FEATURED Morning Pops!


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Morning Pops and fellow Friday fans. Don't know why I still like Friday's but I do.

Hang in there Jan, it seems it's never just one thing. Grab those laughs when they come your way and use that to break the tension and relieve the stress if even for a moment, that does work because we seldom really know how much we're carrying inside until we release it.


"We Are Penn State"
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Sunday marks my 5-year anniversary of my cancer surgery... I'd love it if them 'Boys would gift us a win.:rolleyes:

DABZ... the hits just keep on coming. Thank you for the laughs (and including wine with my cat lol).
You're so very welcome sweet lady. May GOD continue blessing you & your family always. :)


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Morning Pops and fellow Friday fans. Don't know why I still like Friday's but I do.

Hang in there Jan, it seems it's never just one thing. Grab those laughs when they come your way and use that to break the tension and relieve the stress if even for a moment, that does work because we seldom really know how much we're carrying inside until we release it.
Lol so far this morning has been a gut buster. I wish I could figure out how to post these pics because it would make the story much funnier than it already is:D (at least to me because I'm good about laughing at my own stupidity).

I came in to work this morning as usual at 7am. Today I have a bagel for breakfast so I went to the break room to toast it (don't judge. this one needed it). That finished so I grab a knife and cream cheese from the fridge (...still no judging allowed here). Got the cream cheese on the bagel and went to the sink to wash the knife. Blinked and the knife was gone (???):oops:. It slipped out of my hand and went down the sink drain. Wth??? Out loud, while staring down the drain, I say "Oops. That's not good!" By this time my boss is there and, without telling him what happened I say "Is Howard here today?" Howard is our awesome building maintenance guy, and thankfully has a wonderfully warped sense of humor. Boss man thought he was out until after Thanksgiving but thankfully he was here today. I took a beating about this incident all morning from my co-workers until Howard got in. Howard took the trap off and lo and behold...(this is where I wish I could post the pics) there were SEVEN knives in that drain (including mine) and one drinking straw. How does that even happen:huh:? After getting all that mess cleared out and the sink drain put back together Howard then takes a picture of some make-shift "method" of clearing the drain. Picture if you can three red narrow tubes strapped together with putty in the ends of the tubes and actual fuse... I totally lost it. Looked like dynamite lol:laugh:.

What's really sad in all this is that over the years that this happened I'm the only one who ever mentioned ito_O...and I'm still laughing about it to the point my stomach is sore:).

Have a great laugh at my expense and enjoy your day.


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Lol so far this morning has been a gut buster. I wish I could figure out how to post these pics because it would make the story much funnier than it already is:D (at least to me because I'm good about laughing at my own stupidity).

I came in to work this morning as usual at 7am. Today I have a bagel for breakfast so I went to the break room to toast it (don't judge. this one needed it). That finished so I grab a knife and cream cheese from the fridge (...still no judging allowed here). Got the cream cheese on the bagel and went to the sink to wash the knife. Blinked and the knife was gone (???):oops:. It slipped out of my hand and went down the sink drain. Wth??? Out loud, while staring down the drain, I say "Oops. That's not good!" By this time my boss is there and, without telling him what happened I say "Is Howard here today?" Howard is our awesome building maintenance guy, and thankfully has a wonderfully warped sense of humor. Boss man thought he was out until after Thanksgiving but thankfully he was here today. I took a beating about this incident all morning from my co-workers until Howard got in. Howard took the trap off and lo and behold...(this is where I wish I could post the pics) there were SEVEN knives in that drain (including mine) and one drinking straw. How does that even happen:huh:? After getting all that mess cleared out and the sink drain put back together Howard then takes a picture of some make-shift "method" of clearing the drain. Picture if you can three red narrow tubes strapped together with putty in the ends of the tubes and actual fuse... I totally lost it. Looked like dynamite lol:laugh:.

What's really sad in all this is that over the years that this happened I'm the only one who ever mentioned ito_O...and I'm still laughing about it to the point my stomach is sore:).

Have a great laugh at my expense and enjoy your day.
That should have been an episode of The Office. Just curious, were the other knives yours too and you waited until the knife collection was depleted to report it to Howard?


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That should have been an episode of The Office. Just curious, were the other knives yours too and you waited until the knife collection was depleted to report it to Howard?
Ha ha ha, not mine, but we know whose the straw was because only one former employee ever used those. Hard telling how long all those have been in there tho.


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Morning Pops and everyone.

Been a heck of a week between crap at work, my son having to put one of his fur babies down (she was 15 bless her sweet soul), my grandson deciding he was too old to believe in Santa, and my sister-in-law being diagnosed (at age 41) with stage 3 kidney disease. Most of this happened in a 24-hour period. Then there's my own worries about my next 2 visits to the doctor for follow up appointments 12/2 and 12/19.

Sunday marks my 5-year anniversary of my cancer surgery... I'd love it if them 'Boys would gift us a win.:rolleyes:

Colo, wish I were getting your snow. There's something very peaceful to me about a snowfall. We've been getting a lot of rain lately and had some 40-50° weather. I suppose that's more along the lines of normal for this time of year but BRING ON THE SNOW:D.

DABZ... the hits just keep on coming. Thank you for the laughs (and including wine with my cat lol).

Q.C. Arts Festival of Trees parade happens here tomorrow so looking forward to that...

Whether or not I weigh in on anything, you people crack me up. Keep it up. It's good for the soul.

Everyone have a great Friday and let's roll into the holiday week on a high note.

Mornin' and god bless you and yours. I kinda know how you feel at this point. Some adversity brought me down for a bit. But it's time to rise again. Still awaiting a funeral in my family among quite a few other things.

I just compare adversities to the wicked witch of the west in that "Wizard of Oz" movie. That wicked witch of the west looked scary and frightening and everything else. But it just took a cup of water to melt her. Same with adversities

Sometimes it takes more than a bit of water, and the solutions need to be found. But adversities can be overcome.

Congrats on beating the cancer!
Long story short. Best of luck and god bless you and everyone. And may god bless these Dallas Cowboys. God's team and America's Team. :star:


Illegitimi non carborundum
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Morning, Pop and pen pals. Welcome to the weekend! My Mom in law is in the hospital. We are waiting on the results of several tests they have run on her. She was feeling much better yesterday. Please say a prayer if you are so inclined. Have a great weekend Y'all.


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Afternoon Pops and friends. Hope things get better for everyone going through something. I see Jan has mastered posting pictures now, sort of. o_O It also seems the problem and trouble fairies have found Jan and commenced to whooping on her again. I think it's time for a different hair cut so they don't recognize you any more. Just a thought. A prayer heading to your mom in law, Leon. Good thoughts heading her way, too.

Sorry I haven't been posting much lately. Since I returned to work, my mind has blanked out on me. I really need some artificial intelligence because the real intelligence took a vacation without permission.

We've talked about music before and memories of one night called out to me. (I hope I haven't told this story before.) In my previous house, I was hanging wall paper one night. I had a small stereo on my coffee table sitting in the middle of the room with all furniture pulled in around it. I very rarely listen to the radio, but had worn out my wallpaper hanging cassette. I turned the radio on late this particular Saturday night and it was on a channel out of the area. I started to change channels for something familiar, but the blues came flowing out into the room. I thought I could change channels if it started to irritate me. The music got better and better then even better. Old and new flowed out in harmony. I heard the Master Blaster which made every hair on my head stand up when he was clearing his nose. I laughed at "Meet Me With Your Black Drawers On". I can't say how much wall paper made it to the walls, because the precision of it does not mix well with dancing. That was when I was properly introduced to the Blues. It was a glorious night that I would wish for everyone to experience.

Here's hoping we have a great Sunday and exert our will on the Patriots. Tiger's blood. Winning! Tiger's blood. Winning! :flagwave:

Have a good Saturday evening everyone.


Illegitimi non carborundum
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Morning, Pops and Pen Pals. It's game day. The USC/UCLA game was pretty good yesterday. Mom's MRI and sonograms didn't show anything abnormal so we still are not sure what caused her problem. Thanks for the prayers.

Go Cowboys!


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Morning, Pops and Pen Pals. It's game day. The USC/UCLA game was pretty good yesterday. Mom's MRI and sonograms didn't show anything abnormal so we still are not sure what caused her problem. Thanks for the prayers.

Go Cowboys!
Excellent news for your mom! And, with Thanksgiving on Thursday, I can't think of too many things you can be more thankful!


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Morning Pops and Sunday Funday Footballers. Got PHL-SEA as the early game, the Boys-Pats as the afternoon game and it will start while there's light and turn dark before it's over and I hope that's not a sign of things to come and then we top that off with GB-SF to see if the Niners are for real. Many do not buy the Niners because of the lack of stars and I wonder how any Cowboys fan can be that way? Stars do not always shine the brightest.

Leon, good news is that you know what it isn't with your Mom-in-law. Sounds like that's what she is to you, never got the mother-in-law jokes, mine was terrific and she left us too early.

Xelda, enjoyed your musical awakening story and I was our official wallpapering DJ, I could be trusted with the music and the corkscrew.

This is the last Sunday of November of the year two thousand and nineteen, no do overs, make it count.