FEATURED Morning Pops!


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Morning Pops and fellow firecrackers. Happy 4th of July to you and Jason "Make That 3 Fingers of Tequila" Pierre-Paul.

They're lining up on the Boulevard for the annual 4th of July parade and it's pretty cool. Good time to hold up a C store or set a fire since all of the cop cars and fire trucks will be here. This place is crawling with golf carts and they decorate them, pile in them and drive the parade route waving like a bunch of Homecoming Queens and because of the prevalence of those golf carts, there are more people in the parade than watching it. It's actually a reverse parade, the participants watch the people standing on the Boulevard. I stand on my patio with a beer and a stogie, leering and flipping them off and yelling for them to get off my lawn, even though it's not really my lawn but why worry about details and miss the opportunity?

Y'all stay safe and sound and just a warning. Don't put a roman candle in an empty champagne bottle. And yes, it was emptying that bottle that gave me the inspiration.
Absolutely not.
Hades, there might be a smidge of alcohol left!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


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CowboysZone DIEHARD Fan
Morning Pops, and happy Fifth of July! So what if that's not a thing. Don't tell me when to drink and light off fireworks!

Hey CC, if all parades were like yours, I might actually go to one. Riding around in a golf cart beats the Hell out of standing on a sidewalk waving like an idiot, to people who have no idea who I am. Then again, being stuck in traffic with a bunch of slow driving old folks sounds a bit too much like work....Never mind, I'll just stay home and not watch it on TV.


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CowboysZone DIEHARD Fan
Good morning Pops and Zoner Friends!

We are enjoying a visit from our daughter and her two little girls, ages 3 and 5. So far, we have taken a few walks in the woods, been to the local swimming pool and playground and, today, we are headed to Breckenridge to see the mountains.

Look, I know I have a few miles on my tires but... I struggle to keep up with those two. Both are happy, precocious little girls - the kind that when you warn, "don't poke the cats", will do so just to see what happens. Sigh, this is typically where I recall a story that starts, "well, when our kids were that age... Blah, blah, blah"

I received the shock of my life yesterday when my daughter announced that she liked her rib-eyes medium. I come from a long line of rare- to medium-rare folks. Where did I go wrong? Maybe a DNA test?



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CowboysZone DIEHARD Fan
Morning Pops and fellow firecrackers. Happy 4th of July to you and Jason "Make That 3 Fingers of Tequila" Pierre-Paul.

They're lining up on the Boulevard for the annual 4th of July parade and it's pretty cool. Good time to hold up a C store or set a fire since all of the cop cars and fire trucks will be here. This place is crawling with golf carts and they decorate them, pile in them and drive the parade route waving like a bunch of Homecoming Queens and because of the prevalence of those golf carts, there are more people in the parade than watching it. It's actually a reverse parade, the participants watch the people standing on the Boulevard. I stand on my patio with a beer and a stogie, leering and flipping them off and yelling for them to get off my lawn, even though it's not really my lawn but why worry about details and miss the opportunity?

Y'all stay safe and sound and just a warning. Don't put a roman candle in an empty champagne bottle. And yes, it was emptying that bottle that gave me the inspiration.
Many years ago, I lived in small central Texas town. One year, some of my friends (who all seemed have classic nicknames like, Bubba or Duke) thought it would been fun to enter a "synchronized" riding lawn mower team for the local July 4th parade.

Suffice to say, that even after all these years, we are still not allowed to participate in town parades.


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CowboysZone ULTIMATE Fan
Good morning Pops and Zoner Friends!

We are enjoying a visit from our daughter and her two little girls, ages 3 and 5. So far, we have taken a few walks in the woods, been to the local swimming pool and playground and, today, we are headed to Breckenridge to see the mountains.

Look, I know I have a few miles on my tires but... I struggle to keep up with those two. Both are happy, precocious little girls - the kind that when you warn, "don't poke the cats", will do so just to see what happens. Sigh, this is typically where I recall a story that starts, "well, when our kids were that age... Blah, blah, blah"

I received the shock of my life yesterday when my daughter announced that she liked her rib-eyes medium. I come from a long line of rare- to medium-rare folks. Where did I go wrong? Maybe a DNA test?

Medium ribeye? If not a DNA test, at least an adjustment in the will. I would not leave her any steaks.


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CowboysZone ULTIMATE Fan
Morning Pops, and happy Fifth of July! So what if that's not a thing. Don't tell me when to drink and light off fireworks!

Hey CC, if all parades were like yours, I might actually go to one. Riding around in a golf cart beats the Hell out of standing on a sidewalk waving like an idiot, to people who have no idea who I am. Then again, being stuck in traffic with a bunch of slow driving old folks sounds a bit too much like work....Never mind, I'll just stay home and not watch it on TV.
Actually it was nice and quaint, like small town life should be. And last night, right out my front door was a really good fireworks show, it's getting better and longer and the traffic in here last night was nuts.


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Good morning Pops and friends from all over the world. Well, we kicked some British butt again in "The Patriot" and are still free and I feel like celebrating that again. I did my usual "Jaws", "Independence Day" and "The Patriot" yesterday with the required accompaniments of Bloody Mary's for Jaws. the blood thing ya know, Mojitos for ID4 because I think aliens would dig those and red and white, not blue, wine for the finale. But wait, there's more, that wasn't the finale because I started early and got through with time to spare so I started on season 3 of "Stranger Things", aptly named because it keeps getting stranger and not in a good way. I went 2 episodes deep and will give it a try for the 3rd but that's it, either git better or I git gone. They might want to try a name change to "Stupid Things".


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Evening Pops and everyone.

Let's revisit an old story. Pringles can and wine. No thank you. Not a fan. I prefer my jelly jar or a stemless glass (I'm waiting on a pair I ordered online with he statement 'Dear Cancer. You picked the wrong bi***.' and there's a beautifully etched single digit 'salute' also:D. Can't wait for them to come in. I'm sure the wine will taste extra good.)

That said, I like a particular brand of wine that I can't buy locally and I can't even get shipped to me. It's a cherry wine from Michigan. I used to have a connection (she's part of that Brady/Belichick club), but she no longer works at our office. Last time I had her get me a full case, but I'm down to 4 bottles and I'm not wasting it on a Pringles can. I will find another way to get it if I have to drive there myself. It's not as far as Jacksonville, FL, and I drove that all by myself a couple times (looking back it was clearly an incredibly stupid thing to do as I didn't then, and still don't yet have my concealed carry permit. I really need to get moving on that...) If I thought mentioning the wine on this site would garner me some shipping, I would certainly give them a shout out, but... no. Their loss, tho I do need to figure out how to get it.

Okay, back to what I was doing. Finally Friday so I've got to get things done. Everyone have a great rest of your day.


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CowboysZone DIEHARD Fan
Good morning Pops and Zoner Friends,

I love piddling, @LeonDixson, especially when it involves the garage and/or power tools. My son-in-law and I did a little male bonding recently when I purchased him a set of DeWalt 40v cordless tools. I swear, we must have looked like Alvin and the Chipmunks scurrying about the garage.

Up early this morning streaming an Australian Rules Football game - I really have fond memories of living in Oz, particularly since my team is winning :).

We continue to have a wet start to the summer. Intermittent rain and light hail last night and early this morning.... good for the forest, not so great for our garden, though.

The agenda today includes a visit to the Colorado Renaissance Festival with the grand-kids. It is good fun for all. I have to admit, though, I go mainly to people watch. In my mind, it is what Comic-Con would like if set in the middle-ages... I am looking forward to the freak show.