FEATURED Morning Pops!


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Morning Pops and fellow Twofer fans. I haven't decided yet what I will limit myself to two of today but I am already on my second cup and have taken two dogs out back so I have a jump on the day.

Short week so the wailing and gnashing of teeth about losing to a better team will stop around 3 Thursday and pick back up again around 7 unless the Cowboys lose to the Bills. The Bills are excited because they get to appear on national TV when some people, with a mouthful of dressing, will exclaim "Buffalo? The NFL has a team in Buffalo"?

OK, enjoy your Hump Day. Hump Day? Did he say Hump Day? No, he wrote it, we don't know what he said while writing it. Today marks the halfway point of the work week; therefore, it qualifies as Hump Day and Twofer Day. Two, count them, two days to celebrate in one.

Oh, it's a blessing to have such a celebratory spirit and to share it with y'all.


"We Are Penn State"
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One final thought, I have a Pavlovian reaction every morning waiting for @daboyzruleperiod lastest meme submission. So, if you are out there and up at this hour, I am waiting.

Here you go dear! :lmao2:



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Good morning Pops and friends. My mom was admitted to the hospital Monday evening. She has some fluid in her lungs they are trying get out of her system. I tell you, they don’t make the rooms comfortable for visitors staying the night. I probably got about 5 hours sleep the last 2 nights. Little catnaps during the day seem to help a little.

Hey X, I hope everything goes well with your Drs visit and the scan. Love your humor.

Hey Colo, when my wife goes out of town. I leave a little mess on purpose. If I leave the house too clean, she might recruit me to do all the homework someday.

Keep’m coming Dbz. ;)

Grilled ribeye sounds delicious right about now Leon.!

Jan, for some reason. I wasn’t able to see the pics you sent but I gave you a like anyway because of penmanship. Don’t work too hard, leave some for tomorrow.

Runny, stay warm up in the NE. I heard it’s pretty cold up there. Nothing new tho this time of year. Tee shirt weather here but expected to cool down in a couple days.

CC, I’ve had 2 cups of strong coffee this morning. I might not stop there on this Twofer Day.

Have a great day everyone. Y’all keep me entertained even tho I don’t always say it. Be Blessed.



Confused about stuff
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CowboysZone DIEHARD Fan
Wishing your mom well, RGV!

It's actually almost 60° today, at least it was in the city. Notice I said "was".... That's because I'm not there anymore. Traffic was irritating the heck out of me down there. (No, not down there, down in the city...Sickos!)


Regular Joe....
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Afternoon Pops. Afternoon Fellas and good afternoon to all who stop in and frequent this thread.

RG, not good on the Mom front Brother. Hopefully, this is not serious thing. I'll be pulling for you and she Brother!

Colo, not so bad here but plenty cold and windy. Howled last night and while it's a little bit warmer today, it's still blowing pretty good. Gonna be another cold one tonight.

Jobs, Leon, dbrp, Xelda, zrin, Trouty, ksk, RGV, Coach, RWB, Ranching, SW, John, Jan, Corso and Colo, I hope all of you are enjoying a great day, if not, change it up!

Everybody, TG is almost here. Finish up Tuesday strong and then just one more day and you are feasting!

Finish Strong!


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Evening Pops and everyone.

For some reason I got ZERO notification of any postings for over 24 hours. I promise I was NOT ignoring you.

RGV, sorry to hear about your mom. Praying everything works out. As for the pics not showing up, Idk... maybe I'll crawl back into the hole I was living in for the not-so-tech-savvy.

Colo, so jealous of you with your snow. We had upper 40's today with rain:(. I hate rain this time of the year. It's cold and it takes me forever to warm up. At least the snow doesn't soak you to the bone. It's still raining and we have a legitimate downpour thunderstorm going on.

My boss and his wife headed to their cabin in northern Wisconsin (beautifully rustic on Lake Minocqua) Saturday to spend Thanksgiving and instead ended up coming back today. She has court dates next week she can't miss, it was snowing today and supposed to snow tomorrow, and then the threat of over 20" of snow up there after TDay had them hustling to get out before it got too deep. While they were gone we did some team building/bonding... a "beer pong" tournament:D... but with empty cups. It was fun enough playing while we were on the clock, and yes the boss knew. He's cool like that, and knowing we were sober probably helped. I actually 'won' and our office manager printed a certificate which I would post here except for that whole 'not-so-tech-savvy' thing, and I'd have to redact it to hide the name of my employer. It just sounds like too much work and (Xelda) I don't have a playlist to motivate me for that. It does seem, however that I've been blessed with a 'very particular set of skills' (props to Liam Neeson for that line). I apparently "demonstrated exceptional ability to bounce ping pong balls into cups" per the certificate and since I have it in writing from an official from our office it must be true. I've officially deemed it my "Major Award" (DABZ feel free to throw in a "Christmas Story" short here:D).

Anyway, I'm rambling yet again.

Xel, hope everything came out okay with your scan.

Coach... good to see you're in good spirits. Hope that friend of yours is hanging in there through the build up for the holidays.

Runny... that sense of humor... I've said it before and I'll say it again - reminds me of my brother. He'd fit in well here if he weren't a Bears fan.

Leon... how's mom-in-law? Did she get squared away and get to go home?

Everyone enjoy tomorrow. Finally Wednesday and the end of the work week for me. Almost 'gobble til you wobble' day folks.


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Good evening Pops and friends. Best wishes and a prayer going up for your mom, RGV. We've got to take care of our mommas!

I survived today, but just barely. I spent last night trying to get back to sleep with a barking bladder. I will never attempt 8 glasses of water at 8 pm again. I'll start at 7.

The receptionist asked if I'd like a plague of information from the hospital. I told her no, I try to forget this place when I'm not here. I didn't have a coniption when the needle came out. There's a first time for everything.. If they were grading me, I probably got an A today. Ok, a B for demanding the needle be removed before I participated in the scan. I got sent home from work for yawning. A whole day without caffeine just wasn't interesting.

Some time over the past week, I acquired a new family member or two. I named one Tricksy and the other one Felix. I figured one has to be a female. I was looking at the floor one day over the past week and there she was, a very big, full grown lizard. A few days later, the smaller one showed up. If I had known there were two, Tricksy would have Oscar. Today I was trying to blast off for the scan and ran to the coat closet for a sweater and ran face to face with Felix. I started to jump back, but knew he was more afraid of me than I of him. I carefully grabbed my sweater and left the room. If Felix had jumped on me, this would have been a very different story.

Glad to hear your wife was happy with you, Colo. Enjoy the snow and send Jan some. Runny doesn't want it yet, so keep it between y'all. Those of us in the south sure as blankety blank blank don't want it.

Have a good night's rest all.


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Good morning Pops and friends. Thank you all for the well wishes. I’ve seen my mom in what seemed like worse condition and pulled through. Hoping and praying she pulls through again. I got a good night’s sleep last night. One of my daughters ordered me to go home while she sat with my mom. Our kids can be so demanding. :). Some times in a good way.

Jan, I’m pretty sure the not so techie is me. There are other threads where folks talk about a pic that I couldn’t see. It’s probably some box, I didn’t check when when I created this id.

That’s a lot of water X! Especially at night. Which reminds, I need to cut down on coffee and drink more h2o.

Have a great day everyone.


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Morning Pops and good luck on the scans today, Xelda, and to you and your family with your Mom, RGV. Thanks Jan, Mike is going through the first anniversary of losing his wife and Thanksgiving, that's a tough double when he thinks he should be further along. I know you know the double edged sword of these holidays.

Hump Day became Friday and I hope everyone has a great long and restful weekend.

I am heading over to my son's house in Austin tomorrow for his wife's homemade cinnamon rolls that would make Cinnabon envious and picking up my fried turkey and driving the hour back with that aroma in the car. I may have to pull over, grab a leg, find a tree (so no one can sneak up on me from behind) and hunker down with a guttural growl and snarl at the ready should any fellow carnivores happen by. I am not a turkey fan, unless it's fried. I put the recipe I've been using since 85 up in the OTZ. Gumbo will soon follow.

I am not a Thanksgiving kind of guy, good memories but they change on holidays. I do not care for the food and don't see the necessity for one day that we're supposed to give thanks. It was a 4 day weekend to me and I was thankful for that but shouldn't every day be a day to assess what we have to be thankful about? All it serves to do is remind me of who is no longer around and I just get through that with the same guy that helped Clark Griswold's Dad.

However, for those of you seeing people you do not get to see often enough, or too often, I wish you a Happy Thanksgiving. But more than that, I wish you a thankful heart every day because everyone of us can find parts of our lives to be thankful about. I am thankful that the light that shines on my memories gets brighter every holiday and the moments of melancholy lessen.

I am thankful that I came to this site but more thankful I came to this thread and start my day greeting friends I've never met and experiencing part of their life. If it were possible to be sitting down at the table tomorrow with all of you, toast you individually (because that means I get extra sips) now that would be truly a Thanksgiving.


Regular Joe....
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Morning Pops, morning Fellas and good morning to all who decide to stop in and take a few minutes in this thread.

Looks like one more day and we are eating some Fried Bird! Gotta check the propane today and go out and buy some fresh oil for the fryer. Gotta figure out what injection I want to make and then go out and run to the store to get the stuff I will need. Other then that, think we are ready to go for tomorrow!

Leon, glad to hear that your Momma is back home! Make for a great Turkey Day I'm hoping!

Coach, read your post. It's a good one Brother. Thank you for saying those things.

Well, right now I got the youngest Grandson here and he's looking at me with that hungry look in his eye so I gotta go whip up some Eggs and whatever else I can find that he likes!

Jobs, Leon, dbrp, Xelda, zrin, Trouty, ksk, RGV, Coach, RWB, Ranching, SW, John, Jan, Corso and Colo, I hope you are all planning on taking some time to enjoy some quality time over Thanks Giving! There have been many posters that have lent to this thread, over the last 10 years, yes you heard that right (10 yrs), and no matter where any of them are now, I hope all of you have a great Thanks Giving.

Everybody, have a great Wednesday for tomorrow is Thanks Giving!


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CowboysZone DIEHARD Fan
Good morning Pops and Zoner friends,

Happy day before Thanksgiving. Given the prevailing winter storms, I hope none of you had your travel plans disrupted.

The Denver airport cancelled all flights yesterday and major sections of I25 and I70 were closed either due to blizzard-like conditions or wrecks/stalled vehicles or both. Despite warnings from the governer's office, sheriff department, highway patrol, etc not to venture out on the roads yesterday, many people traveled by road anyway... and many of there cars are still along side the road awaiting emergency services for assistance.

As for us, we got about 18 inches of snow with snow drifts in the range of 2-4 feet. We literally had to dig our way out of the front door. Nonetheless, all is well at our household. We will spend the rest of the day preparing for our neighborhood Thanksgiving.

Wishing all of you a very happy and safe Thanksgiving!!


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CowboysZone ULTIMATE Fan
Morning Pops, morning Fellas and good morning to all who decide to stop in and take a few minutes in this thread.

Looks like one more day and we are eating some Fried Bird! Gotta check the propane today and go out and buy some fresh oil for the fryer. Gotta figure out what injection I want to make and then go out and run to the store to get the stuff I will need. Other then that, think we are ready to go for tomorrow!

Leon, glad to hear that your Momma is back home! Make for a great Turkey Day I'm hoping!

Coach, read your post. It's a good one Brother. Thank you for saying those things.

Well, right now I got the youngest Grandson here and he's looking at me with that hungry look in his eye so I gotta go whip up some Eggs and whatever else I can find that he likes!

Jobs, Leon, dbrp, Xelda, zrin, Trouty, ksk, RGV, Coach, RWB, Ranching, SW, John, Jan, Corso and Colo, I hope you are all planning on taking some time to enjoy some quality time over Thanks Giving! There have been many posters that have lent to this thread, over the last 10 years, yes you heard that right (10 yrs), and no matter where any of them are now, I hope all of you have a great Thanks Giving.

Everybody, have a great Wednesday for tomorrow is Thanks Giving!
ABQ, take a look at the recipe I posted in the OTZ, it's better than the store bought ones.