FEATURED Morning Pops!


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Good morning Pops and friends. Getting ready for the trip back home. CC your post reminded me of the song by Chicago. “ Does anyone really know what time is is?”
It’s a timeless song ;)

Also, morning again pops and CZ members.

Hey RGV. Someone should tell Cher she can "turn back time", Just like that song of hers. But she only gets an hour to fix things up!

With the limited time she would have, her bedroom would probably be the best starting point to fix whatever problems she was having with that guy of hers.


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Morning Pops and those wondering why we have to keep screwing with the time. It's now darker earlier in the pm and lighter earlier in the am but since I am usually not up to welcome the sunrise, I would prefer they leave it the hell alone but I know folks like Runny get up early for work so that's a good thing and folks like Leon get up to have a cup of coffee for what reason puzzles me but to each his own.

What I don't like is that I've got this additional hour that I could have used constructively but I was sleeping like most people, or at least trying to. If they insist on doing this, why 2am? Why not noon and get an additional lunch or 5 o'clock and enjoy an additional cocktail hour? You give people a second lunch or cocktail hour, you've got some happy people and fewer questioning why we do this.

Or, hey, how about this? We get to pick our own hour for the set back. If you screw something up, you pick that time and it's undone and you get that hour over. We'd all have to agree not to ask each other "what time is it"? for that day or violence might erupt. And speaking of that, the next time someone asks you "have you got the time", reply "for what"? instead of telling them the time. If they're so interested in the time, why don't they have a watch? I think it is irresponsible for people to count on others to keep them on time. When someone asks me and it's sunny, I pretend I am a sundial and make them work a little for it.

If you've got family or friends in Arizona or Indiana, anarchist states that do not recognize DST, call them a couple of times today and ask them what time it is, they love that. I set my iPhone to remind me to randomly call people in those states once a week just to ask them. With all the retirees in AZ, I don't know why they don't fall back an hour every day.
DST isn't going to affect me!

Go Chi-Cowboys!


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Also, morning again pops and CZ members.

Hey RGV. Someone should tell Cher she can "turn back time", Just like that song of hers. But she only gets an hour to fix things up!

With the limited time she would have, her bedroom would probably be the best starting point to fix whatever problems she was having with that guy of hers.

I looked her up and didn’t realize she is 73. Looks like she’s had a little work done.

We made it back home TTG. It was a beautiful day. The Cowboys didn’t play today so no hurry getting back.

Have a great week everyone and Go Cowboys!


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CowboysZone ULTIMATE Fan
Good Monday morning Pops and those feeling OK about a Monday because it's the Cowboys required MNF, that's the good news. The bad news is those two annoying tools will be yakking it up during the game. They're awful, only topped by that joke of a pregame show. I wonder how long I can go before just turning off the audio and listening to music while watching the game?

As weird as the NFL was yesterday, anything can happen tonight, this game is far from being "in the bag". Want weird? Sure you do. Ex AR QB Brandon Allen led DEN to a win yesterday, I didn't even know he was in the NFL. Now I am left to consider just what else don't I know?


Confused about stuff
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CowboysZone DIEHARD Fan
Good Monday morning Pops and those feeling OK about a Monday because it's the Cowboys required MNF, that's the good news. The bad news is those two annoying tools will be yakking it up during the game. They're awful, only topped by that joke of a pregame show. I wonder how long I can go before just turning off the audio and listening to music while watching the game?

As weird as the NFL was yesterday, anything can happen tonight, this game is far from being "in the bag". Want weird? Sure you do. Ex AR QB Brandon Allen led DEN to a win yesterday, I didn't even know he was in the NFL. Now I am left to consider just what else don't I know?
Try listening to audio of the game 2 weeks ago, while watching this week's game.

Better yet, listen to the week one game, so they're the same teams.
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Regular Joe....
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Morning Pops. Morning Fellas and good morning to everybody who decided to stop in and check out the thread.

Not much going on last weekend, did some stuff around the house and the Wife had some of the families over to do stuff for my Cousins girls Cheer Team. I spent a lot of time in the Garage. ;)

Jobs, Leon, dbrp, Xelda, zrin, Trouty, ksk, RGV, Coach, RWB, Ranching, SW, John, Jan, Corso and Colo, hope you all had a great weekend.

It's game day and I'm trying to figure out what to make for the game. I usually have an idea ahead of time but today I have nothing. Guess I can throw on a steak and just grill that up, throw some Olive oil on a couple of potatoes and do up some baked potatoes. I think we have a head of lettuce in there. I can throw together a quick salad and we are there. Or, maybe I'll just throw some ham and cheese in between some buns, wrap them in foil and have some ham and cheese sandwiches with some chips and a cold beer. Yeah, maybe that's what I will go with!

Everybody, have a great Monday and a great work week!

Go Cowboys!


Illegitimi non carborundum
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Morning, Pops and pen pals. Happy Victory Tuesday! My daughter is in Hawaii this week. Her fiance works for a company that does all the cable work for Home Depot Stores. They sent him to Hilo this week and he took her with him. They're staying 5 miles from my house when we lived there. Have a nice day, folks.


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Morning Pops and everyone.

To me last night's game felt somewhat like an early season game... like there's a lot of rust that needed knocking off and it took most of the game to shake that rectal cranial inversion. Typical game of highs and super frustrating "why-did-they-do-that-palm-to-the-forehead" lows. Thankfully in the end we came out with a win. Rest of the season is going to be... interesting.

Enjoy your day everyone.


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Afternoon Pops and friends. Sorry to hear about the weather in Runny Town, but glad about the zero deductible. I've had a windshield replaced. Don't worry, it won't hurt. The really sucky part is the rock that flies up the day after to put a chip in that shiny new windshield.

Toddy, avoid surgery as long as you can. I've got a cousin that's been through many back surgeries and he's still in pain. I bought him a heating pad with something that attaches it to his shoulders. He was very appreciative of it. Much more than the $30 worth of gift wrap on a box of Beaudreaux's Butt Paste or the chocolate wrapped pretzels that I kept because two were broken. I was going to send him the rest, but I broke those on purpose. They were good.

Happy half off Halloween candy day everyone!

Hey thanks Xelda and morning to you. Was supposed to get one more shot, seeing what the docs say and then...Yeah, regarding those surgeries...I dunno.

For your cousin, those "infrared light belts" and epidural steroid shots are pretty decent for some pain relief. A great QB had those shots in the back before he retired.

I don't know if the infrared belts would help your cousin since he had surgery already. But I would think so.

lmao about the pretzels :laugh:


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CowboysZone ULTIMATE Fan
Good Morning Pops et al. I am assuming at least one of you is named al, if not, you can call me al.

Well, that was an interesting game and I agree with Jan, looked like the sloppiness from the first game and tch tch, temper temper Will Hernandez. But I get that. Both of the lines for the Giants are awful, the worst I can recall, and someone needs to be the enforcer, the tough guy to lead the others. What's crazy is that he avoided a flag and got the others in trouble and you could see the joy on his face. It really was a poorly played game by the Giants but I think they might have the makings there of a QB.

I am glad we are moving beyond this part of the season and getting into some better matchups because I am a fan of a good game above all else and haven't seen many this season, college or NFL. I think MIN and NE coming up next should tell us more about what this team is, contender or pretender.


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Morning Pops and friends. It is impossible to post with a picture of our current governor right below my post.. Other than that, I'm going to need a whole lot more caffeine this morning. Waking up is so very hard to do. Mercifully our Cowboys won last night. I was also happy with Miami winning one, Packers and Patriots losing which was wonderful! The angles sang to us this past weekend and last night. It was beautiful!
I'll bet his wife was mad when she saw those flowers. Probably thinking he's left a huge mess, broken something, bought all new golf clubs or a new truck.

Have a good Tuesday everyone and remember Al, Twofer does not include bigger glasses.