i have always been fascinated by the JFK assassination. I have read many books and have watched countless hours of documentaries on the subject so this thread is something I really enjoy. Thanks for making it Hos.
As for what I think happened, I think there were two shooters. Oswald and someone in the grassy knoll. I had a high school science teacher who was into this and kinda got me started on all of this. One of the reasons I believe in the grassy knoll shooter is that one of the experiments he did was with four types of rifles and cantaloupes.
At the approximate same distance as Kennedy was from Oswald he fired a single shot with each rifle into a melon.
Each shot fired caused the melon to explode forward with the "exit wound" being larger than the entrance wound. So if there was no second shooter Kennedy's head would have snapped forward and exploded forward, not backwards. (I know everyone is thinking Kevin Costner here).
Only explanation I have ever heard that would cause this is a very specific type of ammunition that could not have been fried from Oswald's rifle.
Yeah, I think there was a conspiracy. Yeah I think there was a cocktail of bad guys involved. I think in order to kill the President and get away with it it would take some major players. My guess is..
The Cubans and the mob both wanted him dead. I think they worked with the soviets to facilitate this through Oswald and set him up to take the fall (become the patsy).
And I would assume that the mob had bought off enough people on the Warren commission to cover the deed up.