Jerry not interested on making changes w/Zack Martins contract?

Nah he could've just said we have guys to pay. No need to make it personal. Jerry just runs his mouth too much and he did it on purpose.
It does not matter - micah is going to get ludicrous money - Martin got top guard money when his prime contract was due, honestly he's being a bit disrespectful at this point and Jerry is calling him on his crap. The Cowboys front loaded Martin like he wanted, and now he's 33 and on the backside of the contract still making double digits a year and he's holding out.

This one is rubbing a lot of fans the wrong way esp after seeing how tyron has played it. I am good with Jerry being direct
He’s negotiating in the media. Awful tactic of the Joneses. Restructure/extend the man and move on.
Hate to say it but Martin started the negotiation with the media by not handling it in the offseason and now holding out...
Hate to say it but Martin started the negotiation with the media by not handling it in the offseason and now holding out...
Yep, but Jerry should’ve stayed out of the media. Instead he opened his yap and then the name Micah came out. He knows what he’s doing but his ego causes him to do things for the wrong raisins
Martin wanted security with a heavily front-loaded contract. They gave that to him. Now it's time for Dallas to benefit, and he wants another deal.

Typical player mentality.

Tyron didn't do this. He honored his contact. Zack should show the same integrity
I think he will.
Yep, but Jerry should’ve stayed out of the media. Instead he opened his yap and then the name Micah came out. He knows what he’s doing but his ego causes him to do things for the wrong raisins
Freaking Raisins!
Oh-oooo, I knew I heard it from the Grapevine!
"<smack> Guys we are handicapped by the salary cap that we made up <smack> ...... its not our fault ...... <smack>"

God I hate these NFL owners.
Yeah, owners nowdays are greedy rich guys…
Yea that's what I said

Meanwhile Jerry is worth 14 billion dollars after doing a ****** job for the last 28 years
And what about the billionaire owner of ANY company paying a bunch of Shmoes $15 per hour?
It does not matter - micah is going to get ludicrous money - Martin got top guard money when his prime contract was due, honestly he's being a bit disrespectful at this point and Jerry is calling him on his crap. The Cowboys front loaded Martin like he wanted, and now he's 33 and on the backside of the contract still making double digits a year and he's holding out.

This one is rubbing a lot of fans the wrong way esp after seeing how tyron has played it. I am good with Jerry being direct
Fans get rubbed the wrong way whenever players want to get paid. Considering that the owners would cut the players at a moments notice though that is largely inconsequential to me.

The stupidity in what he’s saying is awesome.

Is he planning on cutting Martin this off-season? Because if he isn’t Martin is on the books anyway. Why not guarantee his 2024 salary, throw a few more million at him, etc.

Remember this is the dope that paid Elliott after a hold out but now won’t work with Martin?
I still want to know what exactly Martin is asking for. He & his agent just did a restructure in March, so it's not like they haven't already talked and come to an agreement. It just seems strange that something has changed to where he's willing to now sit out of training camp until it gets resolved.
These posts about ZM should have integrity. Some of you people I swear. Because we all know the owners (Jerry for example) always display nothing but integrity. Jerry would do anything for a buck and not think twice about it. Spare us the integrity argument.

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