JFK Assassination Conspiracy- Who Did It And Why?

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Reverend just too many people know each other and just happen to be meeting someone in the direct vicinity that are connected. I feel like it should be called Six Degrees of Separation of Lee Harvey Oswald. Too many connections. Same building in New Orleans yet has 2 addresses? Ferrie & Oswald pictured together when Oswald was 15 and Ferrie is a mentor.Both names appear in Claw Shaw's guest book. William Brading knows Jack Ruby but doesn't know Oswald and Jack Ruby knows Ferrie and shoots Oswald.Ferrie supposedly doesn't know Oswald yet they are in the same building working ,yet a picture shows them together when Oswald was a teenager.Marcello knows Ruby, Bannister knows Ferrie and Marcello.Bannister is from Chicago FBI and probably knew of Sam Giacana whos girlfriend Exner is sleeping with JFK who Oswald is pegged for killing JFK..Marcello knows Giacana and Ruby is also from Chicago. Ferrie who is in the CIA knows Clay Shaw who is now been confirmed in the CIA. Yes very confusing. Conspriacy is not as easy as just saying A LONE NUT did it. Like John Wilkes Booth,but Booth wasn't a lone nut, he had other conspirators who ended up being hanged, people forget that.

This is the challenge I have with Oswald doing it by himself with no other involvement from others.

Yeah, he MAY have been the loan gunman, but even if he was, I doubt he did the act without the influence of some outside entity.

In addition if he was a "lone nut" and had it in his mind to take out JFK, then why not simply admit it while in police custody? Instead he comes up with the "patsy" thing?
This is the challenge I have with Oswald doing it by himself with no other involvement from others.

Yeah, he MAY have been the loan gunman, but even if he was, I doubt he did the act without the influence of some outside entity.

In addition if he was a "lone nut" and had it in his mind to take out JFK, then why not simply admit it while in police custody? Instead he comes up with the "patsy" thing?
He was a narcissistic sociopath, he was playing with them. He thought he was smarter than they were. When they asked him why he had two ID's on him he replied with, "You figure it out." He was losing his wife in kids, he failed to kill General Walker, and when it came out that the motorcade was going past where he work it became a crime of opportunity not design.
Mary Moorman doesn't talk to the Warren Commission. One of the closest witnesses to the shooting of the President and she couldn.t help them because she sprained her ankle. Seriously??? The whole nation needs answers and she can't talk to the Warren Commission? Everyone would have thought it was their duty to help as a witness........

Seconds before the head shot and Jackie is leaning all over JFK and she comes out unscathed. Everyone thinks that killshot is far away and I say it's close and this close


Hey TimB, do you know Marianne?
*How the head blows out towards the front at 1 o'clock shows me who I suspect,Mary Moorman as the kill shot followed by the Grassy Knoll shot who blows it back to the left. I think it was a split second difference from 2nd & 3rd shot. Means atleast 2 shooters

Are you saying you think Marianne Moorman made the kill shot???????
Are you saying you think Marianne Moorman made the kill shot???????
Yes because things to add up right with her. Everyone looks at her as a witness but not a possible suspect. Ask her some questions.

1-Why did she not talk to the Warren Commission investigators saying she had a sprained ankle and could not make it?......The Free World's Leader has just been slain and she is one of the closest to the fatal shot and she can't get there???? She has her husband who couldn't take her there? She and husband are suppose to be friends with a bunch cops,they couldn't give her a police escort there? No one could take her there? She couldn't have talked over the phone to them? It couldn't be because she had to make a statement to the police already and worried she might slip up and have a conflict,like she spoke to the local news saying she stepped onto the street to get the photo,but Zapruder film showed she was on the grass.

2-Moorman did not feel the need to question why Bill Greer stopped the limo close to her and give investigators information that might help find any other conspirators.Why would Bill Greer stopped the limo when his training would told him to floor it and never brake?Maybe investigators needed to look into Bill Greer.

3-Why does Mary feel she needed to get a photo of the back of JFK's head when most people would want a picture of his face? She came there to just get a pic of the back of his head.

4-Why after Mary talked to several friends who were cops who thought Officier Tippit was a dirty cop and had a hand in it,she didn't say anything of this connection to authorities? She talked freely about Tippit possibly being involved when selling the camera at an auction just couple of years ago. Maybe she didn't know by the Warren Commission time, but she could have said something in 1977 to Congress when the investigation was reopened.

5- Did she hear shots coming over her head because JFK's head exit wound is at 1 o'clock and she is parallel at 7 o'clock? Yes that headshot lines up to her if you look at the Zapruder Film. She is in the line of fire is what I see.

6- Moorman did not feel it was important that maybe she could have seen a Grassy Knoll shooter which the crowd ran up to find even her friend Jean Hill? Did she see someone?

7-Does she always stand legs far apart when taking a photo with her legs place similar to a military standing rifle stance?
How did she shoot him without having an entry wound on the left side of his head?
I don't know.Why don't you ask the Texas hospital team who several said he had a huge hole in the back of his head? ...Nice comeback to where you think Moorman did not have a shot and I just showed you in that link that she did. I think that shot was close not far away like everyone says.
I don't know.Why don't you ask the Texas hospital team who several said he had a huge hole in the back of his head? ...Nice comeback to where you think Moorman did not have a shot and I just showed you in that link that she did. I think that shot was close not far away like everyone says.
The doctors at Parkland described a wound on the RIGHT side of his head in the parietal area spreading back to the occipital. I suggest you read their testimony from the Warren report, particularly the parts where they saw the autopsy report and that it was correct with what they saw. They also all said that they did not fully examine the wound, and never lifted his head or turn him over. Kind of hard to see a hole in the BACK of the head when you did not see the BACK of the head.
I won't post it but here is a link that clearly shows the direction of the head shot. https://giphy.com/gifs/headshot-PvPkHHvT0aJhu
Here is the Moorman photo that corresponds w Z 312-313.

So two things:
1. From this angle there would have to be an entry wound on THE LEFT SIDE OF HIS HEAD. There was not a wound on the left side.
2. You can see the grassy knoll and you can clearly see that the angle there is also completely wrong for the wound JFK suffered. His head is facing down and away so a bullet hitting him from the knoll would have come out by Jackie's elbow.

Thanks for your ridiculous theory though, because I got to destroy two conspiracy theories with one picture...lol
I don't believe Oswald could have made those shots but end of day, whomever it was is likely dead and gone. President Kennedy is still dead and even if we could figure out what really happened, it wouldn't change anything.

Let it go I say........

I believe I could have made those shots, and I'm not a great marksman. I visited that building and saw for myself that JFK was not that far away from Oswald. Oswald was Marine Corps trained and had sufficient time owning that rifle to get good at its use. So I believe he could have and did make those shots.
I believe I could have made those shots, and I'm not a great marksman. I visited that building and saw for myself that JFK was not that far away from Oswald. Oswald was Marine Corps trained and had sufficient time owning that rifle to get good at its use. So I believe he could have and did make those shots.
And because of the mistake in shot sequence the Warren Report had it was actually almost twice as long. The first shot was rushed hit the street light and caused the Tague hit. That early shot was established by witness testimony and photographs that were taken flinching from a shot right over their head. It was not bam hit both men...bam miss...bam head shot in about 6 seconds. It was bam miss.........bam hit..........bam head shot in just under 12 seconds. Through the scope Kennedy looked like he was about 90 feet away and Oswald graded out as a marksman in the Marines shooting at targets over 3 times that far without a scope.
Yes because things to add up right with her. Everyone looks at her as a witness but not a possible suspect. Ask her some questions.

1-Why did she not talk to the Warren Commission investigators saying she had a sprained ankle and could not make it?......The Free World's Leader has just been slain and she is one of the closest to the fatal shot and she can't get there???? She has her husband who couldn't take her there? She and husband are suppose to be friends with a bunch cops,they couldn't give her a police escort there? No one could take her there? She couldn't have talked over the phone to them? It couldn't be because she had to make a statement to the police already and worried she might slip up and have a conflict,like she spoke to the local news saying she stepped onto the street to get the photo,but Zapruder film showed she was on the grass.

2-Moorman did not feel the need to question why Bill Greer stopped the limo close to her and give investigators information that might help find any other conspirators.Why would Bill Greer stopped the limo when his training would told him to floor it and never brake?Maybe investigators needed to look into Bill Greer.

3-Why does Mary feel she needed to get a photo of the back of JFK's head when most people would want a picture of his face? She came there to just get a pic of the back of his head.

4-Why after Mary talked to several friends who were cops who thought Officier Tippit was a dirty cop and had a hand in it,she didn't say anything of this connection to authorities? She talked freely about Tippit possibly being involved when selling the camera at an auction just couple of years ago. Maybe she didn't know by the Warren Commission time, but she could have said something in 1977 to Congress when the investigation was reopened.

5- Did she hear shots coming over her head because JFK's head exit wound is at 1 o'clock and she is parallel at 7 o'clock? Yes that headshot lines up to her if you look at the Zapruder Film. She is in the line of fire is what I see.

6- Moorman did not feel it was important that maybe she could have seen a Grassy Knoll shooter which the crowd ran up to find even her friend Jean Hill? Did she see someone?

7-Does she always stand legs far apart when taking a photo with her legs place similar to a military standing rifle stance?

I doubt I’ll affect what you believe, but I know Maryanne and can tell you you’re way off base here. By the way, I’m pretty sure she still has the camera today.
The doctors at Parkland described a wound on the RIGHT side of his head in the parietal area spreading back to the occipital. I suggest you read their testimony from the Warren report, particularly the parts where they saw the autopsy report and that it was correct with what they saw. They also all said that they did not fully examine the wound, and never lifted his head or turn him over. Kind of hard to see a hole in the BACK of the head when you did not see the BACK of the head.
I won't post it but here is a link that clearly shows the direction of the head shot. https://giphy.com/gifs/headshot-PvPkHHvT0aJhu
Here is the Moorman photo that corresponds w Z 312-313.

So two things:
1. From this angle there would have to be an entry wound on THE LEFT SIDE OF HIS HEAD. There was not a wound on the left side.
2. You can see the grassy knoll and you can clearly see that the angle there is also completely wrong for the wound JFK suffered. His head is facing down and away so a bullet hitting him from the knoll would have come out by Jackie's elbow.

Thanks for your ridiculous theory though, because I got to destroy two conspiracy theories with one picture...lol

You have absolutely nothing that have you have proven. Too many connections of the suspects and you are like your name BLIND. Blind Zebra more like a Blind Sheep. Same building in New Orleans for Oswald , Ferrie, and Bannister,but different addresses. Ferrie & Oswald in Claw Shaw visitors book at his home. Keep schilling .
I doubt I’ll affect what you believe, but I know Maryanne and can tell you you’re way off base here. By the way, I’m pretty sure she still has the camera today.
There is a Youtube where she talks of Tippit,JFK and it was when she was auctioning the camera. Look for it on YOUTUBE she is like in her late 80s
You have absolutely nothing that have you have proven. Too many connections of the suspects and you are like your name BLIND. Blind Zebra more like a Blind Sheep. Same building in New Orleans for Oswald , Ferrie, and Bannister,but different addresses. Ferrie & Oswald in Claw Shaw visitors book at his home. Keep schilling .
Typical, can't reply to having your nonsense blown up so on to the next fantasy. FYI, JFK was not a documentary and the only thing in the movie Stone got right was JFK went to Dallas and got killed. Everything else was complete fabrication.
I hear Costco has a great deal on aluminum foil.
Typical, can't reply to having your nonsense blown up so on to the next fantasy. FYI, JFK was not a documentary and the only thing in the movie Stone got right was JFK went to Dallas and got killed. Everything else was complete fabrication.
I hear Costco has a great deal on aluminum foil.
Your response is typical you can't deal with the facts and it was typical of every naysayer during Oliver Stone's movie. I researched on my own and Stone was a lot closer than all the naysayers wanted him to be. LBJ did it because he had the means and the power too to pull it off and cover it up.
Your response is typical you can't deal with the facts and it was typical of every naysayer during Oliver Stone's movie. I researched on my own and Stone was a lot closer than all the naysayers wanted him to be. LBJ did it because he had the means and the power too to pull it off and cover it up.
Facts? That is funny.

Here are the facts:
Oswald was a sociopath and a narcissist, who wanted to be seen as special. He was abusive to his wife, attempted to kill General Walker, and like everything he tried he failed. Marina was leaving him and when the motorcade route came out, he had a chance to be known to everyone. He took his rifle to the Texas Schoolbook Depository, built a wall of boxes, shot three times. Shot 1 missed, he rushed it and it deflected off the streetlight down Elm and hit the curb causing the Tague hit. Shot 2 hit JFK in the upper back, went through his neck damaging the nerves which caused his arms to raise and freeze elbows out. The bullet began to tumble and hit Connally going sideways, the entry wound was a keyhole the exact dimensions of CE 399 lengthwise. There was also left no bullet wipe on his clothes. Bullets leave residue when the enter, there was bullet wipe on the back of JFK's jacket and shirt, but not Connally's. Bullets don't just start turning sideways on their own and they don't clean themselves off either. That means the bullet that hit Connally hit something else first. Despite the zig-zag BS reported by conspiracy nuts, Connally was sitting lower and farther to the left of JFK because of where the seats were. It was a straight line from the entry wound in JFK's back, through his throat, and into Connally's arm pit. It also lined up perfectly with the exit wound in his chest, and his wrist. Shot 3 looked like this:
It entered the back of his head exited above his ear leaving a 5cm by 17cm wound in the parietal region of the skull reaching back into the occipital, which is exactly what the Parkland doctors testified to.
Here is an illustration of the bones of the skull:
The wound was above his right ear which about where the line showing the temporal bone is at extending back into that curved area where the parietal, mastoid, and occipital meet going up in the parietal toward the anterior fontanel.

The evidence of the validity of this can be seen here: https://giphy.com/gifs/headshot-PvPkHHvT0aJhu
That is a GIF of Z-frames 312-313, and you can clearly see his head slam forward, his chin hitting his chest, and the right, top side of his head blasted out FORWARD. The mythological back and to the left is explained by the rebound of his head bouncing off his chest, the jet effect of the blood, skull, and brain matter being blasted out FORWARD, as well as the neurological response the back wound that caused his locked arms being released by the head trauma.

These are the FACTS. Facts require evidence.
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