FEATURED Morning Pops!


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Thank you. 2.5 years old.

Hes a little tornado
Yep, most are at the Terrible Two's. We can't wait for them to start walking because we forget how we were when we first discovered our legs were more useful than just for kicking. Then we can't wait for them to talk and only then remember how hard it was to understand Uncle Fred at Thanksgiving.


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Yep, most are at the Terrible Two's. We can't wait for them to start walking because we forget how we were when we first discovered our legs were more useful than just for kicking. Then we can't wait for them to talk and only then remember how hard it was to understand Uncle Fred at Thanksgiving.

Our first started walking at 7month's. Not coordinated but he was hard headed about wanting to use his feet. Kids is stubborn as a mule. Now he's really starting to repeat and we have use code names for certain food items as he understands a lot now. Blows my mind watching infants and toddlers progress.


Confused about stuff
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CowboysZone DIEHARD Fan
Morning Pops and friends!

70° today up here in the Northeast, folks! It's so nice to be able to not wear a sweatshirt, or a sweatshirt with a hoodie over it, and a knit hat, and gloves! T-shirt weather today....but I'm not even considering getting used to it yet.


"We Are Penn State"
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Morning Pops, Long time no talk in here. My second son entered this world this am. Came a week early. 9-9oz 22in. Knock on wood healthy as can be.


Confused about stuff
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CowboysZone DIEHARD Fan
Morning Pops and friends.

I started my job as something to get me by temporarily, until I found a real job. Today is my 22nd anniversary.

Time flies when you're having fun....and even when you're not.

And Pops, I never knew you, but apparently it's your birthday today, so Happy Birthday, wherever you are!


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Morning Pops and friends.

I started my job as something to get me by temporarily, until I found a real job. Today is my 22nd anniversary.

Time flies when you're having fun....and even when you're not.

And Pops, I never knew you, but apparently it's your birthday today, so Happy Birthday, wherever you are!

Happy (?) Anniversary, Runny! My 20-year work anniversary is April 4th (diagnosis anniversary is 4/11/14... not sure if that's something to celebrate, but the "cure" date (4/15/15) certainly is). I know exactly what you mean about how time flies. I've had 3 jobs since high school (work/study program), all in the same profession. Been at this for a good 35 years now. I'm incredibly tired all of a sudden...

I too did not know Pops, but I've heard great things about the person he was. Happy Birthday Pops!


Regular Joe....
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Morning Pops. Morning Fellas and good morning to all who decided to stop in and visit today.

John, congratulations! Kids are work. Sometimes you ask yourself WHY? Sometimes the make you seriously wonder why? But in the end, they are really the only thing that makes it all worth it, to me at least. I couldn't be happier for you Brother!

Happy late Birthday Pops. Thanks to Sarge, I have opportunity to say this. :thumbup:

Jobs, Leon, dbrp, Xelda, zrin, Trouty, ksk, RGV, Coach, RWB, Ranching, SW, John, Jan, Corso and Colo, hope you are all of good cheer today!

Everybody, have a great day!


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Good morning and Happy Birthday to you Pops. But you gave us the present in the form of this thread where we can greet each other and support each other, it is unquestionably the best thread on this site.

It's officially one week until O'Coach's Day and I thank y'all for remembering. I need the time to prepare and if you read about a run on Lucky Charms at the Marble Falls Walmart, that's because O'Coach will be practicing his Irish accent among the shoppers. I don't know why my voice cranks up a few notches when I do my Irish accent but most feel I nail the Lucky Charms guy and ask me to do "magically delicious". I, of course, being a curmudgeonly type leprechaun decline and instead talk dirty like an Irish strumpet. They're appalled but their kids dig it. Especially the really young ones.


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Good morning Pops and Zoner Friends,

It has been more than a week since our last snow and given daytime temperatures in the low 60's, winter is on the slide. Sure, we will have the normal spring snows when winter decides to dump about a foot or more of snow one day only to return to spring the next. There are actually signs of buds on the trees and green grass -- although the deer and elk eat it almost as fast as it shows up.

@GrammaJan congratulations on the home... hope the closing goes well for you. You could not have picked a better time to become a homeowner with interest rates at an all time low. I still can't get past you having to take a test. When we made an offer on the land in Montana, the conversation went something like, "Do you have funding?", "Yes", "When do you want to close?" :)

@John813 congratulations on the new baby. With two kids, you and your wife are systematically and mathematically outnumbered (kids, particularly infants and toddlers count as two individuals each).

And, @Runwildboys congratulations on your work anniversary. I remember when I started in the oil industry, my intent was to gain a much needed 3-4 years experience and then go out on my own. Then the devious HR department said, "how would you like to move overseas?" and thus my wanderlust was born... never looked back and finally retired after 37 years with about 30 spent outside the US. Good times

With the warm(er) weather comes the opportunity for me and the cats to spend even more time outside. I am contemplating a name change for the youngest male cat -- I have narrowed it down to "Prince of Darkness" or "Worm tail" (in honor of the creepy character from Harry Potter). He (the cat) seems to have an innate ability to create mischief. Maybe, "Loki" is a good alternative. Maybe, I need to get a life?

Remember, stay safe and germ free out there!!


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CowboysZone DIEHARD Fan
Morning Pops and friends.

I started my job as something to get me by temporarily, until I found a real job. Today is my 22nd anniversary.

Time flies when you're having fun....and even when you're not.

And Pops, I never knew you, but apparently it's your birthday today, so Happy Birthday, wherever you are!

When I lived in Nigeria, the mantra was, "Fun flies when you're doing time".
