Jason Garrett on the open market


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I am confused why people keep posting about Jason becoming the GM. Why would you think that?

Number one Jerry is the GM & said he intends to be so for many years. In other words till the old coot dies. He thinks he's a great one.

Number 2 he has a son who sits at his feet day in & day out & why would he let Jason take a job I'm sure his daddy has told him for years will be his one day.

If nothing else the Jones clan hangs together. They aren't going to give that job to Jason Garrett.


Pixel Pusher
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He would get a head coaching job.

Nah. Even if a team didn't feel like he was out of his depth, 3 years of 8-8 does not inspire a lot of confidence. It'd be like Jack Del Rio leaving the Jags after years of failure and being hired as a HC - even a bad team. Why would a bad team hire another bad teams head coach? That'd make no sense.

If he's really lucky, he'll land an OC job someplace.

Speaking of Del Rio, he comes from a somewhat similar place as Garrett - former player that got big boy pants before he was ready having only had about 4 years of coaching experience before the Jags tagged him as Head Coach.

Garrett was just lucky to land at a team with an established QB and a few playmakers. If Garrett had inherited a truly bad team, there's a good chance he would have been fired already after a couple of 3-5 win seasons.

Garrett needs to suck it up and do what he should have done - work his way up. He needs to get a job where he can ask questions. That's very hard to do when you're in a position of leadership and expected to have all the answers. I think he could be a good coach with 4 or 5 more years of experience under his belt.

Then again, I say all this, but Garrett has also proven that he has the ability to have people give him things he hasn't earned so who knows, maybe he sweet talks his way into the Detroit job or something


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That's an awful question. When does that happen? Honestly?

I don't think Green Bay (without Rodgers) or Detroit are better teams.

I don't think Washington was better last year but we made them look like Super Bowl contenders.

We blew it against a whole host of teams in 2011 that I don't really think were better than us. Detroit, New York Jets, New York Giants twice, Philadelphia twice, Arizona.


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What's your opinion? I think he will have to drop down to college and work his way up. I can't see another NFL team wanting to run his offense. I think there will be better OC candidates out there for NFL teams.
If I was him I would try to find a good HC gig in the college ranks and stay there.

My honest opinion is that he has a much higher reputation in the league than any complaining Cowboys fan can imagine. But we can all proclaim our opinion and until Garret is gone it is a moot point, and only after he is gone will we ever know the answer to the question.


Fattening up
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I don't think Green Bay (without Rodgers) or Detroit are better teams.

I don't think Washington was better last year but we made them look like Super Bowl contenders.

We blew it against a whole host of teams in 2011 that I don't really think were better than us. Detroit, New York Jets, New York Giants twice, Philadelphia twice, Arizona.

I think you're just thinking we have a better team than we actually do. We've been the definition of middling the last three seasons, and our record against both winning and losing teams is pretty clear cut. We beat the teams we should for the most part, and lose to teams who have QBs. Because we can't stop opposing teams' passing games.


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Nah. Even if a team didn't feel like he was out of his depth, 3 years of 8-8 does not inspire a lot of confidence. It'd be like Jack Del Rio leaving the Jags after years of failure and being hired as a HC - even a bad team. Why would a bad team hire another bad teams head coach? That'd make no sense.

If he's really lucky, he'll land an OC job someplace.

Speaking of Del Rio, he comes from a somewhat similar place as Garrett - former player that got big boy pants before he was ready having only had about 4 years of coaching experience before the Jags tagged him as Head Coach.

Garrett was just lucky to land at a team with an established QB and a few playmakers. If Garrett had inherited a truly bad team, there's a good chance he would have been fired already after a couple of 3-5 win seasons.

Garrett needs to suck it up and do what he should have done - work his way up. He needs to get a job where he can ask questions. That's very hard to do when you're in a position of leadership and expected to have all the answers. I think he could be a good coach with 4 or 5 more years of experience under his belt.

Then again, I say all this, but Garrett has also proven that he has the ability to have people give him things he hasn't earned so who knows, maybe he sweet talks his way into the Detroit job or something

Well done.


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Let's say Garrett got served his walking papers Monday morning. After yet another 8-8 season Jerry had enough and decided to move on.

Where would he end up? In what capacity?

No shot he gets another HC gig, right?

Anything is possible. Wade Phillips got 3 Head Coaching jobs and he was a bigger failure at each than Garrett has been.


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My crystal ball is currently out of service so I don't know. I will say however no matter where he goes and no matter what position he takes, posters here will say we made a mistake letting him go and wherever he goes will automatically be deemed a better team.


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He would get a head coaching job.

Not in you wildest hallucinations. Unless you are referring to a head coaching job in high school or some Ivy League school like Princeton or Harvard. Cam Cameron says hello from LSU as the offensive coordinator.

Reverend Conehead

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Let's say Garrett got served his walking papers Monday morning. After yet another 8-8 season Jerry had enough and decided to move on.

Where would he end up? In what capacity?

No shot he gets another HC gig, right?

Head coach at a high school somewhere.


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I think you're just thinking we have a better team than we actually do. We've been the definition of middling the last three seasons, and our record against both winning and losing teams is pretty clear cut. We beat the teams we should for the most part, and lose to teams who have QBs. Because we can't stop opposing teams' passing games.

We've been the definition of middling because we keep losing games we shouldn't be losing against teams we really shouldn't be losing to. See: NYJ/Det/Arizona games in 2011, GNB/Det games this year. All winnable games against mediocre teams that we flat out blew.

You can't convincingly tell me any of those teams were outright better than us.


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He'll end up investing in mass chains of Papa Johns and car dealerships.