News: Misdemeanor warrant issued for Sam Williams for accident

America's Cowboy

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That is mostly what POLICE OFFICERS deal with. Williams was probably driving 80 plus in a 40 or 45 mph zone. If you think police are just gonna let this go as a simple speeding ticket.... you just dont understand how the laws work.
If you don't have the facts of how fast Sam Williams was speeding, don't be making assumptions. Not cool.


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Oh crap. Right before playoffs. Elliot will be suspended. And Williams.

Strange though. Maybe they checked the computer on car and determined he was doing 15+ mph over the speed limit. That’s usually when the cops can impound your car and take you to jail. Doubt they do that but the ticket and fine will be a biggie.


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As I understand it (but don't live in Texas so the law could be different) a court can issue a misdemeanor arrest warrant for certain crimes such as reckless driving. Basically, the police likely have determined that Williams was at fault in the accident (after the fact) due to his negligence (reckless driving) and as such a warrant is issued so they can serve him the citation.
This entire thing doesn't make sense. If you get into an accident, the police show up, you're released without incident, they don't later on charge you with a crime and issue an arrest warrant without your knowledge. But they did say they contacted him to turn himself in. So you might be right. I just never heard of that happening.

If they gave him a ticket, and he didn't pay it, nor show up at court, that's usually when the warrant is issued.


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That is mostly what POLICE OFFICERS deal with. Williams was probably driving 80 plus in a 40 or 45 mph zone. If you think police are just gonna let this go as a simple speeding ticket.... you just dont understand how the laws work.
Are you really this dense? If this happened in Irving, Dallas, Fort Worth, Garland, Grand Prairie etc. they wouldn't even try to pursue this. Plano cops have nothing better to do, because they don't deal with real crime.


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If you don't have the facts of how fast Sam Williams was speeding, don't be making assumptions. Not cool.
i dont care if you dont like it. The speed limit was 45 where his accident occurred, his corvette is demolished. He wasnt close to 45 mph.


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Are you really this dense? If this happened in Irving, Dallas, Fort Worth, Garland, Grand Prairie etc. they wouldn't even try to pursue this. Plano cops have nothing better to do, because they don't deal with real crime.
Dense? lol.... im smart enough to know that his car was freaking totaled and he hit someone. They wouldnt be charging a guy that plays pro football with this if they couldnt prove it. Dense would be you.


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Oh, brother... it was an accident caused because of speeding a day after buying himself a beast of a Corvette. Was it stupid on Sam Williams' part? Yes. Is it unexpected for a young man to do after barely buying such a fast car? Not really. Most (including you and I) would have punched that gas peddle to test your new super fast car's ability. Sam Williams simply messed up doing it on a busy street. He's to blame. He'll pay the fine, cover the cost for repairs and injury (minor) to the other person, and his car insurance is going to balloon sky high while losing his new fast car since he totaled it. Thankfully, no one got seriously injured. Call it luck and a hard lesson learned. It happens to all of us. At least Sam Williams is not into drugs or getting into fights or beating up women or being a criminal, etc. He's a good guy who has turned his life around and is a devoted father to his child and husband to his child's mother. He's also a key weapon for our Dallas Cowboys. No need to make false assumptions against the young man for someone he is not.

By the way, I also wanted Jermaine Johnson during the Draft, but I'm glad we've got Sam Williams.
It’s a distraction this team doesn’t need going into round 1. Period. He has a warrant and has been asked to turn himself in. We aren’t millionaires in the spotlight stop comparing us


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Nothing like a woman to make you do crazy things lol that right

The crazy thing is I broke up with her about 3 months afterward but the damn ticket hung around on my record for 3 years. In other words, she wasn't worth the trouble she cost me (LOL)


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The justice system is all about money. If you have it they want it.

A cop wrote a female friend of mine a ticket one time because she didn't have a kid in a car seat. The problem with that ticket is that she was in a car by herself. Her kid was at home with her sister.

I had just taken her to pick up her car from the mechanic shop. And I was following her back home when she was pulled over for improper signaling.

America's Cowboy

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i dont care if you dont like it. The speed limit was 45 where his accident occurred, his corvette is demolished. He wasnt close to 45 mph.
Today's Corvettes are mostly fiberglass. Of course they are going to get demolished. Look at the other person's vehicle. It wasn't demolished. Going 45 mph or slightly above that will cause good damage to a fiberglass sports car. STOP MAKING FALLACIOUS (40+ MPH ABOVE SPEED LIMIT) ASSUMPTIONS! It's not fair to Sam Williams.


Captain Catfish
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I remember Von Miller just totally disregarding tickets and getting the same heat in Denver, Williams just needs to take care of his business,, nothing to see here.


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A warrant has been issued which means he will be arrested, placed in cuffs, and held pending an arranignment, which I assume will include setting a bond. Then he will pay the bond and he will be released pending a court date. What's the matter with Texas? You don't do summonses on misdemeanors? It's not like he is a flight risk or something.


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Today's Corvettes are mostly fiberglass. Of course they are going to get demolished. Look at the other person's vehicle. It wasn't demolished. Going 45 mph or slightly above that will cause good damage to a fiberglass sports car. STOP MAKING FALLACIOUS (40+ MPH ABOVE SPEED LIMIT) ASSUMPTIONS! It's not fair to Sam Williams.
the other car was totaled. So you think going slightly over 45 is the reason he has been charged with reckless driving????? lol