Video: Kyle Brandt from NFLN calls out Dak


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It makes perfect sense with Dak. He chokes for the 4th post season in a row and can't make it out of the wild card you move on. He makes it to a SB the entire fan base is fine paying him top dollar. I don't get why any owner would ever give Dak the amount of money he's asking for when he's the majority reason we've lost the last 3 playoff games.

Surprisingly, Jerry didn't pay him in a rare Jerry contract win.
That’s an issue. Who cares what fans think? This is just. I’m not even saying bring Dak back. I’m saying you should’ve made a decision on him before now. You don’t take a wait and see approach or be indecisive. Why does Dak have to wait to fail or to succeed to make a decision on him? It’s been 8 years you know what he is.


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Dude... this is something else. I'm all for Dak getting his money, it's what all players do. I won't shed a tear for an owners pocket.

But, he said he isn't in it for the money. And that's just complete and utter bull****. Just like the "bump in the road" comment and many others that was a stupid statement in front of the cameras.

He is no leader and he is no role model. And it's hilarious how some super fans here still think he is. It is absolutely justified to call him out on such nonsense.
Prescott says things that prove he isn’t very bright.

This last comment justifies such.

Whiskey Cowboy

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I guess you’ve never played team sports before. Probably not very competitive. But most elite athlete's like those in the NFL are driven by trying to be their best and be part of a Championship team. The comraderie with your teammates. The thrill of winning. Dak will have earned $160 million just on his 2nd contract. He doesn’t need any money. He just wants to win. I know that doesn’t fit your agenda but I believe it to be true.
Negotiations will tell the story for us


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I guess you’ve never played team sports before. Probably not very competitive. But most elite athlete's like those in the NFL are driven by trying to be their best and be part of a Championship team. The comraderie with your teammates. The thrill of winning. Dak will have earned $160 million just on his 2nd contract. He doesn’t need any money. He just wants to win. I know that doesn’t fit your agenda but I believe it to be true.
Funny, you should really get to know people before you stick your feet in your mouth. I’ve shared stories here about my brief coaching experience at the D-1 level. LOL. I’ve coached and played more years than you probably have ever watched football. My son played all the way to his second year at a D1 school and finished his final 2 at a D3 school. I don’t have to prove my competitive lifestyle to you. You’d only have to be around me for 5 mins to know how competitive every minute of my life is.

People like you make me sick!!!!! I have a serious question for you. Do you know that almost Everyone here hates you? How’s that feel? I don’t hate you, because I don’t know you, but it’s as close as you can get as for an internet type attitude. I can tell your type from a mile away. Once again, you’re the joke of CZ. The one who talks foolishness every time he says something.

As for the post, and BOP, you’re worse than I thought if you think Dak doesn’t care about the money. He’d be in the middle of a multi-year deal if he didn’t. Nobody would question his commitment if he was willing to take a team friendly deal.

Now it’s past your bedtime,
Go wake up your mom and tell her the meanies at CZ are talking about you again.


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Dak throws out one of his robotic cliches to his horde of minions in the DFW media, Kyle has decided to hold him to his words. What exactly is the problem?
True, but there are several DFW media personalities who have turned sour on him.


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Maybe it’s not about the money. The fans honestly shouldn’t care about this and typically every don’t it why involves Dak and that’s when people pretend to care.
Fans care because the QB makes up a huge percentage of the teams cap. It’s not about the amount of money. It’s the thought process behind it. If the salary cap was $1000, and Dak took $450, it would still be the same thing. You couldn’t pay the remaining 51 players on your team the $550 and expect to have a good squad.


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When you make bs comments like you don't play for money it opens you up to criticism.

It's almost like a little Jerry bs rubbed off on him.

Brandt did stipulate you have to spend these "chips" on players. Otherwise it's just a discount.

I dont typically take issue with anything Dak says but this one seemed pretty disingenuous after signing a FOUR year deal intentionally to go back to market sooner.

I think I've just reached a point of fatigue with this organization blowing smoke up my a$&.
Mind you they franchised him instead of giving him a 5 year deal.


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It doesn’t really matter whether somebody likes Kyle Brandt or not… He’s 100% right on this. Dak should know better than to say something so incredibly stupid. I was thinking the exact same things Kyle Brant was saying before I even heard his opinion. So were millions of other people.


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Fans care because the QB makes up a huge percentage of the teams cap. It’s not about the amount of money. It’s the thought process behind it. If the salary cap was $1000, and Dak took $450, it would still be the same thing. You couldn’t pay the remaining 51 players on your team the $550 and expect to have a good squad.
I’m not saying fans shouldn’t care about his salary I’m saying they shouldn’t care about anything that comes out his mouth lol.

We saw how well this team was built when Dak was on his rookie deal. This excuse we can’t build a team around his salary is some Stephen fodder.


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I’m not saying fans shouldn’t care about his salary I’m saying they shouldn’t care about anything that comes out his mouth lol.

We saw how well this team was built when Dak was on his rookie deal. This excuse we can’t build a team around his salary is some Stephen fodder.
So you’re basically saying the Cowboys fans should be OK with him trying to insult their intelligence? That’s going to make him easier to root for?


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Not a Kyle Brandt fan. In fact the whole GMF show was terrible. So, to that I say, good riddance.
However, he's spot on here and anyone who's willing to
"rattle the cage" of Plastic Dak and The Dak Lovers Society gets my endorsement.
"Good job, Kyle." (Eric Cartman voice)