FEATURED Morning Pops!


Regular Joe....
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Morning Pops. Morning Fellas and good morning to any and all who stop by to say hello today.

So, the Wife and I went out to Olive Garden yesterday, for lunch. Was nice, not very many people out but that's OK. Had a nice meal and enjoyed ourselves, then came back home and finished work.

Youngest Daughter got sent home yesterday. She works in a Neonatal Peds unit and I guess a coworker was exposed to a women the other day who tested positive for Covid19. She is going to have to spend a few days home and she is a little worried about it. I can understand why, she has two boys and they are 3 and 5 so she is naturally worried.

Working today and then tomorrow is Friday. Was planning on making Corn Beef and Cabbage for everybody on Sat. but now, I thinking that maybe I should postpone that.

Jobs, Leon, dbrp, Xelda, zrin, Trouty, ksk, RGV, Coach, RWB, Ranching, SW, John, Jan, Corso and Colo, I hope you are all well and in good sted.

Everybody, please be well. Please take care and above all, do not stop living. Some of the best times in my life are times when I've come out the other side of a hard situation.

God Bless....


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PS..I still love my job :)


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You have no idea how close (for me) this is to reality!

On a separate matter - you know when you can't have something, it just makes you want it more? I am getting this irrational urge to brave the blizzard and drive to town for (of all things) ice cream.

Hey Montanalo! Have you ever tried snow Ice cream? Get a bunch of clean snow, add sweetened condensed milk, some vanilla and sugar. Mix together and you have home made snow ice cream. We had it as kids. You might just wish winter was longer.


Regular Joe....
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Morning Pops. Morning Fellas and good morning to all of you who stopped in today.

I hope everybody is feeling good, feeling strong and I hope that the weekend brings you good things! The Wife and I are planning on getting out in the yard this weekend. We've had a bit of rain here of late and that means weeds! Gonna get out and work on the yard I think.

Gonna catch up on some TV shows we've missed of late, gonna watch Ford vs Ferrari, gonna make some popcorn and I think the Wife is gonna make up some Queso so maybe do some work and then get under a blanket and just spend some time together and watch some stuff, eat some good junk food.

Gonna bake a Lemon Cake with the Wife this weekend as well. I can't eat any of it but my Wife loves Lemon anything. So do I but it's really bad for me. Either way, gonna make some and maybe some fresh bread as well. I think I got a deck of cards laying around somewhere so maybe some spades or something. This is what we did in the old days, when I was very young and we had no money. LOL....

Jobs, Leon, dbrp, Xelda, zrin, Trouty, ksk, RGV, Coach, RWB, Ranching, SW, John, Jan, Corso and Colo, I hope you all find time to enjoy life a little bit. Be of good cheer!

Everybody, please enjoy your weekend in a responsible manor. This situation we are currently in, it's not forever. Do the things you gotta do, get passed it and come out the other side safe and sound. Everybody, have a great weekend!