Mike. It seems that his value has fallen since he was signed 18 months ago. He was a top 50-70 prospect, but it sounds like he'll be lucky if he makes it to 90-100 this year.
Still, it was a good signing, since he's only 17 and plays a position of dire need in our org. But caveat there, he's supposedly gained 20 lbs (not in a good way), and most of it in his trunks. So we're already speculating a move to third. Not bad, but not what he may have been originally projected as. Still, he's probably 4-5 years away, from the sound of it (his swing, namely).
Granted, I've read most of this this afternoon, and our very own
@Nightman broke the news to me, so there's more info to be had.
It was still a smart signing, the Halos need to attack the int'l market. We moved away from it, and then in very Dipoto-like fashion, we sign a scrub Baldoquin, whom was on NO ONE's radar. No scout/scouting publication of note. For the max, 3.5 mil in 2014. This has been the first real year we get to play with the big boys due to penalties for the signing.
And we're still all in on Ōtani
Eppler is in very strong favor in Halo land right now.