Jerry Is Imploding Right Before Our Eyes


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Shouldnt the “leader” of the team, Dakota Rayne Prescott, have shown the “leadership” all his apologists (including yourself) always tell us he is so great at? Where was all that “leadership “???? Shouldnt it show up WHEN IT COUNTS not ‘next time’?
he tried, didn't you see the fist bumps in the huddle? lmao, I don't think I saw him on the sidelines doing crap, but at the least, he wasn't sitting on the bench with his head down like usual, with a towel on his head moping up the fear sweat. I wonder when he's going back for his master's in workforce leadership. When he gets that, nobody can hold us back from the super bowl.


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Who cares if Jerry is imploding.. the entire coaching staff along with a few of the players should have been shown the exit about 30 minutes after the end of the GB game. DQ and everyone associated with the defense can go.. I hope he takes them all with him and don't like the door hit'em on the way out.


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Jerry isn’t imploding. He is reveling. He loves this attention and all the microphones in his face. The only thing that would really bother him is if the national pundits stopped talking about his team and nobody cared.


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CowboysZone LOYAL Fan
Jerry Says He Likes To keep The Continuity With The Likes Of Mike McCarthy, Coordinator Staff Members etc; Going Forward For Best Success..
The Problem Is After Losing DQ Joe Whitt Jr. Possibility Many More To Follow And The Likelihood Of Al Harris Throws Out Jerry's Narrative..

So Much For Continuity..And Jerry Is Imploding Right Before Our Eyes..
And I Thought It Couldn't Get Even Worse After The GB Debacle But It Has And It's Going To Get Worse And The Regular Season Hasn't Even Started Yet.

:banghead: :banghead: :banghead: :banghead:
Meth? Cocaine? Whatever it is, you should stop it. You’re imploding right before our eyes.


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You really gotta love our fan base I've never seen so much overreactions year to year after failures in a playoffs especially given the fact it sounds like we're talking about a team that was 5-12 versus 12-5, literally some three of the best years we've had strung together meaning consistency and winning since the mid 90s... this team over the last three years has won 36 games, two division titles, and three straight playoff appearances....

But when you listen to the fan base there's no middle ground that we're on the verge of imploding, everything's a mess, and nothing's gone right and we're in turmoil just because we lost some coaches...

Yes it's disappointing when you don't go further in the playoffs and you keep ending in the same spot year to year, however it could be worse ,

again there's no middle ground you think every player who's not a pro bowler or an all pro they all suck, that's what people talk about in here there's no such thing as somehow middle ground there's only terms like you're either the best or you suck...

Some of you maybe need to get a grip seriously I realize it's a disappointment but we're one of the best teams in the NFL we have been for quite a long time.​
I get that we're not getting to where we need to get to and yes it's disappointing but you guys talk about us like we're one of the worst teams in the NFL you didn't call everything average and overrated you do realize when you're 32 teams in the league 16 would be average we are far from 16 we have finished in the top six many years in the last decade....​
It just gets so old that maybe some of you need to experience three years in a row that you're actually do suck where you actually don't make the playoffs where you might win five games and then you get the pick in the draft I mean is that your Super Bowl do you just like being in the top five of the drafts do you like getting all the free agents because you have plenty of money to do so and yet you it might only improve you to 8 games somehow you want to make all this sound as if this is the worst thing ever in the NFL we're one of the worst teams on the planet by falling short in the playoffs three straight years...

I'm not saying we're not allowed to discuss it but the reactions in here to everything are either it's all or nothing no middle ground!

we are not a bad team, we are not ready to implode and even if we have a bad season like in 2020 we seem to bounce back pretty fast... some of you are really wishing that we lose a lot of games two or three years in a row so Jerry gives up and changes or sells the team I mean no real fan in his right mind would wish for us to have that kind of miserable seasons without any actual proof that Jerry would sell the team and leave or somehow change his philosophy and hire a new GM and somehow have any proof that that would change anything anyway.....


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Jerry Says He Likes To keep The Continuity With The Likes Of Mike McCarthy, Coordinator Staff Members etc; Going Forward For Best Success..
The Problem Is After Losing DQ Joe Whitt Jr. Possibility Many More To Follow And The Likelihood Of Al Harris Throws Out Jerry's Narrative..

So Much For Continuity..And Jerry Is Imploding Right Before Our Eyes..
And I Thought It Couldn't Get Even Worse After The GB Debacle But It Has And It's Going To Get Worse And The Regular Season Hasn't Even Started Yet.

:banghead: :banghead: :banghead: :banghead:
I agree with your points. Jerry has been imploding since Jimmy's talent aged out.


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It probably really doesn't bother Jerry if we went 4-13 because he and the team will be in the headlines. "what's Jerry going to do? Who will Jerry fire" He'd like to win but if he doesn't, it doesn't matter, he's in the news, he's a celebrity.
He loves the guys who support his players who everybody questions because they are being talked about. LMAO......remember to scout the draft and look at the available FA's and coaches.
Remember, Jerry loves you. good day.
Good point. Jerry knows majority of his fans will continue to buy merchandise and support the team, regardless of how he manages it. The fans have proved him right over 28 years...and counting. Jerry's the best GM for the Boys, just ask him.


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I agree with your points. Jerry has been imploding since Jimmy's talent aged out.
You all might wanna look up the word imploding the fact that you agree with this guy is very dangerously close to I don't know a good word for it but crazy comes to mind....

We may have fell short of
expectations, but we are far from an imploding franchise or team...

You really got to love our fan base I've never seen so much overreactions year to year after failures in a playoffs especially given the fact it sounds like we're talking about a team that was 5-12 versus 12-5, literally some three of the best years we've had strung together meaning consistency and winning since the mid 90s... this team over the last three years has won 36 games, two division titles, and three straight playoff appearances....

But when you listen to the fan base there's no middle ground that we're on the verge of imploding, everything's a mess, and nothing's gone right and we're in turmoil just because we lost some coaches...

Yes, it's disappointing when you don't go further in the playoffs and you keep ending in the same spot year to year, however it could be worse ,

again, there's no middle ground you think every player who's not a pro bowler or an all pro they all suck, that's what people talk about in here there's no such thing as somehow middle ground there's only terms like you're either the best or you suck...

Some of you maybe need to get a grip seriously I realize it's a disappointment but we're one of the best teams in the NFL we have been for quite a long time.
I get that we're not getting to where we need to get to and yes it's disappointing but you guys talk about us like we're one of the worst teams in the NFL you didn't call everything average and overrated you do realize when you're 32 teams in the league 16 would be average we are far from 16 we have finished in the top six many years in the last decade....
It just gets so old that maybe some of you need to experience three years in a row that you're actually do suck where you actually don't make the playoffs where you might win five games and then you get the pick in the draft I mean is that your Super Bowl do you just like being in the top five of the drafts do you like getting all the free agents because you have plenty of money to do so and yet you it might only improve you to 8 games somehow you want to make all this sound as if this is the worst thing ever in the NFL we're one of the worst teams on the planet by falling short in the playoffs three straight years...

I'm not saying we're not allowed to discuss it but the reactions in here to everything are either it's all or nothing no middle ground!

we are not a bad team, we are not ready to implode and even if we have a bad season like in 2020 we seem to bounce back pretty fast... some of you are really wishing that we lose a lot of games two or three years in a row so Jerry gives up and changes or sells the team I mean no real fan in his right mind would wish for us to have that kind of miserable seasons without any actual proof that Jerry would sell the team and leave or somehow change his philosophy and hire a new GM and somehow have any proof that that would change anything anyway.....


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Good point. Jerry knows majority of his fans will continue to buy merchandise and support the team, regardless of how he manages it. The fans have proved him right over 28 years...and counting. Jerry's the best GM for the Boys, just ask him.
I can promise you The Jets Browns and a bunch of other franchises didn't stop buying things or attending games the same billionaires own those teams and those teams have been far and I mean by far far worse than the Cowboys that's what fans do they wait I mean do you think the Texas Rangers stop going to games stop buying gear because they had not won anything significant ever like since 1970 the fact is the Dallas Stars the Dallas Mavericks and the Texas Rangers only have three titles in their entire existence and they're the other DFW professional teams Jerry has three titles that's as many as them and I don't care about droughts I mean yes I care I mean I would like them to finally get past a second round.....

Somehow you all have lost your minds you use words that don't make any sense there are far many teams in the NFL I mean do you think the Kansas City Chiefs just gave up on their team and they went 51 years between their titles I mean they still had fans show up they still were happy with making the playoffs or at least being a winning team in some form or fashion Bing stop buying things I see stadiums full of people wearing jerseys and hats...

If you think Super Bowls are what makes a fan then you don't know what fandom is and apparently I saw your post you have no idea what it means to be a fan... I mean think about the Eagles they only have one title since 1961 real Super Bowl ring I don't care about appearances or how they just out recently gotten a little bit better their fans did not really go away the hardcore core fans did not go away they still buy jerseys because they support the team no matter what that's what fans do nobody said you have to be happy with losing but if you think what the Cowboys have done recently somehow it looks like they're imploding I I don't know what you're thinking because when you win two division titles and go to the playoffs three straight years and win 36 games that is winning it may not be finishing off the way fans like but our team is still one of the top winning franchises since the year 2000 we are relative how do you think we're in primetime games all the time we get big time ratings people watch people support the team it's nothing to do with Super Bowls or the drought that you think is a big deal there are teams out there without even 1 Super Bowl let alone 5 in three of our five titles came from Jerry Jones...

I just don't think many of you actually get what being a real fan is you can criticize the team all you want you have that right you have a right to be unhappy that we haven't made a NFC championship game in a very long time it's not the longest drought it's not the worst it can be the fact is this team is very relative and that's why they sell merchandise and fill up the stadium there aren't 5 million people that think like you there are very little actually and that's why they're 90,000 seats at AT&T are easily filled from probably what comes from a 5 million fanbase pool that support the Dallas Cowboys so doesn't matter if we haven't made a Super Bowl in a very long time they're still going to buy stuff or watch a game they're not delusional that's what fans do!!​
Doesn't mean that's what you have to do but if you don't understand that you do not understand what a fan is really hardcore fans win or lose no matter who the coach is no matter who the owner is no matter who the GM is you follow your team the fact is it's a lot easier following the Dallas Cowboys than say The Jets are the Browns the Cowboys have been a top six team for a very long time...​


Cowboy , It’s a way of life.
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CowboysZone DIEHARD Fan
jerry doesn't care, he's making money off the name.
He loves the guys who are looking at the draft, FA, and trades that he will never make, but he's glad you guys are all in on him and his picks.
Why are you even here,. Do you even know why you like the Cowboys.


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Why are you even here,. Do you even know why you like the Cowboys.
There are casual fans, some call it bandwagon fandom, that put conditions on the ownership and the team on whether they're going to follow them or not and call themselves fans... That's not what a fan is not in my opinion you could be upset and disappointed and openly honest about what you're seeing but when you start wishing for losses and putting conditions on whether you will wear a jersey in public that says Cowboys, which I'll do even the day after a big loss, I will put on the hat and I will go to the grocery store and I don't give a **** what people think.. A real fan doesn't care who owns the team who's the quarterback what players we have how the offseason went or how many games we won or lost or how long it's been since we've been to a Super Bowl you're a fan because you're a fan the hardcore fans will always support the team even if we're unhappy and openly disappointed and yes we're allowed to be critical of the team but a lot of these dudes in here who almost wished for losses and hope that Jerry somehow gets his due by losing and being embarrassed those are not real fans... No true fan will wish a loss ever even and yes I'm gonna say this even if it's in a situation where we should tank... Nope you play all games to win and just let it all play out that's what fans support you want to win every single game they line up...


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Why should anyone not be critical of Jerry Jones?
That's not what he's saying you're allowed to be critical but wishing for impending doom and that somehow you want Jerry to feel pain at the expense of the team that's not what real fans do you can voice your opinion and be critical when you start wishing for losses and yes saying things are imploding and exaggerating if you think what's happened the last three seasons or even the last 10 years this teams in the top 6 weather they got past the second round or not we are not a terrible team this team is not been on the verge of imploding for a very long time and yet people exaggerate as if we're A 5 and 12 team and it gets old...

So go ahead be critical have an opinion on what you feel you see on the field and what you hope for this team but when you start wishing for losses and do nothing but be critical of the team 24/7 365 that is not what fans do real fans support the team no matter who owns it who coaches it or who plays in it you don't wish for losses ever.. And that goes for situations where you believe tanking's the best way to get a better draft pick no I still wish for a win if we're bad enough to be organically bad then we're gonna lose the game anyway..


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problem with enjoying jerry get destroyed, it also means we suffer because of it. I get what youre saying but that also means frustration for us as fans.
You only suffer if you allow it. Jerry is a billionaire. You are just a fan of a team who's owner is so full of himself that he fails to see he's the constant in our 28 years of failure. Don't set your expectations too high and you will not be disappointed. This team is fools gold as long as Jerry owns it.


Cowboys 24/7/365
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That's not what he's saying you're allowed to be critical but wishing for impending doom and that somehow you want Jerry to feel pain at the expense of the team that's not what real fans do you can voice your opinion and be critical when you start wishing for losses and yes saying things are imploding and exaggerating if you think what's happened the last three seasons or even the last 10 years this teams in the top 6 weather they got past the second round or not we are not a terrible team this team is not been on the verge of imploding for a very long time and yet people exaggerate as if we're A 5 and 12 team and it gets old...

So go ahead be critical have an opinion on what you feel you see on the field and what you hope for this team but when you start wishing for losses and do nothing but be critical of the team 24/7 365 that is not what fans do real fans support the team no matter who owns it who coaches it or who plays in it you don't wish for losses ever.. And that goes for situations where you believe tanking's the best way to get a better draft pick no I still wish for a win if we're bad enough to be organically bad then we're gonna lose the game anyway..
He was being sarcastic. The bulk of his posts are sarcasm. It is understandable. Jones has been the inflexible variable in the franchise equation of not getting to an NFC championship, not getting to a Super Bowl, not winning a Super Bowl.

I think it is not unreasonable to believe observers would be less critical of Jones if he removed himself as general manager. Fingers would still point at him, like any other owner, but more fingers would point at the individual he hired to put together a true Super Bowl contending team.


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Jerry Says He Likes To keep The Continuity With The Likes Of Mike McCarthy, Coordinator Staff Members etc; Going Forward For Best Success..
The Problem Is After Losing DQ Joe Whitt Jr. Possibility Many More To Follow And The Likelihood Of Al Harris Throws Out Jerry's Narrative..

So Much For Continuity..And Jerry Is Imploding Right Before Our Eyes..
And I Thought It Couldn't Get Even Worse After The GB Debacle But It Has And It's Going To Get Worse And The Regular Season Hasn't Even Started Yet.

:banghead: :banghead: :banghead: :banghead:
A DC that was more worried about his upcoming HC interviews than the Packers game took with him, a no name “passing game coordinator” that got cooked by the rookie Jordan Love and you call this unraveling? This is a blessing in disguise.