Man shot outside stadium has died

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Remember the guy that fell to his death at the Rangers game?

Why is this so quiet compared to that? This was no accident.

Nobody beyond a short request from the Arlington PD to ID the crowd egging him to shoot?

The crowd needs to be rounded up.

I would love for all the people who encouraged the shooter to be charged with accessory to murder. I know it'll never happen but the people that egged the guy on do share some of the guilt. It would be awesome to see each one go on trial as an accessory to murder. I know it's a fantasy but in a perfect world of justice, each person who encouraged him committed a crime and deserve to be punished. I hope every one of them feel some sort of pain or regret for their actions for the rest of their life. Inexcusable behavior.
It may or may not have had anything to do with it, but if I'm in an away stadium and my team wins I keep my mouth shut and move along. I know out of thousands of people there are going to be a few that very upset their team lost. I am not about to talk smack in enemy territory.

I'm really in a foul mood after reading this.
but that man doesn't die without a gun present. MAYBE they get into a scuffle, but no one would die.

it's easy to lose your temper and with a gun, kill someone. it's not as easy if it's a knife, or your fist. it just makes killing so much easier.

I'm not going to get into a gun debate with you here. This isn't the appropriate forum to tell you why you are wrong.
Donated $20 - I can live without some beer this week.
I would love for all the people who encouraged the shooter to be charged with accessory to murder. I know it'll never happen but the people that egged the guy on do share some of the guilt. It would be awesome to see each one go on trial as an accessory to murder. I know it's a fantasy but in a perfect world of justice, each person who encouraged him committed a crime and deserve to be punished. I hope every one of them feel some sort of pain or regret for their actions for the rest of their life. Inexcusable behavior.

I don't see why this wouldn't be doable. It happens with rape cases so why not shootings?
Unfortunately senseless gun violence is part of the American way and isn't going anywhere.
This sucks, but honestly that's why people shouldn't break up fights. If he didn't know them then he should have just let them fight. Not worth risking your life for someone else's situation, if they wanna kill other then let them.

Yeah, I agree.
Unfortunately senseless gun violence is part of the American way and isn't going anywhere.

The guns aren't going anywhere but the irresponsible use of them can always be stifled. We should never be complacent that that's just the way it is.
It bothers me how there is absolutely no restriction on the amount of beer you can bring into the parking lot, or the amount of beer you can buy inside the stadium.

There are several people so messed up they can barely walk, and nothing is done. After the games, it's a hugely toxic situation with almost no police presence other than to direct traffic.

Of course, if you just go to your car and leave, you'll have no issue.

Jerry ain't giving up his Miller Lite money though.

beer don't kill people, guns do.
It was just a stupid game, and there is more to life than just sports, my condolences to the family. Very sad that this had to happen, I am not sure if Texas has the death penalty but this idiot deserves it.
It was just a stupid game, and there is more to life than just sports, my condolences to the family. Very sad that this had to happen, I am not sure if Texas has the death penalty but this idiot deserves it.

Be sorry this happen... okay. But this didn't "had to happen". It was preventable.
I would love for all the people who encouraged the shooter to be charged with accessory to murder. I know it'll never happen but the people that egged the guy on do share some of the guilt. It would be awesome to see each one go on trial as an accessory to murder. I know it's a fantasy but in a perfect world of justice, each person who encouraged him committed a crime and deserve to be punished. I hope every one of them feel some sort of pain or regret for their actions for the rest of their life. Inexcusable behavior.

Anyone chanting someone to kill another person is a POS and probably does not feel any guilt/regret, because they are a POS.
Anyone chanting someone to kill another person is a POS and probably does not feel any guilt/regret, because they are a POS.

Yeah, that blows my mind. If I see a gun, I'm getting the hell out of there.
It was just a stupid game, and there is more to life than just sports, my condolences to the family. Very sad that this had to happen, I am not sure if Texas has the death penalty but this idiot deserves it.

Not sure if Texas has the death penalty? Lol
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