CowboyDan;3889198 said:
Well you guys sure put up some videos today! I got a lot more yardwork done than y'all did though.
I have a landscaper.
The videos are good and Beyond the Magic Bullet is a very convincing show, no doubt. I have a couple comments on all of the video clips. Take them for what they're worth.
The eye witness vids are very convincing, but I was told earlier that we shouldn't present anything from someone who's getting paid for their statements. I guess the thinking is that some people will say anything for a buck. I can understand that theory. My other issues with those videos are as follows:
I have no idea who got paid and who didn't. The only one I ever knew was paid was Zapruder for his film.
James Altgens clearly states that officers ran up the grassy knoll to apprehend the shooter. As much as I want to believe average Joe's and what their ears tell them, I lean towards the ears of people who get shot at more often than average Joe's.......cops.
I want to comment on this. I have said all along that there could have been a conspiracy. Why else was Oswald silenced? Could there have been someone with a gun up there? Yes.
But he either did not fire or he missed. Oswald did not. Altgens' eye witness testimony makes that clear.
Howard Brennan's interview is very convincing, but I just can't, for the life of me, figure out why he was watching the shooter the entire time. Call me crazy, but isn't that like watching the shooter of a jumpshot in a basketball game, even after he's released the ball? Don't you usually follow the shot to see if he makes it? Also, I don't know about you, but if I'm standing as close as he was to the guy who's shooting at our President, I'm not standing around watching all 3. I'm out of there, taking cover. Who knows though...maybe he actually did see history. Amazing if he did.
What could he have done form 6 stories below?
As for the Lattimer video, I have nothing more to add than what's already been said. No one has ever said you can't operate the bolt action on that gun in 8.3 seconds. If you don't believe me, re-read this entire thread.
Then I confess, I don't know why people can't accept Oswald as shooter.
Ok, back to Beyond the Magic Bullet. We've already gone through some issues I had with segments of this program, so I'm not going to repeat myself. However, you introduced more clips from the show, so here's my problem with them:
I am disappointed by the horrible angle that they use for the grassy knoll shot. However, now I understand why some of you keep repeating that Jackie would've been hit. I agree completely, at that angle, she would've been hit. They're using the spot where they think the Badgeman shows up on the Muchmore film. I've never supported that photo enhancement. I even said that earlier in this thread when someone was commenting on enhanced videos and photos.
Glad that rings true with you now.
This goes back to my earlier complaint about this grassy knoll shot. They pay no respect to the entry/exit wounds on the skull. They just say "hit it somewhere above the eye." What should've been done, was they should've drawn a straight line from the exit/entry rooms to the grassy knoll....that's where the grassy knoll shooter was, if he exists. This is obvious. It's not like we don't know where it went in and out at. I've been to the knoll. They were standing at a horrible angle.
The second problem I have with it is that on their 6th floor shot the head never snaps back and to the left. They go through all this trouble to replicate a human body, with a stiff yet flexible neck, and it never even makes a slight motion back and to the left. Interesting.
Forgive how morbid I am going to get. The snap of the head back and left is not a 100% thing. It did for President Kennedy. The film does not lie. Would it for Connally? Jackie? Mrs. Connally? Greer, the driver? Agent Kellerman? We will never know.
When life leaves a living thing they convulse. If you don't believe this go to a slaughterhouse and watch these huge beefs when they fire a shot into the brain. Every one of them reacts differently. The compelling thing is not Kennedy's reaction it is the blood splatter.
And finally, may I draw your attention to 8:30 in to the 2nd clip....where they attempt to show how similar their blood splatter pattern is to the Zapruder film's splatter. Does anyone else think it's completely different? or am I just crazy? I mean their's dumps forward and the actual splatter from the Zapruder film goes almost straight up, some forward, and some back. C'mon.
No simulation can equal a real body, but yes. I think it was hokie.