JFK Assassination...Your Honest Thoughts

burmafrd;3885319 said:
He had to try over a dozen times to make it. Once again does not mean anything.

And you need practice to maintain it. Nothing anywhere has ever been found showing him doing any practice.
well that doesn't mean anything, people practice shooting all the time and no one knows about it.
CowboyDan;3885252 said:
You really need to go to the videos I previously posted in this thread. That computer model and re-enactment you keep mentioning has been proven wrong. You can see it for yourself when you watch the program that Discovery aired. It was supposed to be a pro-single-gunman show, but when you watch their video, you clearly see that the bullett passes through Kennedy's chest, not his throat. It's not even close. Then they put up a red line to show the trajectory of the bullet, and it again goes through his chest. He wasn't hit in the chest. It's not an accurate re-enactment. I'd love to see one that is accurate, but I haven't yet. Anybody got one?

Okay so if the shots do not line up where is the bullet that hit him in the shoulder/neck?

Where is the bullet evidence from his throat wound?

The bullet that hit Connelly was tumbling so what did it strike before hitting him?

In my test they fired from the exact height, angle and distance into targets positioned exactly as Kennedy and Connelly were that day. What they got was a bullet that passed through the first target's neck, tumbled hitting the second target in the arm pit leaving a slash entry, exiting at the nipple area leaving a large exit, smashing through a wrist bone and stopping in the thigh. And it came out slightly flattened just like ce 399.

So we can believe your test with multiple unanswered guestions or mine that fits perfectly the actual evidence.

Inspite of my user name, when I hear hoof beats I think horses not zebras.
The only time I have ever been to Dallas, the first thing I wanted to see was Texas Stadium, .. but the second was where Kennedy was shot.

I waited until the traffic stopped and walked out and stood on the "x" in the street where he was shot.

When I stood on the "x", the hair on my neck stood up and I got chills.

A few seconds later, I got real emotional realizing what awful thing had happened on that very spot.

I was in the 4th grade when he was assassinated. I lived the closest to our grade school and was sent home to get a radio. But when I got home I got distracted and forgot to go back to school.

I got in a lot of trouble for that one.

CowboyDan;3885252 said:
It's not an accurate re-enactment. I'd love to see one that is accurate, but I haven't yet. Anybody got one?
Not a re-enactment so much, but I've seen a show on Military Channel/Discovery/History Channel where they shot from a similar angle at dummies filled with gelatin specifically designed to mimic the insides of the human body, and the bullet did change course pretty dramatically, much like light refracting through water. (Edit, this may be the same show Blindzebra is talking about.)

On another note, Patsy Paschall was filming and observing from the old courthouse and saw smoke from behind the GK:


This film is on youtube, but it's so dark that it's worthless. Must be the inferior bootleg copies mentioned on the page above.
blindzebra;3885360 said:
Okay so if the shots do not line up where is the bullet that hit him in the shoulder/neck?

Where is the bullet evidence from his throat wound?

The bullet that hit Connelly was tumbling so what did it strike before hitting him?

In my test they fired from the exact height, angle and distance into targets positioned exactly as Kennedy and Connelly were that day. What they got was a bullet that passed through the first target's neck, tumbled hitting the second target in the arm pit leaving a slash entry, exiting at the nipple area leaving a large exit, smashing through a wrist bone and stopping in the thigh. And it came out slightly flattened just like ce 399.

So we can believe your test with multiple unanswered guestions or mine that fits perfectly the actual evidence.

Inspite of my user name, when I hear hoof beats I think horses not zebras.

:) I like your optimism, but I'm frustrated by the part I highlighted in your response. I don't know how you get that out of the videos.
blindzebra;3885360 said:
Okay so if the shots do not line up where is the bullet that hit him in the shoulder/neck?

Where is the bullet evidence from his throat wound?

The bullet that hit Connelly was tumbling so what did it strike before hitting him?

In my test they fired from the exact height, angle and distance into targets positioned exactly as Kennedy and Connelly were that day. What they got was a bullet that passed through the first target's neck, tumbled hitting the second target in the arm pit leaving a slash entry, exiting at the nipple area leaving a large exit, smashing through a wrist bone and stopping in the thigh. And it came out slightly flattened just like ce 399.

So we can believe your test with multiple unanswered guestions or mine that fits perfectly the actual evidence.

Inspite of my user name, when I hear hoof beats I think horses not zebras.

Chocolate Lab;3885376 said:
Not a re-enactment so much, but I've seen a show on Military Channel/Discovery/History Channel where they shot from a similar angle at dummies filled with gelatin specifically designed to mimic the insides of the human body, and the bullet did change course pretty dramatically, much like light refracting through water. (Edit, this may be the same show Blindzebra is talking about.)

On another note, Patsy Paschall was filming and observing from the old courthouse and saw smoke from behind the GK:


This film is on youtube, but it's so dark that it's worthless. Must be the inferior bootleg copies mentioned on the page above.

Watch closely gentlemen, especially at the 2:05 mark...........

burmafrd;3885315 said:
Well so was I. Just because you are a marine does not mean you are a good shot. And he was a piss poor example of a marine.
So what you are basically saying is that since you can't shoot, he couldn't either.

Dan, that's interesting because it's not the same show I saw, but it looks like a couple of shots from there were used in that clip. Or maybe someone else did a very similar show, I'm not sure.

I don't know how much stock to put in these Discovery shows anyway. There are some excellent documentaries on there, but it seems to me that some of the newer shows they do are sensationalistic, and the outcome is predetermined.

Anyway, I'm not arguing one way or another what happened that day, because I claim to be sure about it.

One more point, though... It seems to me to be almost immaterial whether he was actually hit by Oswald, which I think he probably was. If there were other gunmen that day, that's what really matters.
CowboyDan;3885378 said:
:) I like your optimism, but I'm frustrated by the part I highlighted in your response. I don't know how you get that out of the videos.

I am not talking about your video. It is two other tests one proved the magic bullet could have happened and the other compared the possible location of shooters for the head wound complete with blood splatter and witnesses who saw the limo at Parkland.

What it showed was that at the moment of impact the shot had to come from the SBD. A shot from the fence on the GK would have passed through the left side of his head and hit Jackie in the face.

Sorry dude I have been there wanting to believe some crazy punk could not have done it alone but he did.
CowboyDan;3885414 said:
I only asked because I wanted to know if you had a chance to see the angle from the grassy knoll.
I have seen it from reenactments. Same as the Oswald position.

I've made shots from just about every angle that could be pulled off in Dealey Plaza and I know that bullets don't hit targets and evaporate. They often keep on going.

This is another reason why I think Oswald waited and fired from behind, so he wasn't firing into the crowd up the street. You have to admit, it was a lot less crowded in that area. Especially across the street where you see how much space is around Jean Hill and Mary Moorman.

If we know Connally was hit after it hit Kennedy, why is it so hard to accept that the 3rd shot would have hit Jackie if it came from the right and in front?

I read last night that Clint Hill thinks if he had got there a second sooner and not stumbled at first he could have taken the 3rd bullet. That would be hard to live with thinking. He covered the President and 1st Lady with his body after climbing on and held on for dear life as they sped to a hospital. He also apparently gave a thumbs down to the trailing Secret Service car to let them know it was fatal.
Chocolate Lab;3885420 said:
One more point, though... It seems to me to be almost immaterial whether he was actually hit by Oswald, which I think he probably was. If there were other gunmen that day, that's what really matters.

I agree....but if one bullet couldn't hit both guys and cause all that damage, then it supports the possibility of a 2nd gunman on the knoll. (both Kennedy and Connally get hit by a bullet almost simultaneously during the first shot.)
Cajuncowboy;3885250 said:
The majority of the explosion came from the back of the head. (Front to back). The head snapping back at the precise moment of bullet impact would only be from that, other factors, including the car accelerating, Jackie moving etc are discounted by the Zapruder film. Only explanation is a shot fired from the front right of the president.

Part of my point that seems to have been missed is that a pass through bullet would not cause the head to snap back so violently. Bullets do their damage by opening holes not by delivering any sort of knockdown energy to the target.

Shoot a pumpkin from 7 yards with a .45 and you will blow the thing apart but the base will most likely be left sitting right where you placed it.

A .45 is a much bigger round than the 6.5.
Hostile;3885435 said:
I have seen it from reenactments. Same as the Oswald position.

I've made shots from just about every angle that could be pulled off in Dealey Plaza and I know that bullets don't hit targets and evaporate. They often keep on going.

This is another reason why I think Oswald waited and fired from behind, so he wasn't firing into the crowd up the street. You have to admit, it was a lot less crowded in that area. Especially across the street where you see how much space is around Jean Hill and Mary Moorman.

If we know Connally was hit after it hit Kennedy, why is it so hard to accept that the 3rd shot would have hit Jackie if it came from the right and in front?

I agree bullets often keep going. My thinking is that if fired from behind him, the 3rd shot would've ended up in the seats or bodies inside the car in front of JFK.
If fired from in front of him, I don't see how it would've hit Jackie....especially when you already know where the 2 entry/exit wounds are on his head.
Hostile;3885400 said:
So what you are basically saying is that since you can't shoot, he couldn't either.


No that is what your lousy eyes tell you.

what I am saying is that I knew a lot of marines that were lousy shots. Just being a marine does not make you a good shot.
And I am a decent shot, not a really good one. Are you any good?
Hostile;3885397 said:
No sir, I haven't.

You really should make the trip when your schedule allows. I have been there twice. It hits so much closer to home when you see it in person.

As I've mentioned several times, it is so eye-opening, especially those intrigued by the event.
do you guys get red dwarf over there? if not theres probably no point in pointing out that jfk was the second gunman
A guy who had a website dedicated to the assassination about a decade ago, claimed to have had contact with somebody inside the DPD at the time. Claimed Oswald was conned into bringing his rifle to work that day to trade for kids swing set. Claimed the shots from behind were from a sargent in the DPD, had a photo of figure in the window. Claimed the knoll shooter was a DPD patrolman who was described as lanky slob. Claims coverup extended to jamming communications after the fact. Claims reason was segragation, this part I dont believe. All FWIW.
Well how about that. How timely. Chipper Jones of the Braves would like to weigh in on this :D


Jones did say that some conspiracies were just too crazy, though.

“I’m not so naive to think that Lyndon Johnson was behind it. I would never say that in a million years,” he said. “Let’s just say somebody had to put it into motion, and it was somebody high-ranking in the U.S. government.”

Jones joins a long list of celebrity conspiracy theorists, including Michael Moore, Charlie Sheen and Andy Rooney.

“The whole subject fascinates me,” Jones said.

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