Martin contract getting closer but not official until contract details are released


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I had to spend 30 minutes deleting off-topic posts in this thread by people attempting to hijack it.

After cleaning up the thread, I have removed several user's ability to post in the Fan Zone for a while.

I would suggest if you want to chit-chat with other users about non-Cowboys things that you stay in the appropriate threads in the off-topic areas where we allow them.


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Actually I would think this thread would set off fireworks. Some are celebrating making him the highest paid OG in NFL history as if the fo had really scored. There is not a team in the league that couldn't do what they did and if we see players walk because they can't work them into the cap, then we'll have even more bickering.

It doesn't take too many moves like this to really hamstring a team. And the more a team pays players, the more players want more. The bank is open.

Nobody is celebrating him being the highest paid guard in the league, except him, his family and his agent lol. You have to realize that?

We are celebrating retaining the best damn guard in football.

We managed the cap well so we could retain our own. This guy isn't old, or injury prone, or a knucklehead. This is a good signing and it baffles me some Cowboy fans cant see that.


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The main take away is the deal should break down to 3 years and 38-40m guaranteed

I doubt Martin allows for several non guaranteed Team Options like Tron or low base salary easy pick ups like TFred

He probably add a few Roster Bonuses due in March to years 4-6 so he doesn't get Dez'd


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Looking at the history of the NFL and great Defenses going up against great Offenses. The great defenses almost always control the great offenses. Sometimes just a very good Defense will control an all time great O. Look what the Giants D did to Tom Brady and Randy Mosses record setting O in the Super Bowl a few years ago. We don’t value Defense enough, it’s just not smart football. Look at our salary cap allotment. Heavily weighted to the O, and that is with Dak on his rookie contract!
You win football games in the NFL by dominating the trenches both on offense and defense. Dallas has done an excellent job on both IMHO. The future will bear this out.


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I concur wholeheartedly. That's essentially what I'm saying Pap. I don't know why some posters would be up & arms about this philosophy. It's not smart. I love Martin! I advocated to take him with our pick that year, but I can't comprehend why we would pay so much for a position that I believe u can find an equivalent or a comprable player without mortgaging the future's that simple, no need to argue & call each other names..I don't think great organizations do business as such.
Mortgaging the future? Paying Zack Martin? Wow. He’s the safest player to extend on this team. I’d love you to name me 3 guys who can fill in and play at his level in the NFL. Some of yo are delusional. By the way. Since we don’t invest in defence and as I said earlier. We just revamped our corner and linebacker corps in 2 years. You would think We only draft offense with every pick the way you are talking. We have one of the most talented and cheapest secondaries in football and people are freaking out about paying the best guard in football like he’s the best guard in football lol


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OL contracts left on the books

Tron is due 6/68m.................0m gtd
TFred is due 6/47m...............9m gtd
LCollins is due 2/11-13m....... fully gtd
CWilliams is due 4/5.4m........3.2 gtd

ZMartin guess 7/89m............38m gtd


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I would too but you can't pay and trade for the best guys. We haven't drafted the best d line players and we can't force them to sign here so its not as simple as saying hey Aaron Donald heres some money come play for us. Id rather spend moderate money for players who aren't complete feces on defense and start drafting better.
Isn't your avatar a bit in poor taste? Its the shoe bomber ...or at least a darn good look alike. Just might want to think about a different one.


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If this didn’t get done, all we’d hear about was how cheap Stephen was.
yup...the sky would be falling and we would be seeing thread after threat about how bad the FO was for not signing him or botching it up. Haters gonna hate no matter I guess. It was a very wise signing. Zack earned every penny. He is arguably the best..or at least the top 3 olineman in the it tackle or guard etc..he IS the best or damn close. The only one better might be Jason Peters or Fred Beard.
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And how he's going against his own philosophy of drafting and keeping your own over free agency.
And it would be mostly the same people too, arguing now, which kills me!
yup..damned if you do or damned if you don't.
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Litsen Dak-bot this has nothing to do with inept Dak this has to do with our team esp our Defense which is in dire need of Cap dollars.
Now i know it pains you to have me here reminding everyone of Dak's flaws but life if life and we are not all Blind!

Now take your Dakself and preach your crazy as we continue to be without glory year in and year out cause Doomsday has been a non issue in Big D since we last won a SB in 1995....

Is it? Last time I checked the cap is in good shape moving forward. Also, who do you suggest they sign? Who do they need to re-sign today that’s pressing? They’ve invest resources into the defense. Look at the draft picks. It’s pretty obvious most are on rookie deals and team friendly contracts. I see no issues here at all. I think you’re just looking to complain, but all you’re doing is looking foolish.


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Ya cause all he wants is Talent for inept Dak to have around him paying no mind to the other 11 players on the defense which we haven't had a good to great one in 20 years....What they don't want to understand is that Cap management is pretty much 50% of any team winning the Superbowl.......Martin is a great player and should be paid but not by us we simply cannot afford the luxury!!!!

Or maybe talent for Zeke to run behind? Nah couldn’t be that though
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Is it? Last time I checked the cap is in good shape moving forward. Also, who do you suggest they sign? Who do they need to re-sign today that’s pressing? They’ve invest resources into the defense. Look at the draft picks. It’s pretty obvious most are on rookie deals and team friendly contracts. I see no issues here at all. I think you’re just looking to complain, but all you’re doing is looking foolish.
Thank you


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ruptured knee or back coming, its the cowboy way get paid big get hurt never be the same lOL

Just say NO to negative mojo. It's easier than you think. ;)

Besides, things like that transpire throughout the entire league. It's football.
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I'd be excited and praise the FO if they could sign him a lot less. I don't care about Jerry's money, I care about the CAP eat by him.

Team need a core but also need new blood every year.

Just curious if you know what kind of shape the boys are in with the cap? You might want to see what the guard down in Jax got and he’s not as good as Martin.
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