FEATURED Morning Pops!


Illegitimi non carborundum
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Morning, Pops and pen pals. I still haven't adjusted to the time change. I'm waking up at 5:30 instead of 4:30. The saving grace is that I'm the only one here so I still get to enjoy my morning solitude. I do love the spring season, though, when all the dormant plant life wakes up and puts on fresh new colorful clothes. Happy hump day!


Illegitimi non carborundum
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Good morning Pops and Zoner Friends,

It has been more than a week since our last snow and given daytime temperatures in the low 60's, winter is on the slide. Sure, we will have the normal spring snows when winter decides to dump about a foot or more of snow one day only to return to spring the next. There are actually signs of buds on the trees and green grass -- although the deer and elk eat it almost as fast as it shows up.

@GrammaJan congratulations on the home... hope the closing goes well for you. You could not have picked a better time to become a homeowner with interest rates at an all time low. I still can't get past you having to take a test. When we made an offer on the land in Montana, the conversation went something like, "Do you have funding?", "Yes", "When do you want to close?" :)

@John813 congratulations on the new baby. With two kids, you and your wife are systematically and mathematically outnumbered (kids, particularly infants and toddlers count as two individuals each).

And, @Runwildboys congratulations on your work anniversary. I remember when I started in the oil industry, my intent was to gain a much needed 3-4 years experience and then go out on my own. Then the devious HR department said, "how would you like to move overseas?" and thus my wanderlust was born... never looked back and finally retired after 37 years with about 30 spent outside the US. Good times

With the warm(er) weather comes the opportunity for me and the cats to spend even more time outside. I am contemplating a name change for the youngest male cat -- I have narrowed it down to "Prince of Darkness" or "Worm tail" (in honor of the creepy character from Harry Potter). He (the cat) seems to have an innate ability to create mischief. Maybe, "Loki" is a good alternative. Maybe, I need to get a life?

Remember, stay safe and germ free out there!!
Let us know when to start calling you Monta Cowboy instead of Colo Cowboy.:laugh:


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Good morning Pops and friends. Belated happy birthday Pop. Congrats John. I know what you mean, Runny. Careers accidentally happen when we're not expecting them. Enjoy your time on the island, mon... I mean Leon. How does the name Colotana sound, Colo. Don't forget to add a large pantry, large wash room and extra cabinets in the kitchen.

Have a good Hump day everyone.
and you thought I couldn't do it.


Confused about stuff
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CowboysZone DIEHARD Fan
Good morning Pops and friends. Belated happy birthday Pop. Congrats John. I know what you mean, Runny. Careers accidentally happen when we're not expecting them. Enjoy your time on the island, mon... I mean Leon. How does the name Colotana sound, Colo. Don't forget to add a large pantry, large wash room and extra cabinets in the kitchen.

Have a good Hump day everyone.

and you thought I couldn't do it.
I think that age cream might be working a little too well, Doll!


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Good evening Pops and friends. Hope everyone had a happy hump day. The Mrs and I were planning to go to the Houston Rodeo this weekend but well it was cancelled today. We usually go every year and walk around the exhibit hall and pig out on bbq. So it’s on to plan B. Bbq at home ;)


Regular Joe....
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Afternoon Pops. Afternoon Friends and good afternoon to all who stop in today and visit.

Another work day, almost down. Busy today, lots of stuff going on.

I'm wondering how best to celebrate St. Pats this year. It falls in the middle of the week so no real time for celebration. You know what I mean. The Wife is going to make Corn Beef and Cabbage on the Following Sat. but seems like I should do something else. Don't know, have to think on it.

How is everybody doing today?

Jobs, Leon, dbrp, Xelda, zrin, Trouty, ksk, RGV, Coach, RWB, Ranching, SW, John, Jan, Corso and Colo, I hope you are all safe and sound in y'all's neck of the woods.

Everybody, work hard, live life but be careful.

Gonna give a shout out to all you Ladies:

He took a hundred pounds of clay
And then He said "Hey, listen"
"I'm gonna fix this-a world today"
"Because I know what's missin' "
Then He rolled his big sleeves up
And a brand-new world began
He created a woman and-a lots of lovin' for a man
Whoa-oh-oh, yes he did

Oh yes he did....
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Well-Known Member
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Evening Pops and everyone, or I suppose it will be morning for some.

1 inspection down and 3 to go. Got the homeowners insurance selected and a friend already made me promise he could come over and we'd make salsa and can tomatoes this summer and reminisc about a mutual friend we lost last year...my main battle buddy. Of course I agreed immediately. I'd be nowhere without all my friends.

Already decided the corner shelf behind the bar will be the new home for my Cowboys helmet and first order of decoration when I get moved...

Been up all night chatting with my daughter. Hubby is on a training exercise out to sea and they have zero contact ability this time so it's their first long separation since they got married. She's struggling so I gave her some ideas to help her through until he gets home, but with this goofy virus they don't know when they'll let them come back to port, but at least they will be coming back...some day... One thing I told her was to write him a dated later or diary entry for each day he's gone and give them to him when he returns. He'll know she's thinking of him while he's away. 'Nuff of the sappy stuff.

It's after midnight so I should try to sleep I suppose. I have a closing Friday with a client and I'm going to be dead on my feet if I don't get some rest.

Goodnight all. Happy Friday!!!


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It's Friday!!!!!! The end of DST week one. I have special disdain for DST and my dyslexia only makes it worse. Spring forward? Ok, I can stay up an extra hour or two. Monday morning I took a shower and forgot to wash my hair, so I washed it in the sink. I got dressed and was strolling out the door when I realized I forgot to fix my hair in a style that says I'm not a hard rocker with a day job. I fixed my hair which consumed some time, so I'm running out the door for work and stopped dead in my tracks, looked down and saw my big, fuzzy slippers still on. Should I make a fashion statement or put regular shoes one. I started feeling my clothes to make sure I'd taken my gown off. It was tough, but I grabbed my regular shoes and back out I went. I do not remember the rest of Monday. Tuesday was just a gift and... well, several gifts. I might tell that one another day.

Just so long as you don't drool.......
I'll try not to, but no promises.

I see your daughter's not mad any more, Jan. Congratulations and good luck today with your tasks, lack of sleep and abundance of coffee.

Have a good Friday everyone.


Illegitimi non carborundum
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Afternoon, Pops and pen pals. TGIF! We had an absolutely beautiful day yesterday and today is more of the same. There were a few tourists from a timeshare down the road on the beach yesterday. Usually I have it all to myself, but it was nice to see people having fun. Have a great day


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Good afternoon Pops and friends. It still feels like morning, but I must respect the clock even though we argued all week. I hope everyone has a good Saturday.

Morning, Pops and pen pals. Welcome to the Weekend! My coffee tastes good and I have nothing pressing to take care of today. Life is good.
I can almost feel the droplets of water splashing off the waves.