Latest Dez Video rumors from twitterverse...Terez Owens interview recap Post #230

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I'm saying if it were a BS story someone as connected as Schefter probably would have found that out long before today. The fact that he is still working on the story tells me that something's there.

It's the rational way to look at it.

There very well could be something to it, but if Schefter has worked on it for 6 months and still can't piece together whatever it is it's probably not something people should be this stressed about. I'm as big a skeptic as anyone, but if these people actually had something someone would've leaked it by now. Supposedly screenshots of the video have been sent to major outlets and there isn't a leak yet? No way.
Schefter not dismissing this story as BS after 6 months is a red flag. He's got more important things to do than waste his time with nonsense.

Dude, Schefter is digging into something he heard. He wants to be RIGHT. For all I know, the social media is all piggybacking on this report which was 6 months ago. It's right before contract extension, how convenient is that?

And if you listen to his interview: he doesn't sound too convincing.

Oh by the way. Schefter thinks both Bryant and Murray are back in Dallas next year.
was there ever a conclusion as to what exactly happened? all I heard was they were arguing and he pushed her. which, with me not being be there and not knowing the situation, might mean very little.

I don't remember the details any longer, but I remember having a foul taste in my mouth over the whole thing.
I seem to remember erod had some threads saying get rid of the guy at the time- he had his pitchfork out over it.

Which might be why he believes there is a tape pretty adamantly.
Shoot- maybe there is, but I have seen zero evidence.
Just people talking, talking, talking...
You would think there's some thing there. But it goes back to why it isn't out. He may have devoted so much time thinking it's there that he has now obsessed himself in trying to prove it. Stupid, but he hasn't proven to be that smart either.

I don't believe Adam Schefter is obsessed with getting Dez Bryant. Cmon. Drop this media is out to get us thing.
I just find it funny. If Dez Bryant was a Commander, this board would routinely talk about the assault on his own Mother. All that stuff goes ignored when he's wearing the right colors.

How is this stuff being ignored?

We have people on this very thread that have already convicted the guy of a rumor of a video that has never been released.

Anytime something remotely happens and Dez is somewhere in the galaxy of it happening, people on this very board will call for him to be released or not re-signed.

There were people on this very board calling for him to be released after he owed money to a jewelry store.

There were people on this very board calling for Dez to be released after there reports of 6 instances where police had to be called to a place that he once lived in and the reports were found to be completely bogus (i.e. Dez wasn't even in town at the time of the incident or he wasn't living there at the time of an incident).

But hey, they were reported by 'credible' journalists who heard from 'anonymous sources' and their 'sources never lied to me before', right?

I don't know about the rest of the board, but if Dez was playing for Washington I would wait and see what the entire story is instead of assuming that he's guilty before he's innocent. That's just the way I look at things.

There is too much smoke for there not to be fire. I'm sure SOME tape of some sort exists. The question is what exactly is on the tape. Maybe it's a tape of him smoking a joint from four years ago, and then as stories get told and twisted and rumors get passed on from one person to another, four years later the tape goes from him smoking a joint, to him murdering someone in cold blood on video.

I think there is SOMETHING to all this.. but the question is going to be exactly how bad is it.
so this happened in 5x worse than Ray charges or arrests...too much doesn't add up right now. innocent until proven guilty? I guess unless you already don't like someone.
Schefter: Well listen, whatever we’ve been working on is not ready and maybe it never will be. Who knows? You’ve got to be very careful on these things. People can talk about videos, they can talk about this they can talk about that. The fact of the matter is, it doesn’t mean anything and it’s really not fair to him right now until you have all your facts in line. Which we spent a long time trying to do.

Scary quote. I'd rather....yeah, I looked it and determined there just wasn't anything there.

I'd like to be a fly on the wall at Valley Ranch. The Dez Bryant negotiations weren't complicated enough. Now you have this to consider.

You almost have to just tag him now.
I don't believe Adam Schefter is obsessed with getting Dez Bryant. Cmon. Drop this media is out to get us thing.

I didn't say he was. I said he may have invested so much time into it he hates to come up empty. I have never bought the media hate for the Cowboys. I think the Cowboys (Jerry) have always made it easy on the media.
There is too much smoke for there not to be fire. I'm sure SOME tape of some sort exists. The question is what exactly is on the tape. Maybe it's a tape of him smoking a joint from four years ago, and then as stories get told and twisted and rumors get passed on from one person to another, four years later the tape goes from him smoking a joint, to him murdering someone in cold blood on video.

I think there is SOMETHING to all this.. but the question is going to be exactly how bad is it.

I think that's the fair reaction to it.

All I'm saying is before today I chalked this up to nonsense. Now it appears something is there. It's concerning. He's a game changing player and the team has to decide what to do with him this offseason.
I don't believe Adam Schefter is obsessed with getting Dez Bryant. Cmon. Drop this media is out to get us thing.

The media is out there to get TV ratings, Web site clicks and magazine sales. As Peter King has written on numerous occasions, "when in doubt, write about the Cowboys.". So what could be a better way to get ratings, Web site clicks and magazine sales than to get a story about a star player for the Cowboys doing something that is "5 times worse than the Ray Rice video."

I do find it strange that a man that once gave Miles Austin $54 million based on about 11 games of production, is having a hard time parting ways with $$$$ to a guy that has a chance to be the most prolific wr in club history.

I think there's more to this than just Jerry/Stephen worrying about the cap. Something ain't right, Jerry usually goes in way over his head on these core guys.
I didn't say he was. I said he may have invested so much time into it he hates to come up empty. I have never bought the media hate for the Cowboys. I think the Cowboys (Jerry) have always made it easy on the media.

Right. You're inventing a scenario in your head to protect the player. Instead of just seeing it for what it is. He's still working on it because he feels there's validity to it.
I do find it strange that a man that once gave Miles Austin $54 million based on about 11 games of production, is having a hard time parting ways with $$$$ to a guy that has a chance to me the most prolific wr in club history.

I think there's more to this than just Jerry/Stephen worrying about the cap. Something ain't right, Jerry usually goes in way over his head on these core guys.

Great point.
That didn't take long.

Yeah, it did. We're 1200 posts into this thing.

As an aside, just to respond to a couple of posts you've made basically whizzing on fans for doing everything possible to support/defend Dez. Did you forget you're on a Cowboys site and he's basically the face of the franchise? Duh!!!!! Let people be and go back to hanging out in the Draft Zone. lol
The saddest part of all this is that it's from 2011. I really don't care to see what he did in 2011. Since the incident with his mother he has been a model citizen.. Had turkey drives in oak cliff...Spoke at domestic violence rallies..etc etc
Right. You're inventing a scenario in your head to protect the player. Instead of just seeing it for what it is. He's still working on it because he feels there's validity to it.

Nope, I have no reason to protect the player. If he did something five times worse than what Rice did he belongs in prison.
After six months of working on it and he comes up with nothing? He's obsessed for what ever reason.
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