Micah Parsons - as embarrassing as the Empire State Building

Micah Parsons Telling Lane Johnson To 'Go Win A Bowl For Our Division' Is The Lowest, Saddest Moment In Cowboys History
Why? The Eagles played to win. The Cowboys defense did just that and the offense decided to do nothing. The Eagles are in the Super Bowl. The Cowboys are home. What exactly do you want Parsons to do? Get on a plane and go fight Lane Johnson?
Grow up!! Fans are different than players. They actually play the game. Dang....just something else for some of you to hate on. Misery loves company. I'm not visiting!
Agree. Can y'all just leave this young man alone? Why must someone always b**tch about anything Micah does? As long as he throws all that "peace and love" out the window when he is on the field, then let him be. Geesh!!
This guy is a flake - a phony - and a cliq overrated.

Now he’s being called out and exposed .

Micah Parsons Telling Lane Johnson To 'Go Win A Bowl For Our Division' Is The Lowest, Saddest Moment In Cowboys History
You guys are unbelievable. Parsons is by far the best player on the team. Who cares if he’s rooting for Lane Johnson? Bunch of Karens.
Is this the part of the exercise where you claim people said things that they've never said?

I have never once commented on the crowd at Frisco. About the only thing stadium wise I have complained about is Jerry's stupid windows that he refuses to try to cover up. But even if I did, what does complaining about the crowd have to do with throwing a temper tantrum over a Cowboy player congratulating a rival player and hoping he wins?

I think most of the old players probably don't give two ***** about this stuff at this point in their lives. I am sure a few might but most probably either don't care enough to worry about it. They know the problem in Dallas and why they haven't won in 25+ years has nothing to do with Parsons tweeting congrats to a rival player. If you think Parsons tweet is somehow a snapshot into why we've failed for 27 years, whew boy............
You're a perfect example of the masses that just don't get it. You complain about the failure of the past 27 years, yet you champion and cheer disloyalty to this franchise. Unbelievable. I would be embarrassed to the point of not wanting to post anymore.
Who cares who he roots for after we are out. He probably has the same agent or something. I don't hate the Eagles players other than a couple. It's their dirt bag fans I can't stand. It's nothing like the Empire State Building issue at all
Really. This is a complaint. I could care less as long as Micah brings it every game. He's our best player on both sides of the ball...they should have played him as a running back at San Fran ... bet he would have embarrassed Elliot big time...
give up AC. the QB has failed, fans are just acknowledging it.

Parsons criticized Dak (rightfully so) and Micah's a traitor.

Parsons wishes a fellow opponent that he respects good luck in the next round, and Micah's a traitor again.

It seems certain people on this board would be happier if Micah condoned mediocrity on our own team and was insanely jealous of excellence on another team.

Micah has the mindset of a guy who wants to win. Nothing wrong with that. I vastly prefer this to whatever nonsensical platitudes #4 throws out at his training camp presser next year (best shape of my life, this year is the year, Last year won't happen again, I believe in these guys, try a sleep number, you'll love it, blah blah blah)
You're a perfect example of the masses that just don't get it. You complain about the failure of the past 27 years, yet you champion and cheer disloyalty to this franchise. Unbelievable. I would be embarrassed to the point of not wanting to post anymore.
LOL. I don't get it because it doesn't bother me that a Cowboys players tweeted congrats to a rival? Hahaha. Disloyalty to the franchise? Because of a tweet? I'll worry about disloyalty when Parsons is out there and not trying his hardest in order to help the other team. But as long as he is out there wrecking ****, I really don't care if he throws congrats and stuff at Eagles, Giants or Commanders players.

The failures of the last 27 years have zero to do with what Parsons just tweeted. Holy freaking poop dude.

The only embarrassing thing here is a grown *** man throwing a hissy fit over what a player tweeted and then trying to turn into some massive psychoanalysis of the mentality of the franhchise.

I think at the end of the day, you have an issue with Parsons because of his tweet about the playoff QBs and how it looked like a slight of Dak. Once he did that, you were done with Parsons.
You know, and it's ok for you to cheer on the eagles, enjoy the SB at least you have division team playing in it right, ra ra.
No, I really don't know. What is getting softer? The game? The NFL? Certain players? Just the Cowboys?
Dak doesn't tweet praises for other teams or calls out his own players. Seems like you've got your priorities wrong, Coach.

No, Dak just goes out and plays inconsistently and doesn't help us win in the playoffs.

But at the end of the day, what's more important here than what the team does on the field and making a playoff run, apparently, is what our players are doing on twitter!
I have developed my hatred for the Eagles over 60 years. It's not surprising the younger generation doesn't carry these same feelings. Micah is unstoppable on the field, who cares who he's rooting for in the SB. Geez!
You're a perfect example of the masses that just don't get it. You complain about the failure of the past 27 years, yet you champion and cheer disloyalty to this franchise. Unbelievable. I would be embarrassed to the point of not wanting to post anymore.

All due respect, every day on this forum you champion and cheer mediocrity at the most important position in this franchise. And you belittle anyone who doesn't do the same.

Your undying devotion to and defense of Dak's shortcomings is far worse for the health of this franchise, than anything Micah said here to Lane Johnson.
I have developed my hatred for the Eagles over 60 years. It's not surprising the younger generation doesn't carry these same feelings. Micah is unstoppable on the field, who cares who he's rooting for in the SB. Geez!

Who cares what he does on the field?

It's what he does on Twitter that is most important!

Unless Parsons or any Cowboys player is saying vulgar, disgusting, crap on Twitter, I really don't give a damn what their twitter feed has. I don't even really use twitter or follow players. I really don't care. I only care that they show up and play hard, which Parsons does, and don't embarrass the Cowboys off the field doing dumb stuff like wrecking cars or getting into bar fights or stealing underwear.
He doesn't care. He won't be here in 2 years anyway. We should not want this type of player anyway ... I don't care how good he is. I slam Dak but he at least has leadership qualities when it comes to the star.
And it takes an entire franchise to win a Super Bowl. We do not have all the pieces we actually overachieved in my opinion. No running game once Pollard went down . Were were the tight ends, yeah, it’s a one game show. But you’re right blame it on one guy. Because that’s what the majority wants no matter how great Prescott could be half the board hates him because of the Tony Romo situation. He’s more than capable of winning a championship. I don’t think the franchise is capable.
You realize that half the board hated Romo for choking, Cabo, hat backwards, Jessica Simpson, blah, blah, blah, you name it. It doesn't make sense,

QB's get the hate when a championship isn't delivered. It might not make total sense, but they are the face of the failed season. When / if a SB is delivered, you would see a little leeway given.

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