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We simply dont know what is obvious to the doctor with just the publicly available information.
The cutting information may be enough for him, as it may very well be a standard milestone in the recovery process.
The doctor has no reason to twist the facts just so mislead others on the board.
You can cut with the brace on. It's just not very graceful because there is no flexibility at the foot. The peroneal is not required to cut. It is required to do it fluidly.

Jaylon said a month or so ago that he could not cut before and then he could cut.
That is clear progress and milestone to me.
Cutting just means his ACL/LCL injury healed correctly it does nothing to address the drop foot he has....thus the device is still on.

Jaylon said one month ago or so that he can cut, but could not cut before.
That to me is clear progress.
Jaylon said one month ago or so that he can cut, but could not cut before.
That to me is clear progress.

he has said for several months that he is making progress in different areas: sensation, strength, flexibility. But it will be difficult to play in NFL at high level with drop foot. That has not resolved yet.
he has said for several months that he is making progress in different areas: sensation, strength, flexibility. But it will be difficult to play in NFL at high level with drop foot. That has not resolved yet.

If cutting is much improved, that means the muscle is doing something.
If the muscle is doing something, that means the nerve got there.
If the nerve got there, the drop foot is either gone or getting better with rehab.
The doctor clearly said that the recovery for this level of injury is good and predictable given rehab and meeting milestones.
Cannot cut before and can cut now is clearly progress.

If you dont believe me, go google Jaylon's statements in the last 8 weeks, as well as his interviews.
I definitely remember him mentions about the change in the cutting.

Flexibility, strength can be about the knee.
Sensation is clearly progress also, though one can argue that sensory neurons are separate from motor neurons.

Drop foot is only one of the problem. The doctor also said push off, I suspect that is a major parameter for cutting. The brace does not provide that. Improvement in the functional recovery does - and that is the gold standard for measuring motor nerve recovery.

Doctors who specialize in this may read our thread and simply think we are a bunch of ignorant idiots arguing over nothing.
If cutting is much improved, that means the muscle is doing something.
If the muscle is doing something, that means the nerve got there.
If the nerve got there, the drop foot is either gone or getting better with rehab.
The doctor clearly said that the recovery for this level of injury is good and predictable given rehab and meeting milestones.
Cannot cut before and can cut now is clearly progress.

If you dont believe me, go google Jaylon's statements in the last 8 weeks, as well as his interviews.
I definitely remember him mentions about the change in the cutting.

you can go round and round with this until your blue in face. The reality is nobody knows not even Dr. Cooper if Smith will regain full functionality of the left foot. What we see is progress but still has drop foot. Just leave it at that until we get word that full function has been restored.
Seems like CPT doesn't understand that the injury to the peroneal nerve occurred in the knee.

Seems like you don't understand that the peroneal nerve supplies movement and sensation to the lower leg, foot and toes.
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you can go round and round with this until your blue in face. The reality is nobody knows not even Dr. Cooper if Smith will regain full functionality of the left foot. What we see is progress but still has drop foot. Just leave it at that until we get word that full function has been restored.

Absolutely agree.
Progress does not mean we are there, or we will ever get there.
The only thing we have is what Dr. Cooper said and what our Doc said about the statistics for this type of injury based on thousands of cases.

I think everyone here know Jaylon may never be the same player again.

But it appears that Jaylon can probably live a normal live.
That counts for something.

But at this point, I am as worried about the knee as the nerve.
Anyone know statistics on players coming back from ACL?
How often do they lose a step or half a step?
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I know many MDs.
It is difficult for me to believe that a MD would say stuff with absolutely no basis for a silly football argument.
Especially when he has said things like the quality of the recovery for an injury of this type and magnitude is quite predictable based on thousands of similar cases.

You need to stop treating MDs like they're gods, infallible or act like they don't have the foibles of an ordinary Joe.

I'm skeptical of any medical practitioner that would stridently give a prognosis on someone else's patient without being privy to the medical records or having personal interaction with the subject patient. I also have serious doubts of any credible medial doctor that all but assures there won't be any chance of "permanent impairment." Any reduced functionality from a baseline of normal is permanent impairment.

Beyond all that, he was called to the carpet and his response was basically an unconvincing "ah, c'mon can't you just believe me."
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I work in heath care field and find it irresponsible when he has zero factual basis.

Here is exact quote from him (which he has since removed):

"He's already regained some dorsiflexion strength, no longer has foot drop, and his push-off is almost full."

Now how would he know Jaylne Smith no longer has foot drop yet he is still walking around with device. Unless he has one bit of evidence his entire credibility falls apart.

You need to back the **** off these members here who actually lend some sort of insight into Jaylon's recovery.

Only a few have asserted themselves as being a doctor (@Doc50 etc) the rest have stated numerous times it is their speculation and research into Jaylon, specifically, that lends a voice to the discussion.

You saying you "work in the field" is rich, considering how much you crap on the other posters for offering advice. Taking out the trash at the hospital and getting rid of the hazardous waste doesn't mean you work in the field.

It means you're a janitor.

Now leave the thread since you have such an issue with it. The rest of us are intrigued. Let us be intrigued and continue to speculate. It's our right. Stop crapping on our parade, and instead clean up the crap at that hospital you work at.

"I work in the field" get the **** out of here
I stand by my words. There is not one single piece of evidence that Jaylon Smith no longer has drop foot. Everyone is hoping this turns out to be home run but stop the misinformation.

What is your point here? What point are you trying to make in regards to our speculation?

Who are you trying to save from this "misinformation," chief save a **?

You're just looking for attention.
this has been covered. Its very very common for people with disabilities to take their devices off at home. If he posted a video of him walking around at home without device and I saw no "drag" of his foot...then we could make educated guess that the drop foot has resolved.

what your trying to state is that still picture of someone sitting on floor without device constitutes the drop foot is gone is just silly.

This is the issue with these types. They claim they're just openly speculating to "other possibilities," but reject any chance of interpreting the information as it is on its face.

They think Occam's Razor is a new shaving blade by Gillette.
You need to stop treating MDs like they're gods, infallible or act like they don't have the foibles of an ordinary Joe.

I don't know of any true medical doctors (chiropractors not included) that would stridently give a prognosis on someone else's patient without being privy to the medical records or having personal interaction with the subject patient. I also have serious doubts of any credible medial doctor that all but assures there won't be any chance of "permanent impairment." Any reduced functionality from a baseline of normal is permanent impairment.

Beyond all that, he was called to the carpet and his response was basically an unconvincing "ah, c'mon can't you just believe me."

I have called to the carpet several doctors in my life.
A few of my best friends are MDs and I slap them around very often.
However, this is such a simlistic matter that someone with a MD will probably laugh at if they read this thread.

I dont think anyone will argue with you that Jaylon may suffer from reduced functionality.
I dont think the doctor guaranteed Jaylon will come back exactly the same.

Remember, people have been arguing whether Jaylon's nerve will ever wake up again.
To me, that now likely is a done deal.

As I said, I am actually equally worried about the knee now as the nerve regeneration.
I dont want Jaylon to lose that half a step.
Jaylon said a month or so ago that he could not cut before and then he could cut.
That is clear progress and milestone to me.

He's openly talking about his progression. And people who are spending time with him are coming out and saying they think he could be playing NFL football in eight weeks or so. This whole conversation is silly.

And this from somebody who thought selecting him at #34 was a stupid and unnecessary risk. But either he and the people around him are just making stuff up, or some of these Cowboys fans are just going to have to reconcile themselves to the fact that his rehabilitation seems to be going well.
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