Afternoon Pops and everyone.
It's 13° outside with wind gusts of 35-45mph. This girl is staying indoors and doing some shredding and a little more packing/pre-spring cleaning. I had no idea I still had tax returns sitting here from '06. I got divorced in '07. Long overdue for shredding and man...when I think about everything that has happened in my life since then it makes my head spin.
Oh yes, and because I'm pretty sure none of you know me or my family I get to tell you all some news I got from my son yesterday that none of the family knows yet. There's going to be yet another grandkiddo coming along here late July or early August! So, that'll make 3 for him, and my daughter has 4 (which includes Dustin's daughter)... I just realized I can't afford anymore grandkids
. They've always been competitive with each other but this is taking it a bit far.
Clearly my kids have more free time than they're letting on. Maybe instead of complaining about money they should be working second jobs and making more money instead of making more babies.
That's all I've got for now. Break's over. Back to the shredder and boxes.
How's everyone's weekend going?