FEATURED Morning Pops!


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Don't cut your hair! I've never heard of hippies getting bitten by a snake. Snakes think hippies are cool.

I've never heard of someone going to paint something, not sure what yet. Unless you're an artist and are considering different subjects, landscape, seascape, nakedscape but I could see painting as therapeutic because you change the look of something. I would be into making furniture but I like the way the wood looks and see no need to harm it.

Not the artist kind of painting, the kind of painting that there are multiple things that need to be painted. The Mrs has some yard decors she wants me to paint and a coffee table that she wants me to antique. I’ll try my bestest.

Last time I cut my hair, I had gone a whole year without cutting it. One of them bucket list action items. Check.

I agree, the wood grain looks good. Sometimes with a little stain to bring it out some.


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Afternoon Pops and friends. I started to post earlier but had to do some stuff in the yard before the Sun got mad at me.

I'd ordered some closet organizers that came in yesterday. I don't know why I enjoy organizing so much, but I took the opportunity to put all, most, I mean some of my sheets in one container and my fluffy, winter PJs in the container on top of it. Things needed to be washed before going in. During the last Cowboys pre season game, there was a commercial about a guy getting ready to do laundry. An energy icon jumped up and stopped him until the clock hit 8pm. I'd heard something a few years ago about energy companies charging more at peak hours, so I started at 8. I didn't finish until after midnight. I don't know what I saved, but I know what I lost. I'm in charge of my clutter, so the evening was a success.

Dorian is on the war path now, so be safe everyone that's in her path.

Let us know what you finally decided to paint, RGV. We're willing to feel a sense of accomplishment from someone else's work. I mean, we're rooting for you.

I enjoyed the Runny/Coach musical this morning. Thank you both. I've had the J G Wentworth commercial rolling around my head this week. "I have an annuity, but I need cash now. Call J G Wentworth 877 CASH NOW. 877 CASH NOW."

Take it as easy as humanly possible everyone. Let's pretend we're Leon over seeing his tropical domain. Have an umbrella drink or tell Coach to drink it for you. It counts.


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Not the artist kind of painting, the kind of painting that there are multiple things that need to be painted. The Mrs has some yard decors she wants me to paint and a coffee table that she wants me to antique. I’ll try my bestest.

Last time I cut my hair, I had gone a whole year without cutting it. One of them bucket list action items. Check.

I agree, the wood grain looks good. Sometimes with a little stain to bring it out some.
Antique? Isn't that something they do on their own? I know I'm on my way.


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CowboysZone ULTIMATE Fan
Afternoon Pops and friends. I started to post earlier but had to do some stuff in the yard before the Sun got mad at me.

I'd ordered some closet organizers that came in yesterday. I don't know why I enjoy organizing so much, but I took the opportunity to put all, most, I mean some of my sheets in one container and my fluffy, winter PJs in the container on top of it. Things needed to be washed before going in. During the last Cowboys pre season game, there was a commercial about a guy getting ready to do laundry. An energy icon jumped up and stopped him until the clock hit 8pm. I'd heard something a few years ago about energy companies charging more at peak hours, so I started at 8. I didn't finish until after midnight. I don't know what I saved, but I know what I lost. I'm in charge of my clutter, so the evening was a success.

Dorian is on the war path now, so be safe everyone that's in her path.

Let us know what you finally decided to paint, RGV. We're willing to feel a sense of accomplishment from someone else's work. I mean, we're rooting for you.

I enjoyed the Runny/Coach musical this morning. Thank you both. I've had the J G Wentworth commercial rolling around my head this week. "I have an annuity, but I need cash now. Call J G Wentworth 877 CASH NOW. 877 CASH NOW."

Take it as easy as humanly possible everyone. Let's pretend we're Leon over seeing his tropical domain. Have an umbrella drink or tell Coach to drink it for you. It counts.
I ordered a closet organizer and she suffocated in the box. I am going to wait unitl it's cooler.

I am volunteering to consume all of your umbrella drinks except I don't do frozen, the brain hasn't thawed from the last one. At least, that's my excuse.


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Evening Pops and everyone.

I've been less than active in the site lately, but I still look in to see if some of you (and you know who you are...) have been behaving yourselves. Thankfully, no, and everyone is the same, so, status quo. Just the way we like it. Don't fall into the trap of blending in with the crowd. This site wouldn't be the same without this crazy kaleidoscope of personalities. Gotta love this nutty family.

Everyone please please please have a safe Labor Day holiday weekend. I'll be at my brother's for a cookout Monday but the weekend is mine. Anyone got anything extra fun planned?


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I am volunteering to consume all of your umbrella drinks except I don't do frozen, the brain hasn't thawed from the last one. At least, that's my excuse.
MEANWHILE.... A @GrammaJan Sighting :muttley:

Oooookay after the second watch, I'm sure I'll be seeing her in my nightmares. Where do you find this stuff, DABZ? On second thought, I don't want to know. Thank you for bringing these things to us. I found a funny video for us of a chubby little dog throwing a tantrum over being put on a diet.
Sorry, you've got to watch a commercial before it will play. I hoped to avoid that.
:starspin:https://www.msn.com/en-us/video/ani...r-not-getting-food/vi-AAGvHQy?ocid=spartandhp :starspin:
:clap:Good one Dabz. I guess I've managed to dodge the ribbing for quite some time. Lol, wish I could move like that still. Heck, she can probably outrun me too:D.
We don't believe you, Jan. You're the designated Olympian of the group.


"We Are Penn State"
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:clap:Good one Dabz. I guess I've managed to dodge the ribbing for quite some time. Lol, wish I could move like that still. Heck, she can probably outrun me too:D.
DEAL! I found a funny video for us of a chubby little dog throwing a tantrum over being put on a diet.
Sorry, you've got to watch a commercial before it will play. I hoped to avoid that.
:starspin:https://www.msn.com/en-us/video/ani...r-not-getting-food/vi-AAGvHQy?ocid=spartandhp :starspin:
:lmao:Poor Cashew.


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Oooookay after the second watch, I'm sure I'll be seeing her in my nightmares. Where do you find this stuff, DABZ? On second thought, I don't want to know. Thank you for bringing these things to us. I found a funny video for us of a chubby little dog throwing a tantrum over being put on a diet.
Sorry, you've got to watch a commercial before it will play. I hoped to avoid that.
:starspin:https://www.msn.com/en-us/video/ani...r-not-getting-food/vi-AAGvHQy?ocid=spartandhp :starspin:

We don't believe you, Jan. You're the designated Olympian of the group.
Thanks for the vote of confidence there, Xel, but not quite. I was gonna vote RGV in too tho.You know on sports teams where there's always that hopeful that's on the team (we know the story that's coming...) that has little moments of what could be/could've been, but they're always hobbled? That's me. I try, but my presumed abilities are laughed to the sidelines by my body's rude awakenings. This aging process nonsense is for the stinkin birds! But, matters not. My grands think I'm pretty darn awesome and that's what counts to me:)

Have a great day everyone and enjoy your 3 day weekend.


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Oooookay after the second watch, I'm sure I'll be seeing her in my nightmares. Where do you find this stuff, DABZ? On second thought, I don't want to know. Thank you for bringing these things to us. I found a funny video for us of a chubby little dog throwing a tantrum over being put on a diet.
Sorry, you've got to watch a commercial before it will play. I hoped to avoid that.
:starspin:https://www.msn.com/en-us/video/ani...r-not-getting-food/vi-AAGvHQy?ocid=spartandhp :starspin:

We don't believe you, Jan. You're the designated Olympian of the group.
...and as for poor little Cashew, that's exactly what diets feel like to the bi-peds too lol


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Sorry, I forgot to add RGV to my list of Olympians.

Good morning Pops and family. I might be able to compete in the Super Senior Olympics of 100+.

I’m 65 and some folks my age take running very serious. I’ve run some 5Ks and just happy when I place in top 3 and 3 running :muttley:

We’ve got company from out of town. Today we’re going to Galveston, maybe visit The Strand, a museum and find a good place to eat. Should be quiet since kids are back in school.

We’ll fire up the bbq pit tomorrow after we go visit a local state park. Folks from Washington like to to sight see but there’s not much around here compared to Washington.

It’s Friday folks. Be of good cheer.



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Good morning Pops and 3 day weekenders and since I didn't see anything from Leon, I am assuming they left the path of Dorian. He really didn't seem to be having that good of time except for his mug of coffee. Any man loving his mug of coffee that much in the morning ain't looking forward to the rest of the day with gusto. At least I have all of your umbrella drinks to look forward to later in the day. And I promise not to leave anyone out.

I am glad that loudmouthed L'il Miss Drama chick on the Weather Channel app cleared up why Labor Day is a hurricane magnet for the US. The first week of September is the absolute peak for Atlantic action, it has nothing to do with Labor Day so either we move Labor Day or shut the hell up about it. This is getting almost as a bad as "it's not the heat, it's the humidity". No Bosco, when it's 103, it's HOT!

And speaking of that Weather Channel chick, and I was, she wasn't like that until after she returned from maternity leave. So, either she had a tough delivery and screamed so much she can't stop now or her new baby is so loud, they have to yell at each other to be heard. Whatever, someone needs to tell her raining one's voice does not attach emphasis. She need to be more like Ari, that nerdy guy that could be Mr. Wizard's grandson.

I want all of you to have an excellent 3 day Labor Day weekend and toil not, take it easy because what it really means is the opposite and should be called Lazy Day. I am actually going to have to plan getting up out of the chair and walking over to flip the burgers. Might have to take a nap before I return to the chair to do nothing after that expense of energy.

I hope you have a great Monday because I can remember Monday holidays, the most bestest specialest days of the year except it screws up Hump Day, you have to set your alarm the 12:01AM Thursday to get up and celebrate Hump Day but it is a short celebration and you can return to bed.


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CowboysZone ULTIMATE Fan
Good morning Pops and family. I might be able to compete in the Super Senior Olympics of 100+.

I’m 65 and some folks my age take running very serious. I’ve run some 5Ks and just happy when I place in top 3 and 3 running :muttley:

We’ve got company from out of town. Today we’re going to Galveston, maybe visit The Strand, a museum and find a good place to eat. Should be quiet since kids are back in school.

We’ll fire up the bbq pit tomorrow after we go visit a local state park. Folks from Washington like to to sight see but there’s not much around here compared to Washington.

It’s Friday folks. Be of good cheer.

Gaido's for the seafood platter. Last time we were down there we found a great Mexican restaurant on Seawall with terrific top shelf margarita's. We stayed too long, at least that's what they told me.

Used to have that same problem when friends would come to Dallas for a visit. Which mall y'all want to visit? Have they seen Moody Gardens? We made a dozen trips to see our friends on Crystal Beach and finally got around to seeing the most famous part of Galveston. It is a nice day trip.

Just the mention of The Strand brings back great memories. For 5 years running, we'd go down for Dickens on the Strand and dress in character and party for two days. It was better than Mardi Gras because it wasn't as crazy. My wife had to be the most asked to pose for pics during the festival, she was striking and looked like she'd stepped off a postcard from that era.


Regular Joe....
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Morning Pops. Morning Fellas and good morning to everyone who stops in to check out the thread today.

All in all, good day today folks. Football season is now officially here! Next Sunday, it's for real in the NFL. College Football is here and the cold winter is finally over! I feel like that guy in the Kingsford Hibernation Commercial.

Man, I hope all you people have a great time planned out for your long weekend. Time well spent is so much better then time wasted ya'll.

Wife took the day off today. Why, I don't know? She got up at the crack of dawn and started cleaning the kitchen. I mean...... and you gotta trust me on this, there are many, many better reasons to take a day off then to clean the kitchen. She's now started on the Front Room so I guess I'll be working in the Garage today.

Jobs, Leon, dbrp, Xelda, zrin, Trouty, ksk, RGV, Coach, RWB, Ranching, SW, John, Jan, Corso and Colo, have a great, great weekend!

Everyone, have a fantastic Labor Day Weekend. Have fun, be extra careful though. Can't have you getting yourself on the IR just before the season starts! Everybody, enjoy, be well, be safe and go have fun!


Confused about stuff
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CowboysZone DIEHARD Fan
Morning Pops. Morning Fellas and good morning to everyone who stops in to check out the thread today.

All in all, good day today folks. Football season is now officially here! Next Sunday, it's for real in the NFL. College Football is here and the cold winter is finally over! I feel like that guy in the Kingsford Hibernation Commercial.

Man, I hope all you people have a great time planned out for your long weekend. Time well spent is so much better then time wasted ya'll.

Wife took the day off today. Why, I don't know? She got up at the crack of dawn and started cleaning the kitchen. I mean...... and you gotta trust me on this, there are many, many better reasons to take a day off then to clean the kitchen. She's now started on the Front Room so I guess I'll be working in the Garage today.

Jobs, Leon, dbrp, Xelda, zrin, Trouty, ksk, RGV, Coach, RWB, Ranching, SW, John, Jan, Corso and Colo, have a great, great weekend!

Everyone, have a fantastic Labor Day Weekend. Have fun, be extra careful though. Can't have you getting yourself on the IR just before the season starts! Everybody, enjoy, be well, be safe and go have fun!
You didn't know this, but you're expecting company.... Important company at that!