was pointed out to you that banishment wasn't some lie made up by a reporter and was, in fact, in the very letter you lectured people on reading.

So stop. You are doing nothing here but just digging a deeper hole.
I predict that is exaclty what happens...... the NFL will try to run to NY again like they did with Brady and EE and the NFLPA will search out Judge Doty in Minnesota if he is still around

Justice Nelson is no friend either. Most US Justices don't like the NFL because the NFL has a long and storied history of ignoring their rulings.
The appeal will likely be over before the season starts and I doubt they get rid of the suspension entirely. The only way it appears Elliott would be eligible to play Game 1 would be taking this to court and getting an injunction that allows him to play while the court case works it's way through the system.
Sydia--- Do you think Jerry would go for an injunction?...and how possible would it be to have an injunction granted?
The last years worth of incidents, Dallas bar fight, driving 100mph in Dallas, pulling down a womans shirt at a Dallas parade... all that, shows he doesn't care about his reputation whatsoever. At least not enough to make good decisions.

Can definitely agree with this.

The two situations are not even in the same realm, context or not.

Dude. There is no context needed. The texts indicate that the victim wanted her friend to lie for her. ADDITIONALLY THERE IS A SIGNED AFFIDAVIT FROM THE WITNESS STATING THE SAME THING.

That's the context. You don't need anymore information.

Why are you wasting time responding to this troll of a poster? I've had him blocked for a while now and my sanity is better for it
popp--- oh man if Jerry says he is furious and then just lets it would be criminal in my book....all the injuries and suspensions and losing whole defensive backfield

to free agency is a lot to overcome....Dak just inherited about 10,000 % more pressure now
If Jerry is furious and still let's it slide, then it likely means he was given info (or ultimatum) that tells him it would not be in his, or the team's best interest to move forward on it. Bar none.
How does this affect the roster? If he is suspended to start the season then clearly Morris, McFadden, Hillman and R. Smith all make the roster, but if he appeals and the suspension is delayed? How do we plan for a possible mid-season suspension?
Zeke absolutely has that option if he doesn't like the result of the appeal. He can then take it to an arbitration and delay the suspension.
erod--- Do you think with Jerry stating emphatically that Zeke had no evidence against him for suspension will seek an injunction if commiss does not set aside suspension?
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