JFK Assassination Conspiracy- Who Did It And Why?

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Do you even think before you write? If the idea is to frame a lone nut, why kill him with a guy with mob connections? Might as well run an ad in every newspaper saying, "We are the mafia, and we did it!"
Oh OK so you can't win the argument and NOW it gets personal. Typical shill tactic.
No, but you should provide a rational explanation as to why Ruby was where he should not be if he hoped to kill Oswald. We have a rational explanation for why he was there, and that's that the most important thing to him at the time was paying his stripper that money and that killing Oswald was spur of the moment and not planned. If he had actually been hired by the mob or the CIA or whoever, he would have been where Oswald was supposed to be. But he wasn't. There's also no logical reason for any organized body like the mob or CIA to hire Ruby of all people where there were so many more qualified assassins out there. Ruby's the last person you would want to rely on.
Plus you are trying to frame Oswald as a lone nut. Ruby has mob connections it is like yelling we did it.
Oh OK so you can't win the argument and NOW it gets personal. Typical shill tactic.
Calling someone a shill the entire thread is not personal huh? I have proven again and again that you are wrong. The reason I can't win is because I don't have a video on youtube telling you it was Richard Nixon flying a drone with a gun attached that did it.
Do you need to see the Zapruder photo again where it also shows LBJ is hiding? ...The majority has never believed Oswald acted alone. NEVER.
What part of the shooting started before Zapruder filmed it don't you get? The first shot happened just after JFK turned onto Elm, a good 4 seconds before the car went behind the sign. Zapruder captured the second and third shots but not the first.
Definition of a Schill
A shill, also called a plant or a stooge, is a person who publicly helps or gives credibility to a person or organization without disclosing that they have a close relationship with the person or organization. Shills can carry out their operations in the areas of media, journalism, marketing, confidence games, or other business areas. A shill may also act to discredit opponents or critics of the person or organization in which they have a vested interest through character assassination or other
Blind Zebra,can you tell me why 2 millionaires from Dallas Petroleum have a connection to Oswald?One who hates JFK and the other blows his brains out before testifying before the HCSA?
Definition of a Schill
A shill, also called a plant or a stooge, is a person who publicly helps or gives credibility to a person or organization without disclosing that they have a close relationship with the person or organization. Shills can carry out their operations in the areas of media, journalism, marketing, confidence games, or other business areas. A shill may also act to discredit opponents or critics of the person or organization in which they have a vested interest through character assassination or other
What do I have to gain? Am I getting paid? Am I selling books or a movie? Where is my vested interest? Was I leading the plot from the womb?

I disagree with you so you resort to this as an attempt to discredit me...hypocritical much?
Blind Zebra,can you tell me why 2 millionaires from Dallas Petroleum have a connection to Oswald?One who hates JFK and the other blows his brains out before testifying before the HCSA?
LOL, the six degrees of separation again. Where is the actual proof of a link that leads to a plot? You do realize Garrison lost the case right? There was no case against Shaw or Ferry. It was coerced testimony from a criminal, drug addict that he used to build his case. It was a complete fantasy made up for his own political gains. Simply put Garrison was a crook.
Allen Dulles is put on The Warren Commission. Why? Why would you put a guy that had been fired by JFK on the Commission? Why would you put a guy who might have an ax to grind???

John McCloy former President of the World Bank is a member of the Warren Commission. What does a banker know about forensics, crime,? Yet McCloy happened to have a possible divisive interest to JFK also.

Originally a partner of the Cravath firm in New York City, New York, in 1924-1940, after the war, when McCloy left his job as the U.S. Assistant Secretary of War around November or December 1945, McCloy became a name partner in the Rockefeller-associated prominent New York law firm Milbank, Tweed, Hadley & McCloy. In that capacity, he acted for the "Seven Sisters", the leading multinational oil companies, including Exxon, in their initial confrontations with the nationalization movement in Libya as well as negotiations with Saudi Arabia and OPEC. Because of his stature in the legal world and his long association with the Rockefellers and as a presidential adviser, he was sometimes referred to as the "Chairman of the American Establishment

Darn, lets not forget the Warren Commission ... the Chief Justice of the United States, future VP and President Ford and several congressmen, both democrat and republican, also had to be in on the conspiracy.

And now we've added John D. Rockefeller, Exxon, OPEC, Libya and Saudi Arabia to the list of conspirators to go along with Johnson, HL Hunt and other "rich people" the CIA, FBI, multiple mafia organizations.

Why the hell did they need so many people, organizations and countries involved, and how is it no concrete evidence ever came out with so damn many people, organizations and countries involved?

As for McCloy, funny you referred to him by asking what a banker knew about forensics and crime. Skipping the obvious opportunity to laugh about the question of what a banker would know about crime, aside from being President of World Bank for a short time (ending 14 years before the assassination), McCloy was also a lawyer, a former Assistant Secretary of War for the United States, a former US High Commissioner for Germany where he was part of the decision making group for Germany after WWII, and an advisor to Truman and Kennedy, and then afterward to every president up to and including Reagan. So classifying him as "a banker" is pretty limited and self serving. As for what he knows about forensics, the Warren Commission, like a senate panel or jury in a trial, wasn't the one doing the forensic work and handling all the investigating themselves, they hired folks to do that and were charged with studying the material and hearing testimony and drawing conclusions from that.
Darn, lets not forget the Warren Commission ... the Chief Justice of the United States, future VP and President Ford and several congressmen, both democrat and republican, also had to be in on the conspiracy.

And now we've added John D. Rockefeller, Exxon, OPEC, Libya and Saudi Arabia to the list of conspirators to go along with Johnson, HL Hunt and other "rich people" the CIA, FBI, multiple mafia organizations.

Why the hell did they need so many people, organizations and countries involved, and how is it no concrete evidence ever came out with so damn many people, organizations and countries involved?

As for McCloy, funny you referred to him by asking what a banker knew about forensics and crime. Skipping the obvious opportunity to laugh about the question of what a banker would know about crime, aside from being President of World Bank for a short time (ending 14 years before the assassination), McCloy was also a lawyer, a former Assistant Secretary of War for the United States, a former US High Commissioner for Germany where he was part of the decision making group for Germany after WWII, and an advisor to Truman and Kennedy, and then afterward to every president up to and including Reagan. So classifying him as "a banker" is pretty limited and self serving. As for what he knows about forensics, the Warren Commission, like a senate panel or jury in a trial, wasn't the one doing the forensic work and handling all the investigating themselves, they hired folks to do that and were charged with studying the material and hearing testimony and drawing conclusions from that.
Logic and facts? Prepare to be called shill.

The problem with all of these theories is that people hear conspiracy and envision 4 or 5 guys in a dark, smokey room plotting. The problem is it does not end there. These guys are not pulling the trigger so they have to make the conspiracy bigger by bringing in hired guns. But to pull it off they need to make sure the gunman don't get caught so they need spotters and get away drivers too. Add in more guys to plant evidence to frame Oswald, and of course someone to kill him. Plus you need help from the Dallas police to pull that off so now those 4 or 5 are closer to 40 or 50. Then you have to make sure that the FBI is not digging too deep, so add another 50 or so. Add more in the Secret Service, investigators and lawyers for the Warren Commission, if not the commission itself, so we are easily over 100 people. Now all those mysterious deaths require additional assassins, so are we at 200 yet? Then we have to have newspapers and tv news not digging into it, so it is at what, 500 or 1000? Depending on the theory you also have medical, photographic, and film experts involved altering evidence. Now throw in people in the lives of these conspirators that they might have confided in. Then you have to add in the House Assassination Committee that did not uncover any people involved in the conspiracy, but just said there was a shooter on the grassy knoll based on bogus acoustic evidence. Their findings were Oswald shot Kennedy and Connally and this unknown shooter missed. They gave the conspiracy nuts a bone without giving up those involved and still stuck with the official outcome that Oswald killed the president. Clearly the conspiracy is well over 1000 people by now.

Almost 55 years, over 1000 people involved in the plot, multiple investigations, thousands of books and documentaries, thousands of documents released and what do we have?

Not a damn thing that proves that someone other than Lee Harvey Oswald did it.

Ask yourself this....If something like this were to happen today...Would Oswald be allowed to speak to the media? Hell no..Yet he was trotted out for the whole world to see..and the media to question him. Who has the power to do that? Who's idea was it to let him out in the first place...the government wanted a fall guy...plain and simple. And they wanted to portray him as a nutcase.
LOL, the six degrees of separation again. Where is the actual proof of a link that leads to a plot? You do realize Garrison lost the case right? There was no case against Shaw or Ferry. It was coerced testimony from a criminal, drug addict that he used to build his case. It was a complete fantasy made up for his own political gains. Simply put Garrison was a crook.
Yet Oswald's and Ferrie's names were in Shaw's guestbook at his home..Yet Shaw was in the CIA which they did not inform the jury.Yet the same Shaw who was the Director of the International Trade Mart in New Orleans where Oswald is seen giving Fair Play for Cuba papers out.
LOL, the six degrees of separation again. Where is the actual proof of a link that leads to a plot? You do realize Garrison lost the case right? There was no case against Shaw or Ferry. It was coerced testimony from a criminal, drug addict that he used to build his case. It was a complete fantasy made up for his own political gains. Simply put Garrison was a crook.
That jury said Garrison just didn't prove it,not that it wasn't a conspiracy. If Ferrie didn't die of supposed natural causes with 2 suicide notes in his house and also less than a week after Ferrie's name is all over the news about being Garrison's chief witness....... Wealthy right wing millionaires want to hang out with commies who are broke as everything? Guys like Byrd who hates JFK because he is too liberal is going to hire a commie like Oswald? Byrd hates JFK but a big supporter of LBJ .
So your TRUTH here is Delphine Roberts Bannister's secretary is lying because she contradicted herself. Yet Bannister's business partner Jack Martin says Oswald had been there.Also just because David Ferrie and Oswald are pictured together doesn't necessarily mean they know each other. Basically everyone is lying if it's not the official story of Oswald being a lone nut. Any witness that does not describe how it is suppose to be from the Warren Omission is just looking for celebrity. Anyone who says otherwise is a fraud and you should trust your government and guys on the Warren Commission like Allen Dulles who was fired by JFK and John McCloy who was in charge of the World Bank???? Everything else is JUST A COINCIDENCE.
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