Brad Sham has a nice interview with Crawford and Irving a few
Days ago. In it they both said something especially interesting things about Greg Hardy.
On what they can tell the fans about Greg Hardy:
Irving: "As a person, me and Greg, we speak outside of football, as we all do. It's funny, they [those not on the team] don't really know what to think about him. It's funny because I get to be around him, we get to be around him. I'll tell you what; he's pretty straightforward. He's real kind, he's intelligent. He's a hilarious dude. He's crazy to work with on the field too. He's interesting. I know Ty [Crawford] could tell you that. He knows his stuff, man. He's smart. He helps, he helps us all with just little technique things. He's pretty cool on and off the field."
On what they can tell the fans about Greg Hardy:
Crawford: "As a player, like David [Irving] said, he's really smart. He's passionate and hard working, definitely. The reason why some of us on this team would actually finish and not stop until we touch; we have this one-on-one pass rush [drill] where we have to touch the dot. Some of us would rush and not end up touching the dot at all. Zack Martin or Tyron Smith would just keep you from the dot. The dot is where the quarterback would be standing. It's like five yards behind the center. Tyron Smith would just pick you up and be like, 'No. You're not going to the dot.' Randy Gregory sometimes has no chance of getting to the dot. Greg would go, go, go and then would act like he was walking back to the like then just shoot back to the dot and touch the dot. He always touched the dot. That was something that really stuck out to me this year with Greg. He has his football crazy moments where he's just super passionate. He's a hard worker, great dude. For a lot of people that think he's not a great dude, he's a great dude. He just gets the job done. That's what I got to say about Greg.