Jerry Jones: No urgency to get contract done with Lamb


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You're right. It's Jerry's fault...just like it's about 30 others owners fault. They own the team, they also own the success and failure.
That's a true statement Ranch, however the issue is that because he's also the GM, he has trouble admitting failure in a draft pick and letting them go sooner rather than much later. Other GMs utilize FA in a big way because they admit when they need help from outside their organization.

A true GM would have had Daks and Ceedees contracts sewn up or would have traded Ceedee before this came to a head


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CowboysZone LOYAL Fan
That's a true statement Ranch, however the issue is that because he's also the GM, he has trouble admitting failure in a draft pick and letting them go sooner rather than much later. Other GMs utilize FA in a big way because they admit when they need help from outside their organization.

A true GM would have had Daks and Ceedees contracts sewn up or would have traded Ceedee before this came to a head
I know the issue and I agree with you guys...but, there's no fun in that! Lol...


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He doesn't have to shut up...He owns the team and Dak & Lamb are under contract. They either play or they have to pay. Jerry has CeeDee by the gonads for this season and next. Jerry has made CeeDee an offer...either he wants to play or he can pound sand. The boys have 5 or 6 good receivers in camp.


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Honestly if we got a haul of picks like 2 1sts and a 2nd or 3rd for Lamb I would be content. CD is great but something really irked me about how he played in the GB game. Especially when that CB Alexander shoved him and he showed no emotion in return. At this point just build the defense around Micah, let Dak go and get as much as you can for CD and hope we can move up the draft next year to get a QB.
I have a better chance at dating Shakira than Dallas does at getting that for Lamb. The Chiefs didn't get that for Tyreek Hill. Lamb would get a first and maybe a 4th or 5th. At best a 1st and 3rd.


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stop trying to create issues and take sides people he's right there is no urgency because the man's under contract he also can be franchise tag lamb is not going anywhere the Cowboys have full control of his contract if you don't want to read the rest I don't care that is absolute truth Jerry shouldn't have said it but there's no rush and no urgency because he's already on a deal that pays him 1 mil a game.. and i guarantee he's not going to hold out real games and lose more millions while millions are stacking up already and fines.

i'm not taking your side this is literally the game of negotiations where both sides are playing win the public view nonsense..its classic posturing..

so?? Come on people this is just more posturing by both sides we do not know what lamb and his agents are demanding and when Jerry says these things in public for one you should ignore it but for two he's absolutely correct what's the rush literally there is no urgency because Sadie lamb is under contract and also CD lamb can be franchise tagged not just one year he could be two years we own this man's rights and I know it seems like a bad look but jamar chase is not signed Brandon iuke going through the same thing at least there's no rumors that Jerry Jones family are looking to trade city land and city lamb has not demanded a trade therefore this is just public posturing for negotiations and anybody getting caught up in the hype and somehow need to pick a side or ridiculous this is both sides are to blame for this not getting done right now we do not know what the demands of the contracts are and what the Cowboys have countered with nobody knows not a single person knows anything and I thought Eddie if it's serious we would know his agents would probably release more details about both contracts offers if they really wanted to try to smear Jerry in this front office for allegedly being cheap that doesn't seem to be the case..

By the way if anything that the wide receiver markets since Justin Jefferson have seen the gone down not up we've seen a lot of guys even tyreke kill who just was voted the best player in the NFL on the top 100 he just accepted 30 million a year for three years fully guaranteed that's 30 not 34 not 35 but 30 a lot of guys have been getting around 30 to 32 and it seems like some of these guys want 34 and $35,000,000 because they want this new trend setting I wanna be the second highest paid player in the NFL outside of quarterback and that will hold up any negotiations...


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I have a better chance at dating Shakira than Dallas does at getting that for Lamb. The Chiefs didn't get that for Tyreek Hill. Lamb would get a first and maybe a 4th or 5th. At best a 1st and 3rd.
that's why there's nothing to see here truly there is no urgency and there is no rush. the FT would demand the DC get 2 firsts for him and can match. lamb is on his last leg of how far he can take this he wont miss real game IMHO and the DC have all the leverage. so e holds out all year loses 17 il and than FT and back at it again he will NEVER get that money back and his career could take Lavion Bell turn..

this deal will get done..too much media posturing tryig to spark fan talk during slow time in sports..its working..
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CowboysZone DIEHARD Fan
He doesn't have to shut up...He owns the team and Dak & Lamb are under contract. They either play or they have to pay. Jerry has CeeDee by the gonads for this season and next. Jerry has made CeeDee an offer...either he wants to play or he can pound sand. The boys have 5 or 6 good receivers in camp.
That's it in a nutshell, the players are under contract so Jerry doesn't have "a sense of urgency", if they want to play this year under the current contract then fine.


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I'm of a mind that both Jerry and Cee Dee are still posturing, even at this late stage in the game!

I think both have more sense, than to allow this stubborn BS to continue. If not, they'll both suffer.

As a matter of fact, there's still plenty of time for them to come to some manner of an agreement.


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Your take was silly. Own it.
I don't know what about his take is silly. There are easily 5 WRs I'd take over Lamb. There are 2 WRs on multiple teams I'd take over Lamb. The only reason I would consider paying him his asking price is because he's not only good, but durable.


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He doesn't have to shut up...He owns the team and Dak & Lamb are under contract. They either play or they have to pay. Jerry has CeeDee by the gonads for this season and next. Jerry has made CeeDee an offer...either he wants to play or he can pound sand. The boys have 5 or 6 good receivers in camp.
Give me a break. Without good players you don't win, don't have fans etc. People root for the Cowboys not Jerry. You have it backwards on who has who. Ask Emmitt who had who in 1993. Narrow minded thinking. Ohhh, we can just replace Lamb, Dak, etc.. with anyone and everything will be fine.


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that's why there's nothing to see here truly there is no urgency and there is no rush. the FT would demand the DC get 2 firsts for him and can match. lamb is on his last leg of how far he can take this he wont miss real game IMHO and the DC have all the leverage. so e holds out all year loses 17 il and than FT and back at it again he will NEVER get that money back and his career could take Lavion Bell turn..

this deal will get done..too much media posturing tryig to spark fan talk during slow time in sports..its working..
I think it gets done too. Too many people think a FT is a good thing. In most cases it is not better for the team. But in all cases it is better for the owner's wallet. If they tag Lamb next season, that's like a 25M cap hit. If they signed him to a long term deal, you wouldn't see that cap hit for at least 3 years. Years the cap goes up.

The FT is good for players like Pollard or Shultz. Definitely not a WR, QB, or DE.


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The entire Eagles team disappeared last season. I think they all got raises. I guess it’s two different philosophies.
..haha.. good points. Only problem with that, Beags have had championship seasons and a super bowl within last 15 yrs.

Were still sniffing water, at the Desert Inn.


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Having the 5th year option plus two franchise tags allows the clown ownership to have no sense of urgency. The same will play out with Micah next summer.

The difference is Micah will demand a trade. I suspect CeeDee will do the same soon. Jerry of course doesn't have to grant it but man it will make things even more sour in Dallas. Not only won't you pay in free agency, but now you won't even pay your own.

Good times Cowboys fans. Good times.


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I think it gets done too. Too many people think a FT is a good thing. In most cases it is not better for the team. But in all cases it is better for the owner's wallet. If they tag Lamb next season, that's like a 25M cap hit. If they signed him to a long term deal, you wouldn't see that cap hit for at least 3 years. Years the cap goes up.

The FT is good for players like Pollard or Shultz. Definitely not a WR, QB, or DE.
Keep trying to convince us that CD lamb's not there asking for 35 million and you're not going to be able to spread that down below 25 I don't care how far you go out but we do not know the details I'm not saying it's a good thing I'm saying that's where the leverage is the man can't go anywhere he can threaten and posture all he wants but he's going to be right back in the same position next year unless they get something done we do not know the details of these contract negotiations therefore you shouldn't take a side but the franchise tag is like the fifth year option it's fair for both sides to utilize because he will get his money and whatever that tag hit is he also might get an offer for another team and get his contract while the Cowboys get two first round picks that is why it's there you act like you shouldn't use it why don't you tell the NFL to get rid of it next time if you don't like it but since you have no power I'm just stating a fact the man has no leverage you said it and I'm saying it do the team has the franchise tag as leverage he's already on his fifth year option that's more leverage and him playing for $1 million a game and somehow the fan is supposed to have empathy for the man that he's losing already about $1.5 million in fines and seems to not care about losing money like that that some of us may not even make it a lifetime in fines and we're supposed to have empathy no I'm not taking a side this deal will get done and it will not be settled in the court of public opinion and that's what they're doing here in the NFL and Jerry and lamb are all winning because it's creating news which creates ratings including this place...

so we needed ten new threads about the same thing we've been talking about for a month there's no new deal, but most realize there will be one and lamb will pay this years, and?? why the need to continually talk about the same thing when there truly no new news. Both sides posturing the art of negotiation.. No new news must need more viral threads talking about the exact opinion from both sides that they had 4 weeks ago?? .

stoke the fires....same fire same heat

PA Cowboy Fan

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That's a true statement Ranch, however the issue is that because he's also the GM, he has trouble admitting failure in a draft pick and letting them go sooner rather than much later. Other GMs utilize FA in a big way because they admit when they need help from outside their organization.

A true GM would have had Daks and Ceedees contracts sewn up or would have traded Ceedee before this came to a head
Hey Jerry wants all the credit then he can accept all of the blame. What comes around goes around.


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Yup, it’s been 30 years Jerry and you still don’t know how to run a team and it’s still just a big game to you. Please please please just step down and hire a real GM.
He knew how at first. Then his ego got in the way and he wanted to be a football personal expert.