MM is a bad head coach! Mega Merge!


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Throwing deep on 2nd down and Lions with only 1 timeout was stupid.
Our head coach damn near stole defeat from the jaws of victory with his *******ery. I mean what was with all the first down runs? Setting up second and long? Lol! And throwing the ball with a 4 point lead late in the game? Jimmy Johnson could still coach circles around the fat man.

Chocolate Lab

Run-loving Dino
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I love how people think he called a bomb there. You call a pass play with multiple routes. Cooks ran a much shorter sideline route. For some reason, Dak threw the ball deep and two yards OB. Why does the QB bear zero responsibility here? He knows everything you guys are saying and has been in this situation many times. You really think he has no decision making ability in the matter?

As for Mike being terrible, how are we winning 12 games three years in a row? Making the playoffs three years in a row for the first time in decades? You must think we have incredible, overwhelming talent, which we objectively do not.

Actually I would say the team is being coached closer to its potential - which is the real job of a coach - than it has been in a very long time.


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Are you confident MM can lead us to playoff glory and coach the team out of their issues??
IMO: MM will put them in position to win, the question is...can the players execute...(cant fix stupid)....Love the offense..but this DQ Atlanta 2.0 defense will be the Achilles heal of the playoffs.


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We won, but part of me wishes we hadn't....I think a loss tonite may have sealed that stupid boobs fate....but he wiggles his way out of the noose. The guy is just stupid. Sigh.....
Just when you think MM finally has his head screwed on straight, he does his best Kellen Moore impression to try and save enough time for the Lions to score what should have been a winning TD, had their tackle been acknowledged by the game official on their 2 point conversion. Lucky for MM that the game official was walking away from the offensive tackle and looked like he didn't hear number 68 trying to report on the play.


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This game should have never needed like this….

Throwing 3 passes instead of killing the clock and making them use all their time outs is almost unforgivable

Thank god Campbell is dumber !!!
Throwing a deep bomb out of bounds is about the silliest coaching decision I've seen of the entire year.
Should have cost us the game. A safe in bounds pass and catch or a run and Lions would have
had barely over a minute of clock left and no timeouts. The Lions wouldn't have had time to score.
Does MM even know this?

That delay of game penalty was also outstanding lol! Use a timeout MM!


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So 12 win seasons are the bar now?
Well I guess for each person the bar is different
I don’t begrudge sb or bust fans as I would like that as well but I’m happy with a chance each season and 12-5 does that
The flaws on this team are deeper than either McCarthy or Dak and I have known since early on in the season
If we get lucky so be it if not so be it my days of getting worked up left me on 2011

Ironically it was the Bobby carpenter game when he played with the lions
So yes 12-5 is better than 8-8 and no playoffs


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Are you confident MM can lead us to playoff glory and coach the team out of their issues??
Without a doubt, the team is close...not quite there yet but Jerry and MM are fielding a team that can win and is winning...still have to fix the defense.....but making the playoffs for 3 straight years is no easy feat..

For those that want to fire MM, who ya going to replace him with...who is better, and how long before ya turn on the him and wanta new Coach....MM is one of the better coaches Jerry has hired... Was Garrett better, Wade Phillips, Dave Campo, was Chan Gailey better.... MM is a Top 10 HC, just look at the other HC in the league....90% suck


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Quinn held Detroit to 19 points, that should be enough to win 9/10 times. MM is the failure here imo.
No way. Two weeks in a row the defense lets the opposing team drive down the field to close out the game. The defense is atrocious!


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I agree. I really do. I do think the running game being awful all night got into his head. My biggest issue was throwing the ball deep. That made no sense and some of that is on Dak. They could have thrown a few short passes if they needed to put the ball in the air. The whole last few minutes was filled with dumb football decisions. Players and coaches.
No doubt, if they're going to throw, then it should have been another slant route, which had been working.


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If I are going to complain , at least complain about the right mistakes