I remember reading a book once & it stated Troy was furious because Skip Bayless insinuated he was gay. If I remember right he claimed Switzer was the one who put that out there.
That was a long ago read & that team was long before my time but I think there are probably gay players in the NFL right now. Maybe they'll be more open now.
Back in 1991, me, my best friend and his brother(both Steeler fans) took me to the Thanksgiving game. This was my first time away from home for a holiday but loved it. His brother was a MD for the Navy and he footed the bill. After the game, we went out drinking a bit more then decided on some grub before we called it a night.
We went to Denny's and low and behold, Troy walks in with three of his friends, 2 males and a female. They sat in the booth behind us and we heard some of their conversation. Troy sat with some guy on his side and the other two sat on the other. I overheard Troy say he was out of dip and I happened to have two cans on me. I offered him a plug, he took it and thanked me, nothing more was said. His friend next to him playfully flicked his empty can on the table giggling.
Fast forward a few years, a story comes out that he might be gay. I never thought much of it with a who cares attitude. After some thought and media pressure, I thought back to that day in Denny's.......why was this guy giggling next to Troy like that? Could Troy actually be gay? Naw, noway, he is the Cowboy's QB. He got married years later, but who knows.....
To this day, I will always wonder...not from what I saw, but from the media's "opinion". They are powerful in instilling thoughts that are most likely incorrect. Aaron Rodgers is the next prime target, some say too much evidence against him, whatever.
Baseball example: Mike Piazza and Sam Champion......according to some, they had a love affair that went bad. Again, I don't care.
Moral of my story is.....the media does more harm than good and can ruin careers on false presumptions or exaggerations. Darn the media for tarnishing the images of two of my favorite athletes, not that I care one way or the other if true or not but I will never forget the skoal can action due to the media, it is always a thought somewhere in the back of my mind when that subject comes up about Troy.
This nation has made progress on sexual orientation but still a ways to go since it is still headlining. Jackie Robinson is an example, he broke the barrier for African-Americans and today.........there is no second thought to what color the player is in baseball which carried over into other sports. Many years from now, sexuality will not be questioned either. As our fearless leader would say -------- it's a process