FEATURED Morning Pops!


Confused about stuff
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CowboysZone DIEHARD Fan
He did use caps but he could be saluting Londy with his "here a cap, there a cap" kind of posting. But then, Leon might not know a baby cat is a kitten. We'll know if he claims to have named a Baby Dog. It's actually kind of cute and endearing.

Which brings up the question if Ryan Gosling was a goose, what would Leon and his wife name him?
I imagine his wife would have a different name for him than Leon would.


"We Are Penn State"
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:lmao: Dude, where's my helmet?


Illegitimi non carborundum
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Morning, Pops and pen pals. . We are going to be warm today with a projected high of 79°. That's "do whatever you want to do" kind of weather right there. Maybe I'll take Baby Dog out for a walk and let him chase Baby Goose, AKA Slick. Have a great day!


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CowboysZone DIEHARD Fan
Good morning Pops and Zoner friends,

It is just another day in paradise with expected temperatures in the 60's. That all changes tomorrow with much colder weather and snow forecast for Wednesday and Thursday.

Before we over indulge in family, friends, food and sports for Thanksgiving, what are you thankful for? I think all too many of us - myself included - sometimes view Thansgiving as rounding the final turn on the track before finishing the year with Christmas and New Year's.

Without hesitation, and in complete seriousness, I am most thankful for my wife and the life we have crafted for ourselves. You can count yourself lucky if your spouse is not only the love of your life, but also your best friend a d partner.

I am very thankful for our two adult children and our 4 grandkids. Somewhat in jest, I have told my son and daughter that they were training for the grandchildren. I do love spoiling those little monsters.

I could probably go on and on about being thankful but, will conclude by stating that I am very thankful for our good health. Sure, there have been ups and downs, but overall we enjoy very good mental, physical and emotional health.

Just remember, everyone has to be somewhere and i chose to be here. Happy pre-hump day Tuesday.


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CowboysZone ULTIMATE Fan
Morning Pops and fellow fans of Twofer Tuesday. Going to be spring like temps here the next couple of days and looking like a fine TDay weekend topping out in the 60's. I think it's only fair that I compliment the weather, when it cooperates with my wishes, since I complain about it but don't think that will stop me once summer returns. Oh noooo, I'll be right back at it, calling Mother Nature a *****.


Regular Joe....
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Morning Pops. Morning Fellas and good morning to everybody who frequents this thread.

I hope everybody is well today. Days are shorter and nights are a little longer but still plenty of work to do. How has everybody been?

Oldest boy is headed to Waco this weekend to watch the Horns. I'm looking forward to the Pats game. I've been waiting for this game to happen. While I am not all that impressed with the Pats Offense this year, I do think they are a solid Defensive team and I know they are smart. It will be good to see how we measure up.

Some funny pics there dbz. You outdid yourself!

Jobs, Leon, dbrp, Xelda, zrin, Trouty, ksk, RGV, Coach, RWB, Ranching, SW, John, Jan, Corso and Colo, how you all been? Looks like you've been having fun.

Everybody, Tuesday is a good day. Here's to hoping all of you have a great day so you can be ready for hump day. Get past that and it's down hill from there.

Everyone, have a great day!


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Good evening Pops and friends. I hope everyone is doing well. I see Dabz has won the internet again with her interpretations of fellow Zoners. :)

Sad news, my car is in the shop and I had to take a company car. I do not do well with change and really didn't appreciate getting a car with two tires going flat. I took it to put air in the tires, but it didn't seem to help. They checked it and found 3 nail holes. I was able to get the CD player working, but couldn't get the AC to work. I'm glad that was fixed before I got back in it since Mother Nature is having hot flashes. I thought I'd get a flu shot today since it was short sleeve weather. My previous flu shot didn't hurt at all, but this one was weilded by an angry man close to the end of his shift. It hurt! I was brave though and didn't cry or fall to the ground and writhe in pain.

Have a good Wednesday everyone.