News: It is official! Zeke suspended 6 games **merged**

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Informative, and thanks. But it's my understanding the six game suspension was based off the DV case only, so the shirt-lifting incident is moot. If the NFL wanted to give Zeke a one or two game ban for that, I would be okay with it, because there's evidence.

I understand how the policy works now, but I still can't accept the fact our star running back is out six weeks for something the NFL thinks he did. Maybe they should suspend Odell Beckham Jr. the next time he kicks over a kicking net and then tries to make a pass at it the next week.

You are correct. According to the NFL it was based off the DV case only. That's their own written words.

Again, the media got people all into a hysteria by pumping in inaccurate reports that it was an 'accumulation of behavior.'

Where I can side with the NFL is with the Roethlisberger case. He was accused of raping 2 different women. One woman he was sued by and then he settled with her out of court. The other woman had witnesses saying that he sexually assaulted her and she said she didn't want to go any further because it would be too much for her to deal with.

So I can see where the NFL in that instance would think that Roethlisberger did something wrong and got away with it.

The difference here is that EE has witnesses on his side and Thompson does not. Furthermore, Thompson was shown in a sworn affidavit to have asked her friend to lie for her about the incident. And it's apparent that Thompson lied about being in a fight with another female at a club that 2 different people have sworn affidavit's that she was in that fight.

But this really comes down to the about face from the Columbus DA. I can't reconcile that in September 2016 he closed the case and claimed that the affidavits gave him enough evidence that Thompson was lying and in a fight with a female at a bar and now the DA's office is claiming that they generally believe everything Thompson has said.

I hate Goodell as much as the next person, but the Columbus DA has a lot of explaining to do and may be the real bad guy in all of this mess.

Why didn't he arrest EE if he believed he assaulted Thompson and he had photos of the bruises from Thompson?

Why did he not go after Thompson when he saw the text messages? That is giving a false statement to police and tampering with witnesses. That is against the law. And you are supposed to arrest and prosecute those that break the law.

Why did he close the case citing the affidavits and the texts and now states that he believes everything Thompson stated?

You got that right. I'm one hundred percent behind the players next time, something I've never been before. Even if it's a long holdout I don't care. Sick of all this nonsense. Sports should be fun. If I wanted to watch Law & Order I'd turn that on not the NFL.
I'm not a big proponent of the way the NFL is run, but I understand they face numerous other external forces which have lead them to be particularly hard on domestic violence accusations in the last couple of instances.

Problem is twofold for me: 1) What is the great Roger Goodell's plan if someone gets cleared? "oops! Our bad". 2) The inconsistency is ridiculous. It feels a lot like Goodell is just guessing.
You are correct. According to the NFL it was based off the DV case only. That's their own written words.

Again, the media got people all into a hysteria by pumping in inaccurate reports that it was an 'accumulation of behavior.'

Where I can side with the NFL is with the Roethlisberger case. He was accused of raping 2 different women. One woman he was sued by and then he settled with her out of court. The other woman had witnesses saying that he sexually assaulted her and she said she didn't want to go any further because it would be too much for her to deal with.

So I can see where the NFL in that instance would think that Roethlisberger did something wrong and got away with it.

The difference here is that EE has witnesses on his side and Thompson does not. Furthermore, Thompson was shown in a sworn affidavit to have asked her friend to lie for her about the incident. And it's apparent that Thompson lied about being in a fight with another female at a club that 2 different people have sworn affidavit's that she was in that fight.

But this really comes down to the about face from the Columbus DA. I can't reconcile that in September 2016 he closed the case and claimed that the affidavits gave him enough evidence that Thompson was lying and in a fight with a female at a bar and now the DA's office is claiming that they generally believe everything Thompson has said.

I hate Goodell as much as the next person, but the Columbus DA has a lot of explaining to do and may be the real bad guy in all of this mess.

Why didn't he arrest EE if he believed he assaulted Thompson and he had photos of the bruises from Thompson?

Why did he not go after Thompson when he saw the text messages? That is giving a false statement to police and tampering with witnesses. That is against the law. And you are supposed to arrest and prosecute those that break the law.

Why did he close the case citing the affidavits and the texts and now states that he believes everything Thompson stated?


Wow. I'm learning a lot tonight. And I'm starting to think Zeke should just keep his head down, serve his suspension, and walk the straight and narrow from here on out. There's clearly more to this than I thought, and maybe that's why the NFL took over a year to make it's decision. They may be erring on the side of Thompson just to save face in the public eye, but all in all it's still not fair to Elliott. And he may not be able to do a thing about it.
So you think sexual assault should not be prosecuted? She was with him and did not take issue with it. She went with him to Miami.

Sexual assault involves the girl saying no. Great to see we have yet more men that don't even care what the woman's opinion is.

There's always circumstances with any crime that can lead to it not being prosecuted. If someone was beaten to a pulp for no reason, odds are an assault occurred and anyone would agree that the person responsible needs to prosecuted. However, if we are talking about a punch in the face, it still an assault, but for what ever reason, charges may not be filed. Maybe the victim feels like they provoked the person, and decided they don't want to go through with charges.

And clearly it matters what she thinks, because I did not say he needed to be prosecuted, however unless she gave him consent prior to, that's sexual assault.
Of course the DA is going to say he believes a domestic "victim". His office gets a whole bunch of federal grant $ to be tough on doemstics. And like most prosecutors he probably wants to be a judge and can't appear soft on crime. All the more reason to think Zeke is innocent. If they had ANYTHING at all they would have prosecuted him and let the jury decide. Look at Jourdan Lewis, they charged him over a pillow fight.
I don't think that's true. There have been domestic assault cases that have been prosecuted even when the victim, for fear, didn't testify. As long as you have witnesses who can testify that a crime has occurred and the evidence to support that testimony, a case can be brought.

Didn't testify and not accusing the person are two different things. You can accuse somebody of a crime and still not testify.

But you're also talking about a completely different level of crime.

Again, we are talking about something that would be labeled as simple battery or more likely indecent exposure. Or in the examples I've provided, far less serious crimes like theft, trespassing, etc.

Getting into rape, felonious assault, etc. is a whole different story. If the DA felt the woman was sexually assaulted...EE would have been arrested. If the woman went to the police and said that she did not consent to that happening and she wants to press charges...EE would have been arrested.

I'm not a big proponent of the way the NFL is run, but I understand they face numerous other external forces which have lead them to be particularly hard on domestic violence accusations in the last couple of instances.

Problem is twofold for me: 1) What is the great Roger Goodell's plan if someone gets cleared? "oops! Our bad". 2) The inconsistency is ridiculous. It feels a lot like Goodell is just guessing.
I'm not for DV. I hated what Ray Rice did. I was against signing Greg Hardy. My problem is where is the evidence and there is no consistency . The NFL throws things out seeing which way the wind blows. How is it that Elliott gets 6 games with no proof and others only get one or two when there is proof?Elliott is getting hit harder than others because the NFL messed up in the past. He's paying for Roger Goodell's sins. He's not an honorable man. He's a snake.
You are correct. According to the NFL it was based off the DV case only. That's their own written words.

Again, the media got people all into a hysteria by pumping in inaccurate reports that it was an 'accumulation of behavior.'

Where I can side with the NFL is with the Roethlisberger case. He was accused of raping 2 different women. One woman he was sued by and then he settled with her out of court. The other woman had witnesses saying that he sexually assaulted her and she said she didn't want to go any further because it would be too much for her to deal with.

So I can see where the NFL in that instance would think that Roethlisberger did something wrong and got away with it.

The difference here is that EE has witnesses on his side and Thompson does not. Furthermore, Thompson was shown in a sworn affidavit to have asked her friend to lie for her about the incident. And it's apparent that Thompson lied about being in a fight with another female at a club that 2 different people have sworn affidavit's that she was in that fight.

But this really comes down to the about face from the Columbus DA. I can't reconcile that in September 2016 he closed the case and claimed that the affidavits gave him enough evidence that Thompson was lying and in a fight with a female at a bar and now the DA's office is claiming that they generally believe everything Thompson has said.

I hate Goodell as much as the next person, but the Columbus DA has a lot of explaining to do and may be the real bad guy in all of this mess.

Why didn't he arrest EE if he believed he assaulted Thompson and he had photos of the bruises from Thompson?

Why did he not go after Thompson when he saw the text messages? That is giving a false statement to police and tampering with witnesses. That is against the law. And you are supposed to arrest and prosecute those that break the law.

Why did he close the case citing the affidavits and the texts and now states that he believes everything Thompson stated?


DA's are elected officials. The statute of limitations is not likely over and Zeke has not been prosecuted. There is nothing holding them back.

Anywho, it does not play well to the public at large to side against women in these disputes. The knee jerk reaction is to side with the women and most people are lazy and do not want to look into something before passing judgment.

Actions speak much louder than words.
DA's are elected officials. The statute of limitations is not likely over and Zeke has not been prosecuted. There is nothing holding them back.

Anywho, it does not play well to the public at large to side against women in these disputes. The knee jerk reaction is to side with the women and most people are lazy and do not want to look into something before passing judgment.

Actions speak much louder than words.

SOL on most misdemeanors is one year so it has run. This is nothing but BS from a guy wanting to be judge someday. If he had a case he would have filed it. Period
Problem is twofold for me: 1) What is the great Roger Goodell's plan if someone gets cleared? "oops! Our bad".

What's scary for me is that if we prove this beyond a reasonable doubt, Goodell will likely do whatever he can to suppress that evidence from coming out.

It's likely there are a lot of facts we don't know - when you have PIs on the job the digging they do is thorough and over the top. How many pieces to the puzzle are we missing, what's the real story here? They told him he needs counselling and threatened him with a lifetime ban if it happens again. As much as I wanted this all to go away, the signs point to there being something solid here that the league acted on. It's not Ray Rice solid, but they were able to connect enough dots. I just hope Zeke connects the dots that he needs to change his conduct.

That's what people are saying that can't explain this any other way. If there is more evidence then they would bring it forward as justification. Stop trying to explain it away with this.
Below is from that ruling from the appeals court, the issue important to Zeke will be bolded:

I expect that Zeke will have a hell of a case over the issue of fairness.
There is the issue of precedence.... the going rate for a DV with no conviction or plea was 0 games for the longest time...... they instituted a new policy calling for 6 games after RRice but the JBrown case will be hard to ignore... also Hardy got 4 games but he a no binding Bench trial guilty verdict

I can' think of any one else that has been suspended under the new policy but its implementation will be attacked if not certified by the NFLPA..... there are many avenues to go with his defense but the fact he wasn't even arrested and none of the so-called evidence was cross-examined will be a big factor

The NY judge that ruled for Brady last year ruled more on the facts of the case and not the procedural side that Courts overseeing CBA battles deal with....for Zeke and the NFLPA it is worth a fight to SCOTUS to reign in Goodell and his Special Investigators
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