JFK Assassination Conspiracy- Who Did It And Why?

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First, Ruby's words were that Johnson was the only one that gained anything with the shooting, so hanging your hat on Ruby's words doesn't fit with your thoughts about all these people being involved.

Second, by this theory Johnson would have to have coordinated a mass conspiracy with the CIA, FBI, Mafia, and some "rich guys", to arrive at one plan they all agreed on and somehow all had to be a part of in some way to make it happen? That's the same question I had before, and I still think it's incredibly far fetched. I'm not one that completely discounts the idea that someone more than Oswald was involved (nor am I one that discounts that he may have acted alone), but the idea that all these groups and individuals all somehow came together and colluded under a massive conspiracy is pretty hard to swallow.
Yes a mass conspiracy ,it's called a Cabal. but who benefitted the most? LBJ..
This youtube is good and at 50 seconds you can see no shot and LBJ is already cowering down in his limo. About 1.02 you see Connally move his head sharp to the right hearing the 1st shot.
Where were you on November 22, 1963?
I was in class as a sophomore in high school when the announcement came over the loud speaker that the President had been shot and school was over that day. Some, and some were my friends, actually were excited that we are getting out early and also got a day off for his funeral.

A lot of that was the effect of family on kids, much like we learn racism from out parents. Your parents hated Kennedy, you hated Kennedy. I am a 16 year old kid in Little Rock, think the Kennedy hate wasn't strong there? My parents didn't like him but they didn't hate him and they respected the office.

But what a bunch of 16-18 year old boys didn't get at the time is how his death would affect them when they were 19-26 and the perfect draft age. I lost 4 friends to Nam and 2 of their Dads were outright Kennedy haters and I wondered how they felt when it was released that he was stonewalling his military on Nam and their sons might not have had to go? I do think they would have eventually won because of the hawkish nature and draw in Korea, America wanted a win. Let's kick some Vietnam butt.

The only thing I do know for sure was the expediency of Johnson signing the order to create the Vietnam War after taking office. That was priority 1 and the fact his family had stock and were friends with the Bell Helicopter people, a company struggling until that order was signed and the blood money came pouring in.

But the most interesting part of being a kid in Arkansas was that the loudest voice in opposition to Vietnam was our very own William Fulbright. I remember calls for him to resign, get a recall going, he's a traitor. My Dad hated what he was doing and was a hawk himself and ex military and believed we had to fight Communism wherever it was. The one thing that everyone was overlooking was Fulbright was considered the smartest man in Washington but I guess this time he was just stupid.

A few years before my Dad passed away, we reminisced about that time and heated arguments we got into over the war. We ended up in shouting matches and I left the house most of the time. But years later we were much calmer, my Dad paused and said "you were right, Bill Fulbright was right. All we did was kill 60,000 of our own people and countless others and accomplished nothing except I no longer believed that my country would do the right thing. That war changed how I looked at our leaders". That was a profound comment coming from him and resonated within me.

America is hard to define in my mind. I love my country and hate it's leaders. I can only define America by beginning with what it is not. It is not in Washington, DC. They are capable of anything for power including murder.
Yes a mass conspiracy ,it's called a Cabal. but who benefitted the most? LBJ..

Ruby said Johnson was the ONLY one who gained, not that he gained most. Calling it a cabal doesn't magically make it more likely. Accordingly, hanging your hat on what Ruby said and hanging your hat on the cabal theory are at least somewhat at odds.

Neverthess, calling it a cabal doesn't magically make it more likely. I'm sorry, but I don't see Johnson calling up Hoover and Dulles and HL Hunt and the heads of multiple crime families and numerous others saying "hey, let's all get together and kill the president". I know it wouldn't be that blunt and overt, but it still looks pretty damn far fetched. Hell, what would be the need for all of them anyway? The main piece of info needed is where the president will be located and vulnerable, and then you need to know what party is willing to carry out the killing. It doesn't take all those people being involved, with a lot more opportunity for leaks, especially over time. Frankly this theory seems more like slinging mud at everyone with the idea it has to stick to someone.
I was in class as a sophomore in high school when the announcement came over the loud speaker that the President had been shot and school was over that day. Some, and some were my friends, actually were excited that we are getting out early and also got a day off for his funeral.

A lot of that was the effect of family on kids, much like we learn racism from out parents. Your parents hated Kennedy, you hated Kennedy. I am a 16 year old kid in Little Rock, think the Kennedy hate wasn't strong there? My parents didn't like him but they didn't hate him and they respected the office.

But what a bunch of 16-18 year old boys didn't get at the time is how his death would affect them when they were 19-26 and the perfect draft age. I lost 4 friends to Nam and 2 of their Dads were outright Kennedy haters and I wondered how they felt when it was released that he was stonewalling his military on Nam and their sons might not have had to go? I do think they would have eventually won because of the hawkish nature and draw in Korea, America wanted a win. Let's kick some Vietnam butt.

The only thing I do know for sure was the expediency of Johnson signing the order to create the Vietnam War after taking office. That was priority 1 and the fact his family had stock and were friends with the Bell Helicopter people, a company struggling until that order was signed and the blood money came pouring in.

But the most interesting part of being a kid in Arkansas was that the loudest voice in opposition to Vietnam was our very own William Fulbright. I remember calls for him to resign, get a recall going, he's a traitor. My Dad hated what he was doing and was a hawk himself and ex military and believed we had to fight Communism wherever it was. The one thing that everyone was overlooking was Fulbright was considered the smartest man in Washington but I guess this time he was just stupid.

A few years before my Dad passed away, we reminisced about that time and heated arguments we got into over the war. We ended up in shouting matches and I left the house most of the time. But years later we were much calmer, my Dad paused and said "you were right, Bill Fulbright was right. All we did was kill 60,000 of our own people and countless others and accomplished nothing except I no longer believed that my country would do the right thing. That war changed how I looked at our leaders". That was a profound comment coming from him and resonated within me.

America is hard to define in my mind. I love my country and hate it's leaders. I can only define America by beginning with what it is not. It is not in Washington, DC. They are capable of anything for power including murder.

DH Byrd who was good friends with LBJ owned the TSBD. Also was granted a large defense contract to build the A-7 Corsair II . Byrd also was a member of Dallas Petroleum with George DeMohrenshildt, Bush Sr.,HL Hunt. Yes the same Byrd who put an ad in The Dallas Morning News of a picture of JFK with the saying "Wanted for Treason".The same DH Byrd who created the Civil Air Patrol where David Ferrie mentored a young 15 year old Oswald. Same Byrd who mounted the 6th floor TSBD window in his living room as a trophy.
Ruby said Johnson was the ONLY one who gained, not that he gained most. Calling it a cabal doesn't magically make it more likely. Accordingly, hanging your hat on what Ruby said and hanging your hat on the cabal theory are at least somewhat at odds.

Neverthess, calling it a cabal doesn't magically make it more likely. I'm sorry, but I don't see Johnson calling up Hoover and Dulles and HL Hunt and the heads of multiple crime families and numerous others saying "hey, let's all get together and kill the president". I know it wouldn't be that blunt and overt, but it still looks pretty damn far fetched. Hell, what would be the need for all of them anyway? The main piece of info needed is where the president will be located and vulnerable, and then you need to know what party is willing to carry out the killing. It doesn't take all those people being involved, with a lot more opportunity for leaks, especially over time. Frankly this theory seems more like slinging mud at everyone with the idea it has to stick to someone.
No LBJ probably had the former Deputy Director of the CIA General Charles Cabell initiate it. Getting William King Harvey or Cord Meyer to set up the hit and the hit teams and the CIA has used the Mob in the past for hits. Sam Giacana hated JFK(both sleeping with the same woman and Giacana fixed Chicago in 1960 for a JFK win) .Before Giacana could testify in his involvement in the CIA connections in 1975 .He was killed..Giacana had immunity to testify the CIA-Mob connections to a grand jury to assassinate Fidel Castro. Johnny Rosselini was chopped up in a barrel before he could testify before the HCSA in 1977.. Also Gen. Cabell his own brother Earle is the mayor of Dallas on 11-22-1963. General Cabell forced to resign over The Bay of Pigs just like Allen Dulles had too. Cabell called JFK a traitor after his resignation. Also Mayor Earle Cabell was a CIA asset with the new doicuments have came out recently.
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Like I also said in an earlier post J. Edgar Hoover was not the squeaky clean G-Man that was portrayed. Hoover went after bank robbers like John Dillenger and Bonnie and Clyde,but Mafia guys like Meir Lansky & Lucky Luciano skated. Hoover even went to places like Las Vegas when Bugsy Siegel was the Big Guy out there. Hoover use to say "Mafia is a Myth". Hoover hated Bobby Kennedy because Bobby is his boss as the Attorney General and busting The Mob. After Hoover died in the early 1970s is when you see the downfall of The Mob. Guys like Frank Costello, Fat Tony Salerno, The Oddfather,but before they had been OK. Hoover probably knew what happened to JFK and did nothing to stop it,just like Malcolm X's murder.LBJ made Hoover FBI director for life,maybe as a payment for his help to help cover it up. Hoover said "The public must believe Oswald acted alone". that was from a memo on Nov 24,1963. This was released recently in redacted government documents with 2.800 others that were connected to the JFK assassination approved release by Trump
Allen Dulles is put on The Warren Commission. Why? Why would you put a guy that had been fired by JFK on the Commission? Why would you put a guy who might have an ax to grind???

John McCloy former President of the World Bank is a member of the Warren Commission. What does a banker know about forensics, crime,? Yet McCloy happened to have a possible divisive interest to JFK also.

Originally a partner of the Cravath firm in New York City, New York, in 1924-1940, after the war, when McCloy left his job as the U.S. Assistant Secretary of War around November or December 1945, McCloy became a name partner in the Rockefeller-associated prominent New York law firm Milbank, Tweed, Hadley & McCloy. In that capacity, he acted for the "Seven Sisters", the leading multinational oil companies, including Exxon, in their initial confrontations with the nationalization movement in Libya as well as negotiations with Saudi Arabia and OPEC. Because of his stature in the legal world and his long association with the Rockefellers and as a presidential adviser, he was sometimes referred to as the "Chairman of the American Establishment
Now ask yourself,. "HOW DOES OSWALD HAVE A CONNECTION WITH 2 MILLIONAIRES WHO ARE MEMBERS OF DALLAS PETROLEUM"? Oswald is poor as everything and connections to DeMohrenshildt & Byrd? Even DeMohrenshildt had been at Oswald's house. The same DeMohrenshildt who wrote then CIA Director Bush SR who was also a member of Dallas Petroleum in 1963, to help get this pressure off of him from the HCSA ? The same DeMohrenshildt who blows his brains out before he has to testify to the HCSA . Yet to all you guys(Blind Zebra, Rev,Omer) there is no conspiracy.....Keep taking the blue pill
No BS Rev, what am I suppose to read Ruby's mind? He was in the Dallas police station multiple times and he wanted the Warren Commission to transfer him out of Dallas when he was caught afterwards.....

No, but you should provide a rational explanation as to why Ruby was where he should not be if he hoped to kill Oswald. We have a rational explanation for why he was there, and that's that the most important thing to him at the time was paying his stripper that money and that killing Oswald was spur of the moment and not planned. If he had actually been hired by the mob or the CIA or whoever, he would have been where Oswald was supposed to be. But he wasn't. There's also no logical reason for any organized body like the mob or CIA to hire Ruby of all people where there were so many more qualified assassins out there. Ruby's the last person you would want to rely on.
Does this look random Rev? Was Ruby there 2 other different times to pay a stripper?


The Mafia gives you a order to do a hit,you don't refuse it.
Yes but LBJ ducked even before the shooting started. Guys like Congressman Yarborough in the same limo with LBJ said he was getting low before Dealey Plaza.
That is total BS and I already proved it as much. The shooting started before Zapruder started filming a second time.
This youtube is good and at 50 seconds you can see no shot and LBJ is already cowering down in his limo. About 1.02 you see Connally move his head sharp to the right hearing the 1st shot.

The shooting began before Zapruder started filming a second time. That shows Johnson reacting to the first shot.
That is total BS and I already proved it as much. The shooting started before Zapruder started filming a second time.
Yet LBJ is only person cowering down in any of the limos....The only BS is The Warren Commission report because it is a joke and the majority of Americans have never believed it. That JFK documents have been hidden since and still even now are being concealed.
More random?
Ruby was close to the Dallas police. They were always in his club and he was frequently at the police department. This is 1963, there are no metal detecters, check points, or security. Ruby was known to be someone who wanted to be where the action is, there is no place else he would have been that weekend.
Ruby was close to the Dallas police. They were always in his club and he was frequently at the police department. This is 1963, there are no metal detecters, check points, or security. Ruby was known to be someone who wanted to be where the action is, there is no place else he would have been that weekend.
Yes especially if you have an offer you can't refuse.
Does this look random Rev? Was Ruby there 2 other different times to pay a stripper?


The Mafia gives you a order to do a hit,you don't refuse it.
Do you even think before you write? If the idea is to frame a lone nut, why kill him with a guy with mob connections? Might as well run an ad in every newspaper saying, "We are the mafia, and we did it!"
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