JFK Assassination Conspiracy- Who Did It And Why?

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Once again a big stinking pile of nothing.

How come Thompson, Lane, and Groden never were murdered? You have people with next to nothing to do with anything getting whacked on that mysterious deaths list, yet the main guys stirring up the pot, shinning light on the conspiracy are still alive, or in Lane's case lived to be 90?
My girl has got a shot and the angle from above to the Zapruder still on the right side.
Note no wound in the back of the head. He had no wounds on the left side of his head, so a shot from the left was not possible anymore than a shot from the knoll which would have left an exit wound on the left side of his head. You just posted evidence that confirms a lone gunman.
Note no wound in the back of the head. He had no wounds on the left side of his head, so a shot from the left was not possible anymore than a shot from the knoll which would have left an exit wound on the left side of his head. You just posted evidence that confirms a lone gunman.

Also note: Jackie Kennedy was not hit. She almost certainly would have been if a shot came from the grassy knoll. If it had hit JFK from that angle, it would have gone through him and would have hit Jackie. If by some miracle it didn't hit her, the bullet would have hit side of the car beside her. All shots missed her because they came from behind.
You have to look at who gained the most from JFK dying. Lyndon B Johnson. My tin foil hat says his hand was in on the assassination. I've seen pictures of him being sworn in and he didn't look grief stricken or troubled. Oswald was just a tool that knew too much and had to die in order to keep the secrets.

The whole thing is bigger than we all know. LBJ knew what was going to happen but he wasn’t the driving force. The banks and the Jews were behind it just as they have been with everything else. Who owns the fed and who owns our government. JFK was killed mainly to keep the fed reserve intact and dimonia Nuke plant from being exploited. Our last real president or should I say last guy to do the right thing for the American people
Also note: Jackie Kennedy was not hit. She almost certainly would have been if a shot came from the grassy knoll. If it had hit JFK from that angle, it would have gone through him and would have hit Jackie. If by some miracle it didn't hit her, the bullet would have hit side of the car beside her. All shots missed her because they came from behind.
One of the craziest things I’ve read makes sense to me. Some say the shot came from the sewer drain and the guy who did it was later arrested and released. I will look for the video
One of the craziest things I’ve read makes sense to me. Some say the shot came from the sewer drain and the guy who did it was later arrested and released. I will look for the video
That is IT. It was Pennywise.:facepalm:
This is basically how I reason what happen with the conspirators and JFK had to die.

*LBJ is under Senate investigation for corruption and rumors of him being dropped from the ticket would more likely destroy him and his aspirations to be President.If dropped fighting the corruption charges would be harder to fight There is JFK,RFK,and Teddy possibly in the works for a dynasty as President. LBJ not sure he could outlive 8 years of JFK .

* LBJ is probably getting an earful from power players in the background. Buddies like HL Hunt , DH Byrd,and Clint Murchinson about millions at risk.

*The Mafia guys like Giacana & Marcello has probably said "If we go down, then everyone is going down if JFK & RFK don't stop it". That is not just LBJ,but the connection of the Mob with politicians and agencies like the CIA & FBI exposed to be in connection with them.

*Dulles,Gen. Cabell,Hoover are freaking out thinking JFK is weak on Communism,giving up on Cuba,Possibly West Berlin could fold to the Soviets,and Vietnam also being another possibility. With The Cold War and USSR getting stronger and we are looking weaker eventually even after the Cuban Missile Crisis more possibility to embolden the Soviets to attack us seeing us as weak.

*JFK is reckless by having Mafia Mistress and even a East German spy as a Mistress.If anything else it comes exposed through the news and is an embarrassment for the USA and lost respect around the world.
LBJ agrees and more likely Gen. Cabell gave the order to William King Harvey to set up a hit and the hit teams at Dealey Plaza where Cabell's brother the Mayor of Dallas could orchestrate the limo route. Harvey is CIA and the CIA have used the Mafia in hits before. Marcello despises JFK and Ferrie & Bannister work for Marcello and Oswald happens to be in the same building. He is a naïve CIA asset who is set up as the Fall Guy with the Communist being the guilty party who snuffed out JFK is the storyline they want to portray to the American people. Connections to George DeMohrenshildt and Claw Shaw helped form the conspiracy setup of a naive Oswald. Employees said minutes before Oswald was in the TSBD 2nd floor lunchroom and 90 seconds after the shooting Oswald is still seen on the 2nd floor lunchroom. I believe Oswald was on the 2nd floor the whole time. Before the shooting, the employees said Oswald was like hovering near the landline phone,most likely waiting for instructions from his CIA handler. and then realized the shooting went awry. I believe the Texas Theatre ended up being a revedous point if things got fouled up. You remember always seeing these movies where the spies meet inside the movie theatre to pass info,but the phone call about a guy sneaking into a movie without paying and half the Dallas Police Dept comes down to catch him makes little sense.
Has anyone else noticed that Timb2's list of proof includes everybody that was alive in November 1963 not named Lee Harvey Oswald? Maybe it was suicide?:facepalm:
What I have noticed is he's dredged up & placed more (verifiable) interconnected pins on the board of possible players than I'd ever considered ,to the extent that what he pointing out cannot be dismissed out of hand, especially when one takes into account the pretty much from day #1 ,the cries of foul& cover up:rolleyes:
What I have noticed is he's dredged up & placed more (verifiable) interconnected pins on the board of possible players than I'd ever considered ,to the extent that what he pointing out cannot be dismissed out of hand, especially when one takes into account the pretty much from day #1 ,the cries of foul& cover up:rolleyes:
LOL, your definition of verifiable is much different then everyone else.

Once again I will ask the questions that Timb2 and his like never answer.

1. How in almost 55 years there has been no leak in what would be a conspiracy that had hundreds if not thousands of people involved?
2. If all these mysterious deaths are true why did Mark Lane live to 90, and both Josiah Thompson and Robert Groden are still alive? I mean these conspirators killed people who had little to nothing to do with the assassination, had no power to uncover their evil deed and yet the guys that have made millions informing the public about the "truth" have lived for decades.

I know both these questions require a bit of common sense, so I don't expect an answer, just more six degrees of illusory pattern perception.

LOL, your definition of verifiable is much different then everyone else.

Once again I will ask the questions that Timb2 and his like never answer.

1. How in almost 55 years there has been no leak in what would be a conspiracy that had hundreds if not thousands of people involved?
2. If all these mysterious deaths are true why did Mark Lane live to 90, and both Josiah Thompson and Robert Groden are still alive? I mean these conspirators killed people who had little to nothing to do with the assassination, had no power to uncover their evil deed and yet the guys that have made millions informing the public about the "truth" have lived for decades.

I know both these questions require a bit of common sense, so I don't expect an answer, just more six degrees of illusory pattern perception.

This common sense of which you espouse? 1) hundreds if not thousands involved?, W.T.H. are you spewing on about with that?:huh:

2) Lane,Thompson & Groden ?would be my educated guess of literates whom have composed conspiratorial theories in published form that you've obviously perused ,yet,other than begrudgingly pointing out their accumulated wealth & age, bring absolutely zero to the table in discernment.

* although, not clicking on yer' posted 'link' it's obvious " mental disorder " verbiage is running hand in glove to a recent " Republicans are ***** " statement by GOOGLE ,being dissenters or those of questioning the stated are demeaned & labeledo_O

** which is laughable &utterly pathetic:rolleyes:
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This common sense of which you espouse? 1) hundreds if not thousands involved?, W.T.H. are you spewing on about with that?:huh:

2) Lane,Thompson & Groden ?would be my educated guess of literates whom have composed conspiratorial theories in published form that you've obviously perused ,yet,other than begrudgingly pointing out their accumulated wealth & age bring absolutely zero to the table in discernment.

* although, not clicking on yer' posted 'link' it's obvious " mental disorder " verbiage is running hand in glove to a recent " Republicans are ***** " statement by GOOGLE ,being dissenters or those of questioning the stated are demeaned & labeledo_O

** which is laughable &utterly pathetic:rolleyes:
Ridiculous. The conspiracy theorists are claiming people who saw something that did not conform to the Warren Report were dropping like flies, being murdered to keep them quiet and yet the very people writing about these murdered witnesses and connecting the dots of the conspiracy are alive and well...again common sense...why kill a no name person without the ability to expose you, but allow someone selling books, going on TV, and spreading links to you live. None of the people putting out the stuff Timb2 keeps posting have been murdered.

There are scientific studies going on and there is a conclusive link between those who are extreme conspiracy theorists and illusory pattern perception disorder, which is a disorder that forces a person to see a pattern when none exists. Further, people suffering from it refuse to see logical reasoning that disproves their perception and will instead cling to their imagined reality.
Ridiculous. The conspiracy theorists are claiming people who saw something that did not conform to the Warren Report were dropping like flies, being murdered to keep them quiet and yet the very people writing about these murdered witnesses and connecting the dots of the conspiracy are alive and well...again common sense...why kill a no name person without the ability to expose you, but allow someone selling books, going on TV, and spreading links to you live. None of the people putting out the stuff Timb2 keeps posting have been murdered.

There are scientific studies going on and there is a conclusive link between those who are extreme conspiracy theorists and illusory pattern perception disorder, which is a disorder that forces a person to see a pattern when none exists. Further, people suffering from it refuse to see logical reasoning that disproves their perception and will instead cling to their imagined reality.
I can COPY on that.
This is basically how I reason what happen with the conspirators and JFK had to die.

*LBJ is under Senate investigation for corruption and rumors of him being dropped from the ticket would more likely destroy him and his aspirations to be President.If dropped fighting the corruption charges would be harder to fight There is JFK,RFK,and Teddy possibly in the works for a dynasty as President. LBJ not sure he could outlive 8 years of JFK .

* LBJ is probably getting an earful from power players in the background. Buddies like HL Hunt , DH Byrd,and Clint Murchinson about millions at risk.

*The Mafia guys like Giacana & Marcello has probably said "If we go down, then everyone is going down if JFK & RFK don't stop it". That is not just LBJ,but the connection of the Mob with politicians and agencies like the CIA & FBI exposed to be in connection with them.

*Dulles,Gen. Cabell,Hoover are freaking out thinking JFK is weak on Communism,giving up on Cuba,Possibly West Berlin could fold to the Soviets,and Vietnam also being another possibility. With The Cold War and USSR getting stronger and we are looking weaker eventually even after the Cuban Missile Crisis more possibility to embolden the Soviets to attack us seeing us as weak.

*JFK is reckless by having Mafia Mistress and even a East German spy as a Mistress.If anything else it comes exposed through the news and is an embarrassment for the USA and lost respect around the world.
LBJ and Mafia while somewhat involved aren’t who plotted and killed jfk. They don’t own and run our government. The Jews do.
LBJ and Mafia while somewhat involved aren’t who plotted and killed jfk. They don’t own and run our government. The Jews do.
,,,er,,you mean ,like Alex reiger from 'taxi' type of Jews,,,or them Christ killing Jews from beyond the fathomable grasp of the ever devolving mental conceptualization of thought process kinda' jews ? ,,,thats boring spongiform brain parasites through your left hemispherical cerebrum as we speak?o_O
Craziest part was the body switch with Tippit. Cia had used that trick for years before this happened. Jackie said to Robert it didn't look like Jack at all and Rob agreed.
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