JFK Assassination Conspiracy- Who Did It And Why?

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*CIA-MAFIA have had worked together in clandestine missions since the early 40's.

*The FBI also worked with the MAFIA in operations.

The Bay of Pigs fiasco where JFK would not let the CIA or US Military troops help. Allen Dulles gets fired.General Charles Cabell Deputy Director of the CIA called JFK a traitor and was forced to resign after the Bay of Pigs disaster in 1962 by JFK..

GUESS WHO WAS MAYOR OF DALLAS ON NOVEMBER 22,1963??? Earle Cabell,Gen.Charles Cabell's brother.

I expect this to be the response.
No conspiracy. No it was Oswald because he wanted to be some big shot.

JFK had so many enemies around him. Julius Caesar being led to the Senate for slaughter.
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*CIA-MAFIA have had worked together in clandestine missions since the early 40's.

*The FBI also worked with the MAFIA in operations.

The Bay of Pigs fiasco where JFK would not let the CIA or US Military troops help. Allen Dulles gets fired.General Charles Cabell Deputy Director of the CIA called JFK a traitor and was forced to resign after the Bay of Pigs disaster in 1962 by JFK..

GUESS WHO WAS MAYOR OF DALLAS ON NOVEMBER 22,1963??? Earle Cabell,Gen.Charles Cabell's brother.

No conspiracy. No it was Oswald because he wanted to be some big shot.
:lmao2::lmao::laugh: I see a padded room in your future. If you look really close you can see the kool aid man in the bushes holding a gun in the Nix film.
:lmao2::lmao::laugh: I see a padded room in your future. If you look really close you can see the kool aid man in the bushes holding a gun in the Nix film.
Yes like I said in the first post I expect the jokes of tin foil hats and bigfoot,but those posts are not for me guys.Those posts like this one above is for all the others who are interested in this topic. "Don't listen to him he is nuts". or "You guys can't be seriously think this could be true,trust me I'm one of the popular kids".....YOU CAN FIND THE SAME TAUNTS ON ANY YOUTUBE THAT TALKS OF JFK<911<MOON LANDING<LINCOLN"S ASSASSINATION<WACO..etc. Nice use of the emoticons Blindzebra, they add that sense of flare that everyone should follow you...

.It is a conspiracy and even in 1977 HSCA said possible 2nd shooter with crime organizations involved.
I believe I could have made those shots, and I'm not a great marksman. I visited that building and saw for myself that JFK was not that far away from Oswald. Oswald was Marine Corps trained and had sufficient time owning that rifle to get good at its use. So I believe he could have and did make those shots.

I am completely aware of who and what Oswald was. I spent considerable time studying this topic as a young man. Oswald was a former Marine but he was not an Expert Shot or a sniper. In 63, the weapons systems available were not nearly as proficient as the designs available today. In short, even a good shot would have to be very lucky to get off those rounds, in that time, with any accuracy using a Carcano. That weapons system is horribly bad, in terms of bolt action. Also, the Carcano uses an en-bloc clip, which is loaded into the receiver and is designed to allow for very easy, very fast reloading. Very similar to the type of clip that was used in an M1 Garand. Unfortunately, unlike the Garand, the Carcano had problems reloading, to the point where it was dangerous. This means that it's very unlikely that anymore then 6 rounds were fired, if Oswald was the only shooter. In fact, only three shots were reported.

Another fact about the rifle the FBI took into evidence is that the scope mounted on the Carcano was a very cheap, 4x18 optic scope. If you know anything about scopes, then you know that the number 4 basically identifies magnification and the 18 identifies field of view or width of the area you can effectively view through a scope. That scope was designed to be used on air rifles or .22s. It was completely inadequate for a shot on a moving target at a range of 175 to 200. Keep in mind, the Carcano is a bolt action rifle, and the action on that Carcano sucked. Oswald would have had to have reacquired his target after every shot, using a very poor scope with a very small field of view. That is not easy, it's next to impossible at 5.6 to 8.3 seconds from first to third shot. That mean that the scope Oswald would have had would essentially be useless. A little known fact about the Carcano in question is that the scope was not sighted in accurately. What does all that mean? Oswald would have had to use iron sights. Now, that might be OK and even make sense if you look at his background in the Marines. Maybe he would have preferred to do that but still in all, iron sights at that distance are not easy shots to acquire targets with accuracy and they are not designed for snap shots with that same accuracy, we are talking head shots here.

You mentioned that Oswald was a Marine and a decent shot but not an expert shot. He was an experienced shooter but, when interviewed, his Wife testified that she never remembered seeing Oswald practice shooting. In order to even have a chance to make those shots, practice would have had to be critical because you don't just walk out with open iron sights and make kills shots from that distance. You would have to shoot to account for all kinds of variables under specific weather conditions. The ballistics of the rounds used, trajectory of projectile from target distance, while firing on a moving target. That's a lot to ask, even for a world class shooter.

If Oswald was so experienced, why didn't he use a better rifle, that he was much more familiar with and was superior in every way? I.E., the M1 Garand? I mean, they were everywhere at the time and they were cheap. Why use the Carcano POS? Why make the shot more difficult by keeping a useless scope on the Carcano at all? Why not just remove the scope entirely to make the shot much easier on yourself?

I don't doubt that with a superior weapons system and more time to get the shots off, with sufficient practice, you might be able to make those shots but under those conditions, no. I doubt you or I could make those shots. Some of the best marksman in the world couldn't duplicate those shots at the time of investigation and shortly there after. I just don't buy it but that's just my opinion.
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Yes like I said in the first post I expect the jokes of tin foil hats and bigfoot,but those posts are not for me guys.Those posts like this one above is for all the others who are interested in this topic. "Don't listen to him he is nuts". or "You guys can't be seriously think this could be true,trust me I'm one of the popular kids".....YOU CAN FIND THE SAME TAUNTS ON ANY YOUTUBE THAT TALKS OF JFK<911<MOON LANDING<LINCOLN"S ASSASSINATION<WACO..etc. Nice use of the emoticons Blindzebra, they add that sense of flare that everyone should follow you...

.It is a conspiracy and even in 1977 HSCA said possible 2nd shooter with crime organizations involved.
LOL the House Assassination Committee judged it based on an audio recording that was proven to be complete and total BS a couple of years later. Not to mention that they said only shots from Oswald hit anything. They ruled conspiracy based on the sound of a shot, that missed, that was shown to have never existed.
I am completely aware of who and what Oswald was. I spent considerable time studying this topic as a young man. Oswald was a former Marine but he was not an Expert Shot or a sniper. In 63, the weapons systems available were not nearly as proficient as the designs available today. In short, even a good shot would have to be very lucky to get off those rounds, in that time, with any accuracy using a Carcano. That weapons system is horribly bad, in terms of bolt action. Also, the Carcano uses an en-bloc clip, which is loaded into the receiver and is designed to allow for very easy, very fast reloading. Very similar to the type of clip that was used in an M1 Garand. Unfortunately, unlike the Garand, the Carcano had problems reloading, to the point where it was dangerous. This means that it's very unlikely that anymore then 6 rounds were fired, if Oswald was the only shooter. In fact, only three shots were reported.

Another fact about the rifle the FBI took into evidence is that the scope mounted on the Carcano was a very cheap, 4x18 optic scope. If you know anything about scopes, then you know that the number 4 basically identifies magnification and the 18 identifies field of view or width of the area you can effectively view through a scope. That scope was designed to be used on air rifles or .22s. It was completely inadequate for a shot on a moving target at a range of 175 to 200. Keep in mind, the Carcano is a bolt action rifle, and the action on that Carcano sucked. Oswald would have had to have reacquired his target after every shot, using a very poor scope with a very small field of view. That is not easy, it's next to impossible at 5.6 to 8.3 seconds from first to third shot. That mean that the scope Oswald would have had would essentially be useless. A little known fact about the Carcano in question is that the scope was not sighted in accurately. What does all that mean? Oswald would have had to use iron sights. Now, that might be OK and even make sense if you look at his background in the Marines. Maybe he would have preferred to do that but still in all, iron sights at that distance are not easy shots to acquire targets with accuracy and they are not designed for snap shots with that same accuracy, we are talking head shots here.

You mentioned that Oswald was a Marine and a decent shot but not an expert shot. He was an experienced shooter but, when interviewed, his Wife testified that she never remembered seeing Oswald practice shooting. In order to even have a chance to make those shots, practice would have had to be critical because you don't just walk out with open iron sights and make kills shots from that distance. You would have to shoot to account for all kinds of variables under specific weather conditions. The ballistics of the rounds used, trajectory of projectile from target distance, while firing on a moving target. That's a lot to ask, even for a world class shooter.

If Oswald was so experience, why didn't he use a better rifle, that he was much more familiar with and was superior in every way? I.E., the M1 Garand? I mean, they were everywhere at the time and they were cheap. Why use the Carcano POS? Why make the shot more difficult by keeping a useless scope on the Carcano at all? Why not just remove the scope entirely to make the shot much easier on yourself?

I don't doubt that with a superior weapons system and more time to get the shots off, with sufficient practice, you might be able to make those shots but under those conditions, no. I doubt you or I could make those shots. Some of the best marksman in the world couldn't duplicate those shots at the time of investigation and shortly there after. I just don't buy it but that's just my opinion.
How much time do you think he had? Because the 6 second thing is wrong. The Warren report made a mistake with the shot sequence, they had the 2nd shot missing. It wasn't the first shot missed and was fired about 5 seconds before the 2nd shot. It was miss (the shot deflected off a streetlight) 5 seconds to aim, second shot hit, 6 seconds to aim, head shot. And with the scope JFK looked like he was 30 yards away at the head shot. Any qualified shooter could have done it. There is also proof of him going to gun ranges before and after the attempt a General Walker.
How much time do you think he had? Because the 6 second thing is wrong. The Warren report made a mistake with the shot sequence, they had the 2nd shot missing. It wasn't the first shot missed and was fired about 5 seconds before the 2nd shot. It was miss (the shot deflected off a streetlight) 5 seconds to aim, second shot hit, 6 seconds to aim, head shot. And with the scope JFK looked like he was 30 yards away at the head shot. Any qualified shooter could have done it. There is also proof of him going to gun ranges before and after the attempt a General Walker.

According to reporst, he had anywhere from 5.6 to 8.3 seconds. I would be interested in understand why you think JFK would look like he was 30 yards away.
I am completely aware of who and what Oswald was. I spent considerable time studying this topic as a young man. Oswald was a former Marine but he was not an Expert Shot or a sniper. In 63, the weapons systems available were not nearly as proficient as the designs available today. In short, even a good shot would have to be very lucky to get off those rounds, in that time, with any accuracy using a Carcano. That weapons system is horribly bad, in terms of bolt action. Also, the Carcano uses an en-bloc clip, which is loaded into the receiver and is designed to allow for very easy, very fast reloading. Very similar to the type of clip that was used in an M1 Garand. Unfortunately, unlike the Garand, the Carcano had problems reloading, to the point where it was dangerous. This means that it's very unlikely that anymore then 6 rounds were fired, if Oswald was the only shooter. In fact, only three shots were reported.

Another fact about the rifle the FBI took into evidence is that the scope mounted on the Carcano was a very cheap, 4x18 optic scope. If you know anything about scopes, then you know that the number 4 basically identifies magnification and the 18 identifies field of view or width of the area you can effectively view through a scope. That scope was designed to be used on air rifles or .22s. It was completely inadequate for a shot on a moving target at a range of 175 to 200. Keep in mind, the Carcano is a bolt action rifle, and the action on that Carcano sucked. Oswald would have had to have reacquired his target after every shot, using a very poor scope with a very small field of view. That is not easy, it's next to impossible at 5.6 to 8.3 seconds from first to third shot. That mean that the scope Oswald would have had would essentially be useless. A little known fact about the Carcano in question is that the scope was not sighted in accurately. What does all that mean? Oswald would have had to use iron sights. Now, that might be OK and even make sense if you look at his background in the Marines. Maybe he would have preferred to do that but still in all, iron sights at that distance are not easy shots to acquire targets with accuracy and they are not designed for snap shots with that same accuracy, we are talking head shots here.

You mentioned that Oswald was a Marine and a decent shot but not an expert shot. He was an experienced shooter but, when interviewed, his Wife testified that she never remembered seeing Oswald practice shooting. In order to even have a chance to make those shots, practice would have had to be critical because you don't just walk out with open iron sights and make kills shots from that distance. You would have to shoot to account for all kinds of variables under specific weather conditions. The ballistics of the rounds used, trajectory of projectile from target distance, while firing on a moving target. That's a lot to ask, even for a world class shooter.

If Oswald was so experience, why didn't he use a better rifle, that he was much more familiar with and was superior in every way? I.E., the M1 Garand? I mean, they were everywhere at the time and they were cheap. Why use the Carcano POS? Why make the shot more difficult by keeping a useless scope on the Carcano at all? Why not just remove the scope entirely to make the shot much easier on yourself?

I don't doubt that with a superior weapons system and more time to get the shots off, with sufficient practice, you might be able to make those shots but under those conditions, no. I doubt you or I could make those shots. Some of the best marksman in the world couldn't duplicate those shots at the time of investigation and shortly there after. I just don't buy it but that's just my opinion.
Good input, ABQCOWBOY!,,," TIL" about the 'scope' as I had zero clue concercerning it's design/ capabilities,,,, I'd put a lighted reticle 4" long tube atop an AR once in 4x 22 and the first time I'd even tried to draw down on a stalking coyote @75yds it was virtually impossible to relocate the 'target' immediately after it wobbled out of that field of view( I don't own or have mounted anything less than 40mm objective lens on my serious shooting irons,,,50mm on the .300winmag)
Oswald qualified with the M-1 Garand& that's a fantastic shooting platform:thumbup:,,,:lmao: I'd pop .99 cent full spray paint cans offhand@212 meters with the last one I had,,,(that was the distance of my wildcat pit I used to frequent)
Scopes magnify, and those time frames are incorrect, it was almost 12 seconds from first shot to last. http://www.washingtondecoded.com/site/2007/03/11-seconds-in-d.html

They do but the distances matter. Add to the fact that it's a moving target and so the distances don't just matter, they are changing on those shots. To understand how scopes work, keep in mind, scopes are not red dots, the actual amount of area you can pick up in a scope his huge. This is why cheap scopes are cheap. They are very difficult to use, with any amount of accuracy if you are having to reacquire your target after every shot with a limited field of view, like this scope provided. Remember, the bolt system in the Carcano is horrible. It's not smooth and it takes some work to actually engage so the idea that Oswald would not have lost sight of a moving target while he was engaging the bolt is very, very unlikely. I would say impossible for anybody other then some of the best shots in the world and thats all about experience then because the firing system we are talking about here is putrid.

Lastly, the scope was not sighted in properly. The scope would have been useless in any event and that brings up a very good question. Why in the world would an experienced shooter not sight in the scope? Basically, he would have been using iron sights.
Good input, ABQCOWBOY!,,," TIL" about the 'scope' as I had zero clue concercerning it's design/ capabilities,,,, I'd put a lighted reticle 4" long tube atop an AR once in 4x 22 and the first time I'd even tried to draw down on a stalking coyote @75yds it was virtually impossible to relocate the 'target' immediately after it wobbled out of that field of view( I don't own or have mounted anything less than 40mm objective lens on my serious shooting irons,,,50mm on the .300winmag)
Oswald qualified with the M-1 Garand& that's a fantastic shooting platform:thumbup:,,,:lmao: I'd pop .99 cent full spray paint cans offhand@212 meters with the last one I had,,,(that was the distance of my wildcat pit I used to frequent)

Yeah, if you've never really used scopes then you really don't understand the difficulty in actually being able to effectively land shots on target rapidly. The technology available at the time is not nearly as good as it is today and Oswald had no spotter. That is why world class snipers use spotters. It takes time to account for a target position, adjust your shot, acquire target and accurately get off a shot. That process is compounded when you have to use a bolt action rifle and you add in multiple shots on moving targets even when you have very good weapons. Nevermind introducing temperatures, ballistics, elevations, the whole deal. Also, study the type of slug and powder he used. That tells an even more interesting story. I do not think he could have done it but hey, this is why I try to stay out of these discussion. It's just hard to really make a case for just how difficult that shot would have been.

Unfortunately, this is like a flame to a moth for me. I have a really hard time staying away from this topic. LOL....

OK, that's enough for me. I can easily find myself discussing this all day and that's not what I need to be doing with life on a Holiday Weekend.

Everybody, have a great day
There is a Youtube where she talks of Tippit,JFK and it was when she was auctioning the camera. Look for it on YOUTUBE she is like in her late 80s

Yes, she tried to sell it and hasn’t. Yes, she’s in her later 80’s. She currently lives in Kaufman County. Don’t need to see her on YouTube - I’ve known her for right at 50 years.
Yes, she tried to sell it and hasn’t. Yes, she’s in her later 80’s. She currently lives in Kaufman County. Don’t need to see her on YouTube - I’ve known her for right at 50 years.
Next time you see her ask her if she is CIA, FBI, in the mob, part of the military industrial complex, a Cuban and or Russian assassin, or on the payroll of Jackie, LBJ, Nixon, or Hunt? I think that is all the possible crazy theories.
Next time you see her ask her if she is CIA, FBI, in the mob, part of the military industrial complex, a Cuban and or Russian assassin, or on the payroll of Jackie, LBJ, Nixon, or Hunt? I think that is all the possible crazy theories.

Well, she and Donald owned a plumbing company so she could’ve been part of Nixon’s “plumbers”.:)
They do but the distances matter. Add to the fact that it's a moving target and so the distances don't just matter, they are changing on those shots. To understand how scopes work, keep in mind, scopes are not red dots, the actual amount of area you can pick up in a scope his huge. This is why cheap scopes are cheap. They are very difficult to use, with any amount of accuracy if you are having to reacquire your target after every shot with a limited field of view, like this scope provided. Remember, the bolt system in the Carcano is horrible. It's not smooth and it takes some work to actually engage so the idea that Oswald would not have lost sight of a moving target while he was engaging the bolt is very, very unlikely. I would say impossible for anybody other then some of the best shots in the world and thats all about experience then because the firing system we are talking about here is putrid.

Lastly, the scope was not sighted in properly. The scope would have been useless in any event and that brings up a very good question. Why in the world would an experienced shooter not sight in the scope? Basically, he would have been using iron sights.
Man,alive! I've been chomping on the bit concercerning this very illustrated pertinent point! as to the fact 'ol'patsy-boy' OSWALD was firing from a +60' height into a defilade/ plunging casing-liner vectored field of posthumously awarded labeled Field of Fire,,,with the crap ballistics that any 12-13 yo unpracticed kid from ARKANSAS could've made with a marlin-glenfieldmod#60/ 18 Rd tube mag,/22lr,,with no practice! ,,,but needing all of those onboard18 rounds to do it ,,,my point being, is thusly 'stated'

* if you've ever tried triggering off .22 RDS at fish straight down from a river bridge,,,yer gonna print a foot off from yer point of aim,,,and thats the ballistic facts
Well, she and Donald owned a plumbing company so she could’ve been part of Nixon’s “plumbers”.:)
Ask her why a sprained ankle is going to hold her back from helping the Warren Commission .
From Wikipekia

Mary Moorman said in a TV interview that immediately after the assassination, there were either three or four shots close together, that shots were still being fired after the fatal head shot, and that she was in the line of fire
This thread....lol.

Can we move on to the moon landing?
What moon landing? :D
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