Jason Garrett on the open market


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I will say this....we have yet to see Garrett coach in a normal circumstance (without 100% certifiable nut case owner/gm). Until I see Garrett coach in situation where we can make decisions without the Owner in the corner with reporters contradicting things...we really don't know. Its entirely possible Garrett is not an NFL HC. But it wouldn't surprise me one bit to see him go to another organization and have success and become one of the longest tenure coaches. Jerry just muddles the waters so much on coaches and players its almost impossible to get good read on it until they go to sane organization.

you are sort of countering your own argument though
if garett cant really be effective with jerry being there, and jerry will be there next year.... that is all the more reason to get rid of someone you know wont be effective in the situation

with garrett you already know he will not be effective
at least with another HC you dont know


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Moose was on the fan the other day and made a good point. He said that unless you have a replacement ready to go you should not pull the plug on your head coach. Doing so basically means that who you replace him with will alter your offensive and defensive strategies, roster changes, drafts etc. One wrong move could set you back 10yrs easily so you'd better make sure you have the right guy on deck otherwise your better off standing pat.

As much as I've complained about Garrett I'd have to agree with moose here. I don't think Kiffen should be scapegoated either. In fact, seeing what he got out the the guys we pulled off the street has me curious to see what he can do with a healthy roster full of actual starting caliber players. Ryan was basically put in a similar position and look what he's done with a better pool of players to work with. As bad as it seems we're only really struggling because of depth issues.

I say give this staff one more off season to tweak the roster and draft some more talent. If we don't see marked improvement then its time to chop heads.
I would agree if this were a normal NFL team but the Cowboys are far from that. We have altered offensive and defensive strategies all through Garrets tenure. Switching from a 3-4 to a 4-3 has already set us back and it may be likely we could have another new defensive and offensive coordinator next year....so much for continuity. So I don't really think it matters if Garrett gets canned or not...whoever is the next HC probably wont have any say on his staff or strategies.......... if recent history is any indicator with Jerry.

Chocolate Lab

Run-loving Dino
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Moose was on the fan the other day and made a good point. He said that unless you have a replacement ready to go you should not pull the plug on your head coach. Doing so basically means that who you replace him with will alter your offensive and defensive strategies, roster changes, drafts etc. One wrong move could set you back 10yrs easily so you'd better make sure you have the right guy on deck otherwise your better off standing pat.
Wow, Moose really said that? A decade to rebuild? In today's NFL?

As if another coach even could "set us back 10 years" from this point. You'd think he was talking about replacing Belichick.

Guess the Garrett BFFs are going to defend him to the end. At least Troy seems to be able to detach his analysis from his friendship and be somewhat objective .


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I think JG would be unemployed for at least a year and possibly become a QB coach in a year or two. He could one day be an OC again but I see no way any sane GM or owner who knows anything about football would ever hire him to be a HC again seeing he hasn't learned to manage a game even after three and a half years. I could possibly see him in a GM role one day but never calling the shots on the sideline again where he has proved beyond a shadow of a doubt he is utterly and completely inept.


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Wow, Moose really said that? A decade to rebuild? In today's NFL?

As if another coach even could "set us back 10 years" from this point. You'd think he was talking about replacing Belichick.

Guess the Garrett BFFs are going to defend him to the end. At least Troy seems to be able to detach his analysis from his friendship and be somewhat objective .

If they were playing for him, they'd have a different story.


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It's a myth that Jason was hamstrung. JJ has done everything to make him succeed, he's just failed. JJ didn't bring in Dan Reeves because of Jason. Now that Jason is failing, he put an experienced OC, Callahan to help him out. He went to get him Roy Williams when the offense was suffering with his play-calling and DB were saying his passing routes were simple and don't trick anybody. He got him Felix Jones when Wade wanted Chris Johnson. Went and replaced Jacques Reeves and Anthony Henry with big name CB and then got Mo. He gave him a LT. He got him Frederik for the blitz up the middle. He got him Houck, when Wade wanted Solari.

Oh yeah, don't forget Jerry allowed Jason to make his brother passing game coordinator after a year of being a TE coach, with our revolving door of TEs that the genius crew kept selecting. Oh, we didn't even fire him, but Brian Stewart was canned pretty quick.


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Let's say Garrett got served his walking papers Monday morning. After yet another 8-8 season Jerry had enough and decided to move on.

Where would he end up? In what capacity?

No shot he gets another HC gig, right?

unemployment, other organizations can think whether we agree with them or not, and can see probably more than we can about whats going on plus get tons of insight. I think if anyone should do anything, Garrett should shake JJs hand, thank him for the opp and leave. That would be the proper thing to do. Since that wont happen, JJ wont admit to a bad mistake, not many people do, we are stuck with this mess regardless of our own opinions.


Original Zoner (he's a good boy!)
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See here is the thing, people say it doesn't matter who we hire Jerry will screw it all up etc.. but Jerry is this way because he is surrounded by enablers, every one of them, paycheck and status over substance and foundation.

So what if he hires another weakling, that guy fails Jerry takes more heat and then maybe just maybe he, or his son, get tired and hire someone substantial. Every time he screws up we are that much closer to significant change.

Garrett has been part of the enabling inner circle for almost a decade!!

We can't be afraid of the future when you know the present is a failure.


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See here is the thing, people say it doesn't matter who we hire Jerry will screw it all up etc.. but Jerry is this way because he is surrounded by enablers, every one of them, paycheck and status over substance and foundation.

So what if he hires another weakling, that guy fails Jerry takes more heat and then maybe just maybe he, or his son, get tired and hire someone substantial. Every time he screws up we are that much closer to significant change.

Garrett has been part of the enabling inner circle for almost a decade!!

We can't be afraid of the future when you know the present is a failure.

You count father Garrett, it goes back 17 plus years. And Romo got here when he and Lacewell were out of Valley Ranch, because of Parcells.


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I'm not a Garrett fan but I think you all are nuts. Garrett has a great reputation around the league and he will easily get a few interviews. Most likely lands an OC job somewhere though.

Put him in a situation with a sane owner, a real GM, and isn't a circus like the Dallas Cowboys and he'll do fine.

Nobody knows what kind of reputation he has.


Cowboys Diehard
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JG hasn't exactly distinguished himself as an OC, nor as an HC, that's for sure. He'll get another year to prove himself under the guidance of Jerry Jones. That's like having Hitler over you as your military leader. Not good.


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He would def get another oc job, things would probably have to go extremely well in that job for him to ever get another hc chance.


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you are sort of countering your own argument though
if garett cant really be effective with jerry being there, and jerry will be there next year.... that is all the more reason to get rid of someone you know wont be effective in the situation

with garrett you already know he will not be effective
at least with another HC you dont know

I don't know if Garrett would be successful or not if he was HC on another team. And I do agree he needs to go but for his own sake because Jerry has already established that he won't hesitate to undermine him at any given moment. Those are not conditions to be successful in. I still think Garrett is intelligent enough to figure this out in right situation with hands-off owner who is more supportive and less maniacal. I know most cowboys fans have formed an opinion about Garrett but they are blinded by fact that this situation was unwinnable for Garrett. And I promise you, we are having this same conversation in 2-3 years with next HC.

Next Years Champ

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He would get another job as HC as soon as another team hired Jerry as GM.....

Personally I think no matter what Jerrah retains him.

..somehow someway.

Garrett is a bright guy no matter what anybody says.

He could help this team still.

After a couple of years down the road..

even promoted to GM.

Stephen is going to need some help someday.

Garrett bleeds Silver and Blue.

I'd trust his decisions with a little more experience at the next level.


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Guess the Garrett BFFs are going to defend him to the end. At least Troy seems to be able to detach his analysis from his friendship and be somewhat objective .

I was going to say the same thing. Does anyone expect Moose to come out and say "Garrett must go".


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Personally I think no matter what Jerrah retains him.

..somehow someway.

Garrett is a bright guy no matter what anybody says.

He could help this team still.

After a couple of years down the road..

even promoted to GM.

Stephen is going to need some help someday.

Garrett bleeds Silver and Blue.

I'd trust his decisions with a little more experience at the next level.

Other then knowing he went to princeton I can't imagine what you have seen to think this. Being book smart and being a football guy are two very different things. After 7 years of running an offense and 55 games as a head coach i have seen some of the worst game management in the league, i have seen no creativity or ability to adjust at half time. He is a nice guy who is school smart but brings nothing to the table in regards to football. I do agree that jerry will keep him because he looks at him as his adopted son and doesnt really care about winning. I believe he will continue to be captain 8-8 every year. I think this will be the biggest mistake in Jerrys tenure and i also believe it will finally have a financial impact on him as many like me will not spend a dime for a game or a jersey or the direct tv season ticket until the coach changes.


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It's a myth that Jason was hamstrung. JJ has done everything to make him succeed, he's just failed.

I'm thinking that you have not factored in the recent signing of Jon Kitna. This move demonstrated what thinking outside the box can do for a team. Jason was creative and very slick with this move and I betcha this move alone is making you change your mind about our coach. Be honest, is the Kitna signing making you want Garrett as the long-term head coach of the Dallas Football Cowboys?