we arent talking about something new that happened. Coach 1 and done built that name. We are talking about this because if you gamble, this was the heavy favorite to win, surprise, it won. WE are talking about it because yes, hes had 13 win teams, and still made 0 noise in the play offs. How do you do that and keep your job? Oh the number defense for him, "if Garrett has great players at every position, he ll win" Dear lords if only bad coaches had that dream boat scenario.
I didnt make him 1 and done. I didnt tell the team to come out flat, to give up on their game plan. Dallas neutralized the best RB in the league, HES ON THEIR TEAM.
You get in Rods face "you keep pressusing that SOB" nope
You get in linehans face "keep running" nope
You look at your roster "why am i playing butler in a playoff game"? check.
"good news guys, this is the only roster in the NFL to have Lance " I havent done anything " Dunbar on the roster" check,
"hey guys, we dont have much going for us, but we got the RKGs thing going for us" check
"hey guys, the other team lost their saftey, lets not exploit that" check.
The list goes on and on.
He has been giving every excuse under the sun, he has had a coaching staff do over. Somehow somewhere at sometime Jerry or Stephen has to point the finger at Garrett.