Looking like Dan Quinn will return

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Gangsta Spanksta

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While i wouldn't say you are wrong here it is worth noting every HC, QB, DC to win a SB has had MANY seasons where they didn't.
I am not overly excited about status quo but if it really is one last shot before a full rebuild then let's roll.
It's just next season, I don't see an influx of new talent coming in and we might be starting Cap hell. We need to fix our run game and run defense. The biggest bright spot might be having both Diggs and Bland playing at the same time. Other than that, we have the same quarterback with a reputation of choking, a little older with most of the same pieces surrounding him.


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I don’t really agree with the idea that he’s not an “elite player”…he may not be the same old Martin but he’s still damn good. Sure, last year maybe he was 3rd best on the o line but that’s because Tyler smith was also very good and so was Tyron, Tyron who is always good but it’s just a matter of health.

Zack being 3rd compared to those 2 is like finishing 3rd at the miss America pageant- it doesn’t make you ugly. Agree, he isn’t the same player he was but that’s because he set the standard so high and he was still an all pro.
we don't see it the same way but we shared our viewpoints without yelling at each other so it's all good.


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Are you suggesting that ZM has not "produced?" He's probably the best player on the team.
what has he produced? he gets little to no push on most run plays. generally pretty good in pass pro but does get beat with some regularity (which never happened early in his career)

these last couple years he has been much more average. not a liability but not a positive difference maker either.


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Dan Quinn is a top 5 DC so if he comes back so be it.

But the fan base has every right to be ticked off at him IMO.
He was setting up an insane number of interviews the week of the WC game.
I never begrudge a man a better job and better pay but I do hate campaigning for a new position while falling asleep at the one you have now.

The Dallas defense was TOTALLY undressed versus GB. 7 starting defenders graded below 50 by PFF.
We did not get pressure, failed to stop the run and had at least occasions where a WR was open by 10+ yards.
That is epic ineptitude.

And yes the 215-pound backers were duct taped in place after 0 and 55 were out injured but that was zero reason to get no pass rush and allow no name WRs to be 10 yards open.

McCarthy's game plan also fell to pieces but at least it appears he was trying very hard to keep the job he has.
It is an issue that needs a final answer from him or someone. Answer or no, he sets himself up as being undependable with questionable motives after that debacle. On the surface, the situation stinks of self interest and maybe sabotage.
Media has been strangely silent.


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Tell me, how do you think second and 3rd contracts work?

Players are paid for previous years body of work. No team in league does it differently. Ands willfully being dishonest to suggest otherwise.

One of the dumbest arguments in the history of arguments. I mean seriously you can't possibly believe others aren't paid based off past performance. NFL contracts are futures contracts.
Uhh, he was under contract. The team should have stood their ground rather than cave to his demands to be brought back up to a pay rate that is no longer in line with his performance.


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Well pro football network and fox sports, just groups who would disagree.

He played thru a change to a horrendously bad blocking scheme and lower leg injury all year long and was still one of the top right guards in football.

Even a "declining" Zach Martin is better than most.

It's okay to look at things as they are.
I feel quite confident that Zack would tell you he didn't deserve 1st team All Pro. No one who truly watched all the film for the year could honestly come to that conclusion.

I have repeatedly said that he is still "solid" but not near elite yet we are paying him as if he is .... when we didn't have to rework his contract. The whole point of signing a guy is to lock in a price with the understanding that aging players will decline. It's managing your roster rather than acting like certain players are "tenured" and will always be the best at what they do.


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I'm ok with Quinn hitting the bricks. The defense has looked great at times, but then we were shredded by San Francisco and Green Bay. I mean shredded. You need to play well in the regular season, but you HAVE to play well in the playoffs. We did not.


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Are you suggesting that ZM has not "produced?" He's probably the best player on the team.
No, I did not suggest that. My only argument is to the "right" concept.
There is no right to anything. A pro player must continue to produce. There are no positions based on yesterday's performance.


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He was talking player respect...there seems to be very little of that on site at present. I liked it...
These are highly compensated individuals. Their emotional pain is covered.

Additionally, My only argument is to the concept of "right'. It has nothing to do with any player personally.
I don't know them. They don't know me. My thoughts have no impact on their lives and my life does not become better when they benefit from a nice contract.
This is professional sport. It is a business. Money is exchanged for product.


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Don't get all pissed at me
Has he stopped playing at a High Level?
Well get back to me when it happens
He DOES have the right to what His Play Has earned Him .................... PERIOD
I'm not pissed at you. Didn't mean to come across that way.
Text is a poor format for communication. If we were face to face, you would have seen that I'm just talking with you.

I made no reference to the quality of his play.
But this is business. Sure, past performance may be an indicator of future performance, and it may give one leverage in contract negotiations. But past performance is not necessarily an indicator of future performance. Check out the pro forma of any ETF.
These are mutually voluntary contractual arrangements. Nobody has the right to anything.


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Zack probably plays 2 more years. He's earned the right to decide that for himself.

Lawrence is still playing at a high level and is a leader in the defense room. He took has earned the right to say when it's time to quit and I suspect that's getting closer than not to happening.

Those 2 don't warrant any fan concern.

LVE should retire, but that's easy for us fans to say. Likely he's allowed to play his contract out, but should not prevent us from addressing the position as if he does retire.

I think Hankins returns at a good price. Kearse can go imo. I'd sign Tyron to similar deal as last year and I'd sign Lewis. Losing both him and Gilly creates a huge weakness we don't have the resources to fill.
I'm sorry but nobody on this team earned the right to anything, including Martin. They all can go for all I care. Some people seem to be satisfied with a championship game, not me. We need a Super Bowl and this team ain't getting it done.


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You'll be hard pressed to find a coach that doesn't have a blight on his resume. Bottom line is our defense went from a gigantic weakness to a strength. Their ability to turn the ball over literally won games for us, scoring when the offense couldn't. I'm not sure how long you've been around, but pre-Quinn we'd be lucky to get 10 ints in a year, let alone 10 by one player (in two separate years).

The run defense is bad, yes. The reliance on oversized S is bad, yes. But the personnel is also bad. The players we have aren't good enough. With what he's been provided, he's done a fantastic job in Dallas.
He is alot better than what was here before him , I say keep him & draft one of 1st two picks on defensive front four


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If 77 can stay on the field . Steele was awful . Other then Tyler Smith entire line needs revamping and new OL Coach
77 did play very well .... but we all know that can end at any moment. I still have hope that Steele will rebound but it's not a certainty.

You are absolutely right, everyone other than Tyler should be viewed as upgradeable sooner rather than later.
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