FEATURED Morning Pops!


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Afternoon Pops and friends.

I've been meaning to warn you about Dorian, Leon. I forgot to once I started reading everything, but I've remembered now after you mentioned it. It's a tropical storm right now and going across the islands has caused trouble for it's formation. I guess the islands are like hurricane speed bumps. Be safe and thank you for all that absorption goodness.

Glad to hear your news, John. We celebrate with you!
It's all the positivity, I guess...or the genuine concern...or maybe the humor. All the things my mom says I don't have. :laugh:
Dang! Has your mother met you? You are subtle in some things, but you've still got them in spades. Tell your momma, several Texans and a coonass or two is coming to set her straight.

Coach, CouchCoach have you taken the foreigners to Popeye's yet? Make sure they get Sonic onion rings and Cherry Limeades with their ice. Blizzards from Dairy Queen. Dog gone it, I'm hungry now.

Have a good day everyone.


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CowboysZone DIEHARD Fan
Good evening Pops and fellow travelers on life's sinuous road.

First, and foremost, congratulations @John813, on the good news. Nothing quite like getting positive report from the doctor.

Second, for the guys only, if you haven't had a pedicure, add it to your to do list. After much cajoling, my wife wore me down and, when she went for her pre-travel mani/pedi yesterday, I reluctantly agreed to a pedicure. No polish, though but the accompanying leg message was heavenly!

Lastly, we are at the airport awaiting our flight. We are actually flying Turkish Airlines from Houston to Bucharest via Istanbul. Hold down the fort while we're away and...

Go Cowboys!!


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Morning Pops and friends. Be safe and enjoy your trip, Colo. We'll keep the home fires burning for you. Continue to enjoy your slice of Heaven, Leon. We'll continue to be green with envy. To the rest, enjoy your pedicure. If you get the right salon, they are wonderful. The wrong one will be a huge down. The price is the same regardless.

My caffeine hasn't kicked in yet, so please have a good day everyone.


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CowboysZone ULTIMATE Fan
Good evening Pops and fellow travelers on life's sinuous road.

First, and foremost, congratulations @John813, on the good news. Nothing quite like getting positive report from the doctor.

Second, for the guys only, if you haven't had a pedicure, add it to your to do list. After much cajoling, my wife wore me down and, when she went for her pre-travel mani/pedi yesterday, I reluctantly agreed to a pedicure. No polish, though but the accompanying leg message was heavenly!

Lastly, we are at the airport awaiting our flight. We are actually flying Turkish Airlines from Houston to Bucharest via Istanbul. Hold down the fort while we're away and...

Go Cowboys!!
My wife took me to get my first pedicure 20 years ago and I've been getting them ever since. When the new Hawaiian Nail Spa opened, we went there because they serve wine and margaritas and on one trip there, I sat between two Dallas Maverick's, one was Dirk and next to his feet, mine looked like shaved Hobbit feet. The surreal look of his gunboats and this tiny Asian lady's small hands, I was expecting her to pull out a sandblaster to smooth his nails out.

Safe trip and Liam is on standby.


Regular Joe....
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Afternoon Pops. Afternoon Fellas and good afternoon to all who stop or have stopped in to check stuff out.

Hump day and it's almost over now! Everything is going pretty well today, gotta say. How is everybody out there?

John, how you been? Glad to see you posting in the thread Brother!

Jobs, Leon, dbrp, Xelda, zrin, Trouty, ksk, RGV, Coach, RWB, Ranching, SW, John, Jan, Corso and Colo, hope you are all holding strong!

Everybody, have a great afternoon and may as well go ahead and follow that up with a great evening!

Be well everybody!


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CowboysZone ULTIMATE Fan
Good Morning Pops and all the ships at sea, especially the Staten Island Ferry. Ya see what I did there, made a rhyme. Responding to Runny's GPS put me in a rather musical mood and I think I shall be a rhymer today. Ever do that with strangers when you greet them? What? You don't speak to strangers? It's like Will Rogers said "a stranger is just a friend you haven't met yet".

However, ole CC has his own spin on that. "A stranger is just a stranger that should have remained one". People are strange, Jim Morrison said that and he knew strange.

Of all the people I've met, I should have stopped around 1987. I have probably interviewed over a thousand potential employees when I had a career and not one ever said this "I am not a people person", just the opposite. I wonder if they considered they were saying that to someone that is not a people person but in charge of hiring people because animals can't answer the phone or type without getting fatigued?

However, as complicated and conflicted as I might be, I greet strangers. It's not with getting to know them better in mind, I don't want to go that far, even knowing their name isn't required. Only that I smile and greet them and with the most important part, looking them in the eyes, eye contact shows sincerity and I am sincerely greeting them. Just because I don't want to start a relationship that will end badly with yelling, objects being thrown and possible violence, doesn't mean I can't be friendly.

BTW, the keep strangers at a safe distance doesn't apply here. Ya see, this is the way folks should meet. Get to know each other's thoughts first without that visual split second judgement that is all too easy to rely on and affect our thinking.


Confused about stuff
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CowboysZone DIEHARD Fan
Good Morning Pops and all the ships at sea, especially the Staten Island Ferry. Ya see what I did there, made a rhyme. Responding to Runny's GPS put me in a rather musical mood and I think I shall be a rhymer today. Ever do that with strangers when you greet them? What? You don't speak to strangers? It's like Will Rogers said "a stranger is just a friend you haven't met yet".

However, ole CC has his own spin on that. "A stranger is just a stranger that should have remained one". People are strange, Jim Morrison said that and he knew strange.

Of all the people I've met, I should have stopped around 1987. I have probably interviewed over a thousand potential employees when I had a career and not one ever said this "I am not a people person", just the opposite. I wonder if they considered they were saying that to someone that is not a people person but in charge of hiring people because animals can't answer the phone or type without getting fatigued?

However, as complicated and conflicted as I might be, I greet strangers. It's not with getting to know them better in mind, I don't want to go that far, even knowing their name isn't required. Only that I smile and greet them and with the most important part, looking them in the eyes, eye contact shows sincerity and I am sincerely greeting them. Just because I don't want to start a relationship that will end badly with yelling, objects being thrown and possible violence, doesn't mean I can't be friendly.

BTW, the keep strangers at a safe distance doesn't apply here. Ya see, this is the way folks should meet. Get to know each other's thoughts first without that visual split second judgement that is all too easy to rely on and affect our thinking.
Got a song for sitting at a loading dock, while they take one cartful of lumber up in the elevator, offload it, and come back down to load up the third of 4 or 5 cartfuls? This place is worse than the location they just moved from. If you're gonna move to a different location, shouldn't it be an upgrade???


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Good morning Pops and friends. Wife and I got a couple of miles of walking this morning. My ankle is still on the mend. She likes for me to go ahead of her to scare away any snakes that might be on the woody trail. Since I didn’t jog neither did she lol.

The rain showers in last few days were really nice but the result is uneven grass in my yard. I’ll set the mower on the 4th notch and even it later this morning.

After that I’m going to paint something, not sure what yet.

Then I need to get a haircut cut, haven’t cut it since May. Wife says I’m looking hippieish.
Busy day in the life of an old retired guy.

Have a good day friends.



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CowboysZone ULTIMATE Fan
Good morning Pops and friends. Wife and I got a couple of miles of walking this morning. My ankle is still on the mend. She likes for me to go ahead of her to scare away any snakes that might be on the woody trail. Since I didn’t jog neither did she lol.

The rain showers in last few days were really nice but the result is uneven grass in my yard. I’ll set the mower on the 4th notch and even it later this morning.

After that I’m going to paint something, not sure what yet.

Then I need to get a haircut cut, haven’t cut it since May. Wife says I’m looking hippieish.
Busy day in the life of an old retired guy.

Have a good day friends.

Don't cut your hair! I've never heard of hippies getting bitten by a snake. Snakes think hippies are cool.

I've never heard of someone going to paint something, not sure what yet. Unless you're an artist and are considering different subjects, landscape, seascape, nakedscape but I could see painting as therapeutic because you change the look of something. I would be into making furniture but I like the way the wood looks and see no need to harm it.


Regular Joe....
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Good evening Pops and fellow travelers on life's sinuous road.

First, and foremost, congratulations @John813, on the good news. Nothing quite like getting positive report from the doctor.

Second, for the guys only, if you haven't had a pedicure, add it to your to do list. After much cajoling, my wife wore me down and, when she went for her pre-travel mani/pedi yesterday, I reluctantly agreed to a pedicure. No polish, though but the accompanying leg message was heavenly!

Lastly, we are at the airport awaiting our flight. We are actually flying Turkish Airlines from Houston to Bucharest via Istanbul. Hold down the fort while we're away and...

Go Cowboys!!

You know, if you work that right, the Air Force will give you that same flight for almost nothing. Course, they don't give you no Pedi's with that package deal.



Regular Joe....
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Morning Pops. Morning Fellas and good morning to everybody who has stopped in to check out the thread.

We are at Thursday so that's a really good thing, coming up on Friday for a long weekend. That's a great thing ya'll!

Got a game this evening and I think we are having Fajitas so everything is turning up Roses.

Jobs, Leon, dbrp, Xelda, zrin, Trouty, ksk, RGV, Coach, RWB, Ranching, SW, John, Jan, Corso and Colo, not much to report today. Only that I'm good and I hope that all of you are gearing up for a great weekend!

Everybody, have a great day and lets take this thing to 5 O'Clock Friday! Be well everybody!