Kellen Moore was never the problem


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Kellen Moore got thrown under the bus. His offense was top 3 or better the past 3 seasons. Now look at them. That great Mike McCarthy Texas Toast offense is flat out horrible. Ill take Kellen Moore's offense over Mike McCarthy's 8 days a week. Prove me wrong fellas.
I said that last year. In fact, Moore was the best OC we had had in decades.


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Kellen Moore got thrown under the bus. His offense was top 3 or better the past 3 seasons. Now look at them. That great Mike McCarthy Texas Toast offense is flat out horrible. Ill take Kellen Moore's offense over Mike McCarthy's 8 days a week. Prove me wrong fellas.
True. But we all know what the real problem is. Fixing the offense won’t fix it. No splashy HC hire, no new offensive or defensive scheme, no new young stud QB, no hot shot young OC or DC…even as important as those things are, none of them can fix the root problem here.

When your General Manager every year acts like they’ve already won something, it filters down through the organization from top to bottom like syrup on pancakes. The GM here is unaccountable to anyone for results. This team could lose every game the rest of the season and all blame would fall on Big Mac, Dak, Quinn…all the usual low hanging fruit suspects.

I respect what you’re saying here. But all the talk about any coach, player or scheme without changing at least the attitude of the big guy and his spoiled son at the top of this organization is fruitless.


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Anyone with common sense already knew he wasn’t the problem.

Cowboys always have a fall guy so the dumb fan base can say “oh look we got rid of that guy. This’ll be the year.”

Look at the people still talking about how getting rid of Amari was needed.

They’ll fire some other guy this off-season and the same dipshits will talk about how that’ll fix everything.

I still remember the off-season Sanjay Lal was gonna be the savior.


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no, he was the scape goat. Mike is next, then the next guy, and so on and so on. Why can't we fix dak?


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It doesn’t matter who the head coach is. It doesn’t matter who the OC is. They all end up with the same results in the end. This is a Jones problem who paid a mediocre QB elite money. Dak is what he is and I don’t fault him for getting that $$$. Jerry needs to do the right thing and not extend him. A new OC and or HC won’t change a thing.


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Kellen Moore got thrown under the bus. His offense was top 3 or better the past 3 seasons. Now look at them. That great Mike McCarthy Texas Toast offense is flat out horrible. Ill take Kellen Moore's offense over Mike McCarthy's 8 days a week. Prove me wrong fellas.
Kellen Moore Was Never The Problem!..
Back Then You All Said He Was...SMDH... :facepalm:

Chuck 54

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Kellen Moore got thrown under the bus. His offense was top 3 or better the past 3 seasons. Now look at them. That great Mike McCarthy Texas Toast offense is flat out horrible. Ill take Kellen Moore's offense over Mike McCarthy's 8 days a week. Prove me wrong fellas.
No one is happy with the offense, and while I keep shaking my head at the guys who say Dak is awful and cost Moore his job while praising Moore for the offensive numbers with Dak as his QB, I also don’t think new offenses ever come out gangbusters this early. Just as I’m willing to give the QB responsible for those prolific Moore offenses some leeway, I’m also willing to be patient with this new offense by McCarthy.

We will all know what’s what before the season ends.


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What did KM’s offense do in the two playoff games against the 49ers to make you think he was not a problem?
One of these days I hope the FO looks at the common denominator. They changed the head coach, offensive coordinator, QB coach, receivers , running back. The one thing they have to change is the QB. (and GM, but that wont happen)


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Casual fans always use the last loss as a measuring stick. Typical over reaction.
We lost three times in a row to them, and that last one was the worst. So where is the progress? "Just one game" my arse...

So a win against LA will set everything right again? Chargers aren't a very good football team right now.

Same old same old ...


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Kellen Moore was definitely a big part of the problem. Kellen Moore had a very low football IQ.

There have been MANY games Zeke and Pollard was averaging 5, 6, 7 yards a carry.... then we'll get to 2nd, 3rd, and 4th and goal to go.... Moore would call three straight running plays.

Again, if you're averaging over 5 yards yards a carry, what would a coordinator with half of a brain do on short yardage plays?? Exactly....

Not dumb *** Kellen Moore!!!

Another thing that pissed me off.... we would gash our opponents with the run game and they couldn't stop it... then Moore bails them out by calling more pass plays.

Guess what the good coordinators with a good football IQ does??? Keep calling run plays until you prove you can stop it!!! Not dumb *** Kellen Moore!!!

His in-game awareness and adjustments were trash with us. Like I said before, I'm GLAD he's gone.
Superb post


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Wonder Boy ran up the score on trash teams to pad his stats, but when we played the big boys the offense was a no show.

Remind me again how many points Wonder Boy scored against the 49ers last year?

12 points..................that is what Wonder Boy and his offense scored against the 49ers last year.

10 points...........................What MM scored against the 49ers this year.

So, Wonder Boy scored 2 more points than Fat Mike did against the 49ers.............sorry, but I dont really see much of a difference to warrant lamenting him leaving.


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It doesn’t matter who the head coach is. It doesn’t matter who the OC is. They all end up with the same results in the end. This is a Jones problem who paid a mediocre QB elite money. Dak is what he is and I don’t fault him for getting that $$$. Jerry needs to do the right thing and not extend him. A new OC and or HC won’t change a thing.
100%.....all these threads trying to pin the blame on one individual strand of the team (usually to deflect from their pet cat). New: GM, HC, OC and dont extend Dak.


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One of these days I hope the FO looks at the common denominator. They changed the head coach, offensive coordinator, QB coach, receivers , running back. The one thing they have to change is the QB. (and GM, but that wont happen)
The Cowboys made a trade for Lance so no matter what the board or media thinks, the Cowboys are looking at for a Dak replacement.


Well-Known Member
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Kellen Moore got thrown under the bus. His offense was top 3 or better the past 3 seasons. Now look at them. That great Mike McCarthy Texas Toast offense is flat out horrible. Ill take Kellen Moore's offense over Mike McCarthy's 8 days a week. Prove me wrong fellas.

The KMooreHaters loved it when he left.

He's got the Chargers offense rolling.

Huge mistake letting him walk.
