JFK Assassination...Your Honest Thoughts

CowboyDan;3892335 said:
Maybe they just all forgot what the back of the head was:confused:

Again show proof. Eye witness testimony is by far in away the weakest form of evidence because people under stress do not get things right. So show us something to corroborate the testimony.

And you did have a quote of one doctor who described it correctly.
Penn and Teller did a good segment on this on one of their Bull**** episodes.

There is nothing about 1 shooter that doesn't make sense.
blindzebra;3892340 said:
Again show proof. Eye witness testimony is by far in away the weakest form of evidence because people under stress do not get things right. So show us something to corroborate the testimony.

And you did have a quote of one doctor who described it correctly.

Over-exaggerating a bit there.
If there was an exit wound on the back left of his head there would be spray just like in the front. Further, this spray would have been all over Jackie. The blood you see on her mostly is the skirt area where JFK slumped over into her lap and died. The blood was all down her leg. She washed splatters off her face, but her face would have been covered .

No shot came from the knoll. If one did it did not hit President Kennedy. No one can recreate a shot from anywhere that will do to the skull what the bullet that killed Kennedy did except from somewhere behind him.

It cannot be done.
This is James Altgen's famous photo. Note in looking at the President that his hands are up at his throat having just been hit by the 2nd bullet.

Which way are the Secret Service men looking? Which way are the crowd looking?

hutch1254;3891611 said:
Where on the trunk are you looking? Are you looking closer to the lip of the trunk near her elbow behind Jack or are you looking at that knob on the truck in the center? There's an identical knob directly across from it, part of the car itself. Not arguing just trying to see what you're seeing.

Also, in this still I find it interesting that Gov. Connelly and his wife are practically non existent in this frame.

blindzebra;3892390 said:
Deaf ears Hos.
I know.

I have kept an open mind.

I have always said it is possible that there was a conspiracy and that is the reason why Oswald is dead. I'm open to hearing that stuff.

The conspiracy theories on this event are the wackiest I have ever heard. I am surprised no one brought up the theory of Oswald being in the Altgens photo. I am surprised no one brought up the theory that the driver shot him.

There was one about the Secret Service men giving signals and if you watch that film someone is absolutely convinced of that. Yet I showed that was of the Limo leaving Love Field, not turning the wrong direction onto Elm.

I expected some finger pointing. I expected it at Johnson. I expected it at the mob. I expected it at Russia, Cuba, and I expected theories about the grassy knoll. But I wanted this finger pointing and these theories to be compelling. These aren't.

But the fact is they didn't have photoshop in 1963. The photos don't lie. The x-rays don't lie. The film doesn't lie. Geometry doesn't lie. Ballistics don't lie. Forensics don't lie.

We can't even agree why Jackie was on the trunk. The woman herself says she has no memory of climbing out there but we are supposed to believe she had a reason for going out there and it was to retrieve something that none of us can identify.

I tried to look at this rationally from every view. I listened to the stuff. I weighed it. It just doesn't hold water to believe the shots came from anywhere but behind in the SBD. It is really just that simple.
Hostile;3892367 said:
If there was an exit wound on the back left of his head there would be spray just like in the front. Further, this spray would have been all over Jackie. The blood you see on her mostly is the skirt area where JFK slumped over into her lap and died. The blood was all down her leg. She washed splatters off her face, but her face would have been covered .

No shot came from the knoll. If one did it did not hit President Kennedy. No one can recreate a shot from anywhere that will do to the skull what the bullet that killed Kennedy did except from somewhere behind him.

It cannot be done.

Where did the statement in red come from? Back left?
Hostile;3892408 said:
I know.

I have kept an open mind.

I have always said it is possible that there was a conspiracy and that is the reason why Oswald is dead. I'm open to hearing that stuff.

The conspiracy theories on this event are the wackiest I have ever heard. I am surprised no one brought up the theory of Oswald being in the Altgens photo. I am surprised no one brought up the theory that the driver shot him.

There was one about the Secret Service men giving signals and if you watch that film someone is absolutely convinced of that. Yet I showed that was of the Limo leaving Love Field, not turning the wrong direction onto Elm.

I expected some finger pointing. I expected it at Johnson. I expected it at the mob. I expected it at Russia, Cuba, and I expected theories about the grassy knoll. But I wanted this finger pointing and these theories to be compelling. These aren't.

But the fact is they didn't have photoshop in 1963. The photos don't lie. The x-rays don't lie. The film doesn't lie. Geometry doesn't lie. Ballistics don't lie. Forensics don't lie.

We can't even agree why Jackie was on the trunk. The woman herself says she has no memory of climbing out there but we are supposed to believe she had a reason for going out there and it was to retrieve something that none of us can identify.

I tried to look at this rationally from every view. I listened to the stuff. I weighed it. It just doesn't hold water to believe the shots came from anywhere but behind in the SBD. It is really just that simple.

Well it looks like you and BlindZebra solved it then! Congrats. The world will be thrilled to know. :)
CowboyDan;3892411 said:
Well it looks like you and BlindZebra solved it then! Congrats. The world will be thrilled to know. :)
I haven't solved anything, and what I believe about 1 shooter the world already does know.

I have a brother-in-law who is a magician, and I am very proud of him. He can do some amazing illusions.

That's what 99% of conspiracy theories are you know. Just an illusion. It's so simple to accept the truth, but the truth is boring, so people want to believe the fantastic. Want it so bad that they alter time, space, and technology to do it.

You want me to believe in the most magical assassination ever. I want you to believe what your eyes and common sense tell you. No sleight of hand. No misdirection. No shot ever came from the knoll and hit that man.

I am telling you that no weapon in existence can do what you want me to believe the fictional gun on the knoll did.

I will even say this. Could there have been a man with a gun there? Yes. But he did not kill the President. If he fired at all, and I don't believe he did, he missed clean and somewhere in the grass of Dealey Plaza is a bullet that was intended for JFK but missed. Maybe Oswald hit him and the slumping President caused the shot to miss.

That is as far as I will ever go in believing in the magic grassy knoll theory, because I have shot guns all my life and I know for an absolute fact where that shot came from. 6th floor, School Book Depository building from a 6.5 Carcano rifle owned and fired by LHO.
CowboyDan;3892409 said:
Where did the statement in red come from? Back left?
From the only logical angle that fired from the right would not have also blown the first lady's head off too.
Hostile;3892415 said:
From the only logical angle that fired from the right would not have also blown the first lady's head off too.

Well, the good thing is that you have gotten some "honest thoughts" in this thread.
Aikmaniac;3892518 said:
Well, the good thing is that you have gotten some "honest thoughts" in this thread.
It has been a fun thread. I have no complaints.
Long thread.

Quick question... has anyone participating budged an ounce from their original stance?
HoleInTheRoof;3892554 said:
Long thread.

Quick question... has anyone participating budged an ounce from their original stance?

If anyone has, it would be an internet first.

Nobody every changes their stance.
HoleInTheRoof;3892554 said:
Long thread.

Quick question... has anyone participating budged an ounce from their original stance?
Yes, I learned some things from notherbob in particular.

I also have often wondered about a shot from the knoll. I am now convinced there either wasn't one or he missed badly.
I'm still up in the air on the whole thing. No certainty here in any direction. Though my strongest feeling is that LHO & a gunman on the grassy knoll carried out the hit, and that it was CIA all the way, with help from Hoover.
CowboyDan;3892112 said:
What's beyond absurd is people debating it back and forth with absolute certainty. As I said when this offshoot of the topic started, no one knows for sure, but there is speculation relating to things said by Jackie, Mrs. Connally and Agent Hill + what was viewed on the Zapruder film. So for any of us to say she was definitely doing or not doing something is the absurd thing. Jackie doesn't remember it, so let's just leave it at that.

Exactly...if there was absolute certainty...we wouldn't still be debating it almost 50 years later.

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