Lol so far this morning has been a gut buster. I wish I could figure out how to post these pics because it would make the story much funnier than it already is
(at least to me because I'm good about laughing at my own stupidity).
I came in to work this morning as usual at 7am. Today I have a bagel for breakfast so I went to the break room to toast it (don't judge. this one needed it). That finished so I grab a knife and cream cheese from the fridge (...still no judging allowed here). Got the cream cheese on the bagel and went to the sink to wash the knife. Blinked and the knife was gone (???)
. It slipped out of my hand and went down the sink drain. Wth??? Out loud, while staring down the drain, I say "Oops. That's not good!" By this time my boss is there and, without telling him what happened I say "Is Howard here today?" Howard is our awesome building maintenance guy, and thankfully has a wonderfully warped sense of humor. Boss man thought he was out until after Thanksgiving but thankfully he was here today. I took a beating about this incident all morning from my co-workers until Howard got in. Howard took the trap off and lo and behold...(this is where I wish I could post the pics) there were SEVEN knives in that drain (including mine) and one drinking straw. How does that even happen
? After getting all that mess cleared out and the sink drain put back together Howard then takes a picture of some make-shift "method" of clearing the drain. Picture if you can three red narrow tubes strapped together with putty in the ends of the tubes and actual fuse... I totally lost it. Looked like dynamite lol
What's really sad in all this is that over the years that this happened I'm the only one who ever mentioned it
...and I'm still laughing about it to the point my stomach is sore
Have a great laugh at my expense and enjoy your day.