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He's openly talking about his progression. And people who are spending time with him are coming out and saying they think he could be playing NFL football in eight weeks or so. This whole conversation is silly.

And this from somebody who thought selecting him at #34 was a stupid and unnecessary risk. But either he and the people around him are just making stuff up, or some of these Cowboys fans are just going to have to reconcile themselves to the fact that his rehabilitation seems to be going well.

I'm in this fight with you, Idgit (not that you needed my help). It's confounding that these guys can't handle speculation on a huge prospect, on a damn Dallas Cowboy message board.
What is your point here? What point are you trying to make in regards to our speculation?

Who are you trying to save from this "misinformation," chief save a **?

You're just looking for attention.

I have called to the carpet several doctors in my life.
A few of my best friends are MDs and I slap them around very often.
However, this is such a simlistic matter that someone with a MD will probably laugh at if they read this thread.

I dont think anyone will argue with you that Jaylon may suffer from reduced functionality.
I dont think the doctor guaranteed Jaylon will come back exactly the same.

Remember, people have been arguing whether Jaylon's nerve will ever wake up again.
To me, that now likely is a done deal.

As I said, I am actually equally worried about the knee now as the nerve regeneration.
I dont want Jaylon to lose that half a step.

When you make the statement that people don't need to worry about Jaylon coming back with "permanent impairment" that's a pretty strident claim based on the fact we all know nothing about Smith's current rehab status and prognosis other than dissecting what's been said in the press which is effectively very little.

Even with that said, I can turn a blind I to that and interpret his claim in a different light more innocently.

However, his other claim that "He's (Jaylon) already regained some dorsiflexion strength, no longer has foot drop, and his push-off is almost full" I find much more egregious. That's not a "medical expert" openly speculating on the health condition of a patient he hasn't examined. Rather, that's someone straight-up making positive claims about someone he has zero involvement with.
When you make the statement that people don't need to worry about Jaylon coming back with "permanent impairment" that's a pretty strident claim based on the fact we all know nothing about Smith's current rehab status and prognosis other than dissecting what's been said in the press which is effectively very little.

Even with that said, I can turn a blind I to that and interpret his claim in a different light.

However, his other claim that "He's (Jaylon) already regained some dorsiflexion strength, no longer has foot drop, and his push-off is almost full" I find much more egregious. That's not a "medical expert" openly speculating on the health condition of a patient he hasn't examined. Rather, that's someone straight-up making positive claims about someone he has not involvement with.

What does it matter, Cal? Who is being hurt, either way?
When you make the statement that people don't need to worry about Jaylon coming back with "permanent impairment" that's a pretty strident claim based on the fact we all know nothing about Smith's current rehab status and prognosis other than dissecting what's been said in the press which is effectively very little.

Even with that said, I can turn a blind I to that and interpret his claim in a different light more innocently.

However, his other claim that "He's (Jaylon) already regained some dorsiflexion strength, no longer has foot drop, and his push-off is almost full" I find much more egregious. That's not a "medical expert" openly speculating on the health condition of a patient he hasn't examined. Rather, that's someone straight-up making positive claims about someone he has zero involvement with.

Oh my god

improvement in cutting -> requires muscle doing something -> nerve has some level of connection with muscle

then the doc said for this level and type of injury, the results are predictable based on thousands of similar cases and should be pretty good, a lot of which is based on rehab and meeting milestones (e.g. cutting improvement?).

Did he guarantee Jaylon will come back 100% the same, NO
What does it matter, Cal? Who is being hurt, either way?

Nobody gets hurt. But what's the purpose of speculating if you're not trying to move closer to the answer (i.e. truth), filtering out fact from fiction, plausible from implausible?

I've got ZERO problems with someone wanting to believe/speculation Jaylon may be progressing well because there's a photo of him not wearing a AFO brace.

I've got a problem with someone claiming Jaylon's "regained some dorsiflexion strength, no longer has foot drop, and his push-off is almost full."
Nobody gets hurt. But what's the purpose of speculating if you're not trying to move closer to the answer (i.e. truth), filtering out fact from fiction, plausible from implausible?

I've got ZERO problems with someone wanting to believe/speculation Jaylon may be progressing well because there's a photo of him not wearing a AFO brace.

I've got a problem with someone claiming Jaylon's "regained some dorsiflexion strength, no longer has foot drop, and his push-off is almost full."

Why? Why does it affect you so? And Cal, I'm not coming at you sideways. I just want to know why speculation, even if stated as fact, upsets you?

This isn't a Scientific America message board, it's a damn Cowboys message board with a wide array of opinions and beliefs. Some will be heavily stated, so it goes, bud.
Oh my god

improvement in cutting -> requires muscle doing something -> nerve has some level of connection with muscle

then the doc said for this level and type of injury, the results are predictable based on thousands of similar cases and should be pretty good, a lot of which is based on rehab and meeting milestones (e.g. cutting improvement?).

Did he guarantee Jaylon will come back 100% the same, NO

He's 9 months from a torn ACL (and LCL), he should be seeing improvement in cutting which is one of the primary movements impacted by an ACL tear.
Nobody gets hurt. But what's the purpose of speculating if you're not trying to move closer to the answer (i.e. truth), filtering out fact from fiction, plausible from implausible?

I've got ZERO problems with someone wanting to believe/speculation Jaylon may be progressing well because there's a photo of him not wearing a AFO brace.

I've got a problem with someone claiming Jaylon's "regained some dorsiflexion strength, no longer has foot drop, and his push-off is almost full."

Have you considered that cutting improvement may come AFTER foot drop going away in a typical recovery.
Also I believe some dorsiflexion strength is required for foot drop going away?
Now none of us amateurs would know that for sure now, whereas people drawing experience from case data from thousands of cases should know that?
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He's 9 months from a torn ACL (and LCL), he should be seeing improvement in cutting which is one of the primary movements impacted by an ACL tear.

This is equal speculation, Cal. With all due respect. Now you're offering your own counter-speculation (is that a word, lol), to be fair. As everyone's recovery isn't uniform.
He's 9 months from a torn ACL (and LCL), he should be seeing improvement in cutting which is one of the primary movements impacted by an ACL tear.

I already sent you the link on his knee recovery.
He was squatting hundreds of pounds at the end of March.
This is equal speculation, Cal. With all due respect. Now you're offering your own counter-speculation (is that a word, lol), to be fair. As everyone's recovery isn't uniform.

I think you're reaching to draw a comparison there. I qualified my statements with "he should be seeing improvement."

That's vastly different than claiming "He's already regained some dorsiflexion strength, no longer has foot drop, and his push-off is almost full."
I think you're reaching to draw a comparison there. I qualified my statements with "he should be seeing improvement."

That's vastly different than claiming "He's already regained some dorsiflexion strength, no longer has foot drop, and his push-off is almost full."

Fair enough, but why is it so painful (pun?) to read such posts, bud?
I already sent you the link on his knee recovery.
He was squatting hundreds of pounds at the end of March.

You understand that you can actually walk with an ACL tear right? Lateral movement is what is primarily affected by ACL injuries (A cut-and-plant movement is the typical mechanism that causes the ACL to tear, that being a sudden change in direction or speed with the foot firmly planted).
You understand that you can actually walk with an ACL tear right? Lateral movement is what is primarily affected by ACL injuries (A cut-and-plant movement is the typical mechanism that causes the ACL to tear, that being a sudden change in direction or speed with the foot firmly planted).

What I remember is Jaylon has been saying that his knee has been fine for quite a few months.
Way before any mention of making cuts, which I guess was around late August early September.
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