FEATURED Morning Pops!


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What a coincidence, I will be tinkering in my workshop (my bar) later today as well and I have an old railroad lantern but no red, all green for ole CC.

I actually do have two old lanterns owned by railroad men. My Papaw and Daddy-In-Law were both Missouri Pacific Railroad men and for the first time in 25 years, I am not living where I can hear a whistle. I can, however, hear the planes and jets going over on their approach but I miss that sound of the train. There's always been something magical about trains to me going back to my Lionel model with smoke pellets. First trip I ever took was on a train from Little Rock to Colorado with my Grandmother and Great Grandmother.

When I traveled for a living, I used the trains up in the Northeast, mostly between PHL and NYC, and I was like that kid again on his first trip away from home. I do believe I am going to get those lanterns out of the box and put them on the counter for awhile.

I know what you mean about the trains. For the last ten years I've live places where I can hear them, sometimes faintly... that is a sound I'll miss. It has a sound that is almost mournful as it's leaving on it's journey when you hear it carried on the wind. Clearly I miss my place out in the country. I won't have those sounds where I'm moving to, but it's a quiet area and I'm so looking forward to hearing the cicadas in the summer and fall nights. And, right on cue - there's a train now.

In this moment I just need to get through this move and this month. We are expecting at least another 3 inches of snow. A little abby-normal for April around here, but what can you do? Nothing. I took 4 hours away from work this morning to do some moving with the help of our current on-site manager at the apartment building. That was just a weird experience. He said he'd go to the VA and get a loan to give me some money. When I asked what for he said so he could move in with me. I'm like,... what? "No!" Who even thinks this stuff up? This has been a truly weird day. Back to work for a few hours.


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I know what you mean about the trains. For the last ten years I've live places where I can hear them, sometimes faintly... that is a sound I'll miss. It has a sound that is almost mournful as it's leaving on it's journey when you hear it carried on the wind. Clearly I miss my place out in the country. I won't have those sounds where I'm moving to, but it's a quiet area and I'm so looking forward to hearing the cicadas in the summer and fall nights. And, right on cue - there's a train now.

In this moment I just need to get through this move and this month. We are expecting at least another 3 inches of snow. A little abby-normal for April around here, but what can you do? Nothing. I took 4 hours away from work this morning to do some moving with the help of our current on-site manager at the apartment building. That was just a weird experience. He said he'd go to the VA and get a loan to give me some money. When I asked what for he said so he could move in with me. I'm like,... what? "No!" Who even thinks this stuff up? This has been a truly weird day. Back to work for a few hours.
Your on site manager, for one, thinks that stuff up. I wonder if the VA would think that up?


Regular Joe....
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I know what you mean about the trains. For the last ten years I've live places where I can hear them, sometimes faintly... that is a sound I'll miss. It has a sound that is almost mournful as it's leaving on it's journey when you hear it carried on the wind. Clearly I miss my place out in the country. I won't have those sounds where I'm moving to, but it's a quiet area and I'm so looking forward to hearing the cicadas in the summer and fall nights. And, right on cue - there's a train now.

I took 4 hours away from work this morning to do some moving with the help of our current on-site manager at the apartment building. That was just a weird experience. He said he'd go to the VA and get a loan to give me some money. When I asked what for he said so he could move in with me.

Damn Jan, you ain't even got all your Draws moved in and already your trying to shack up with the Super?!




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CowboysZone ULTIMATE Fan
Damn Jan, you ain't even got all your Draws moved in and already your trying to shack up with the Super?!


Not her, him! You get a woman with her own digs and she's prime pickin'. I like his moves but if that were me, I would have waited until everything was moved in before I invited myself. No need to be tuckering myself out with boxes and furniture.


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Good morning Pops and my fellow Groundhog Day survivors. Every day seems like a rinse and repeat with just the numbers changing and I feel the need to move forward. The other factor is the passage of time makes me feel as if I am in a perpetual state of being stoned. And you would think a retired guy living alone would be the least affected but I can't stop thinking of the employment casualties of this event.

I can also imagine what the researchers and scientists charged with getting enough tests while working toward a treatment and vaccine all the while in the middle of a shut down feel about the passage of time.

I am hoping for a miracle, there's another Jonas Salk or Louis Pasteur out there just perched on a breakthrough. The brightest minds against a tiny bug and hopefully we get the same against the ancillary damage this causes. We need some sustainable good news. It seems that any piece we get is soon discounted more as hope than real.

Stay positive and safe my friends and stay tuned to the lessons we are being taught about our arrogance in our dominion of this planet.

Have a fantastic Friday and a wonderful weekend because it's all in our mind.


Regular Joe....
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Morning Pops. Morning Fellas and good morning to all of those who stop in and visit this thread.

How many of you guys are ready to get out of the house and just go hang out at the beach, go sit in a park and just watch the Sun Shine on the Grass or maybe just go out on a Friday night and belly up to the bar and drink some beer or five? Or may, just maybe, go out for a steak dinner or better yet, a really, really good Pizza? Don't miss understand, I'm not trying to tease everybody here because you know what, I truly believe that that day is not too far off. Soon, we will all be able to go do that. I believe that. Just do me one favor, when we do finally get there, don't take those things for granted.

What's the plan for everybody this weekend? I think that I might just stay up tonight and watch a movie. Now, it will be late because that TV is dominated by the Wife and the Daughters until about 10 or 11 but after that, I think I might go ahead and watch Blazing Saddles. I never tire of those movies when you could actually be funny and didn't have to worry about the PC life. What are you guys doing this weekend?

Jobs, Leon, dbrp, Xelda, zrin, Trouty, ksk, RGV, Coach, RWB, Ranching, SW, John, Jan, Corso and Colo, I hope you all have a great weekend. Stay safe everybody!

Cowboy Nation, welcome to the weekend!

Gonna leave you guys with this song, kinda speaks to what I was trying to say earlier, to me. Imagine riding around in the Sunshine, just enjoying life. Lose yourself in that moment for just a second. Make you feel better!

Corinne Bailey Rae - Put Your Records On



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Good afternoon Pops and friends. I went to Sam's earlier this week and somehow I've felt bad ever since. I would have delayed that visit if I could. No sense in relaying every snotty detail, I just felt bad. In our period of this great government approved isolation, I managed to watch a movie that I've always put off. West Side Story. Well, I skipped over a lot (all) of the dance numbers and no one is going to guilt me into watching the whole damned thing. When those tough guys started snapping their fingers and sashaying across the street, all street cred was lost. When their rivals danced, the movie was declared a bad comedy. It wasn't until a magic little knife killed two people in one quick thrust. That was impressive and if I'd watched all dance routines, I might have been affected by their on screen deaths. I may watch something else I've avoided, but feel like that movie should suffice for 2020.
I wish you luck with your move, Jan. Here's to a safe transition with no stress, pulled muscles, torn tendons or broken bones. I have a fresh appreciation for the distance between us. No way I can help you move. :grin: I really like Coach's idea of buying ourselves something in your honor though. I was eyeing a new couch.

More moody clouds expected this weekend so I won't be going anywhere. I wish everyone a safe and happy weekend. Discover your inner child and what made you tick or got your heart racing. Maybe watch some highly acclaimed bull crap and scratch your head over the critics and what they were thinking. Above all else, remember that no one is going to take you seriously when you are popping your fingers and dancing. Have a good weekend.


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Good afternoon Pops and friends. I went to Sam's earlier this week and somehow I've felt bad ever since. I would have delayed that visit if I could. No sense in relaying every snotty detail, I just felt bad. In our period of this great government approved isolation, I managed to watch a movie that I've always put off. West Side Story. Well, I skipped over a lot (all) of the dance numbers and no one is going to guilt me into watching the whole damned thing. When those tough guys started snapping their fingers and sashaying across the street, all street cred was lost. When their rivals danced, the movie was declared a bad comedy. It wasn't until a magic little knife killed two people in one quick thrust. That was impressive and if I'd watched all dance routines, I might have been affected by their on screen deaths. I may watch something else I've avoided, but feel like that movie should suffice for 2020.
I wish you luck with your move, Jan. Here's to a safe transition with no stress, pulled muscles, torn tendons or broken bones. I have a fresh appreciation for the distance between us. No way I can help you move. :grin: I really like Coach's idea of buying ourselves something in your honor though. I was eyeing a new couch.

More moody clouds expected this weekend so I won't be going anywhere. I wish everyone a safe and happy weekend. Discover your inner child and what made you tick or got your heart racing. Maybe watch some highly acclaimed bull crap and scratch your head over the critics and what they were thinking. Above all else, remember that no one is going to take you seriously when you are popping your fingers and dancing. Have a good weekend.
Go to town on that self-gifting, Xelda. Just remember, it's your tab to run up as high as you want. No cap.:D. Sore calf muscles today from all the stairs, but the end is in sight. My son took off work early today and came over to start hauling some of the extra small stuff before we get going tomorrow on the big items with the trailer. Almost done. Shop til your heart's content.


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Good afternoon Pops and friends. The Mrs decided we need to go to Costco’s. I’m waiting in the parking lot listening to CCR. She went in there wearing a mask and rubber gloves. I suggested that she wear a trash bag. Just cut some holes and wear it like a blouse but she declined. Hey anything goes nowadays. ;)

It’s Friday. Keep on Chooglin’ friends. :cool:


Confused about stuff
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CowboysZone DIEHARD Fan
Good afternoon Pops and friends. I went to Sam's earlier this week and somehow I've felt bad ever since. I would have delayed that visit if I could. No sense in relaying every snotty detail, I just felt bad. In our period of this great government approved isolation, I managed to watch a movie that I've always put off. West Side Story. Well, I skipped over a lot (all) of the dance numbers and no one is going to guilt me into watching the whole damned thing. When those tough guys started snapping their fingers and sashaying across the street, all street cred was lost. When their rivals danced, the movie was declared a bad comedy. It wasn't until a magic little knife killed two people in one quick thrust. That was impressive and if I'd watched all dance routines, I might have been affected by their on screen deaths. I may watch something else I've avoided, but feel like that movie should suffice for 2020.
I wish you luck with your move, Jan. Here's to a safe transition with no stress, pulled muscles, torn tendons or broken bones. I have a fresh appreciation for the distance between us. No way I can help you move. :grin: I really like Coach's idea of buying ourselves something in your honor though. I was eyeing a new couch.

More moody clouds expected this weekend so I won't be going anywhere. I wish everyone a safe and happy weekend. Discover your inner child and what made you tick or got your heart racing. Maybe watch some highly acclaimed bull crap and scratch your head over the critics and what they were thinking. Above all else, remember that no one is going to take you seriously when you are popping your fingers and dancing. Have a good weekend.
West Side Story came out in an era before most people realized that dancing isn't a gang related activity, and when musicals were popular.

The two things it had going for it were Natalie Wood, looking incredibly beautiful, and the fact that watching it was slightly less difficult than actually reading Romeo and Juliet.


"We Are Penn State"
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Illegitimi non carborundum
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Morning, Pops and everyone. TGIF! Been retired for 25 years and still I look forward to Fridays. I took my 6 year old grandson to the golf course with me yesterday and we had a ball. There was no one else in our group so he got to hit some balls and putt. When he wasn't hitting balls he was rolling down the sides of the elevated greens. We made sure not to touch anything. So much fun.


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Good morning Pops and happy Saturday to the rest of you. No need to wish Pops that, it's Saturday all the time in Heaven.

Went to town yesterday. Refresher: going to town is Marble Falls, going to the city is Austin. I got to live out a long time fantasy of mine, wearing a mask into a liquor store. It was muted by the fact that others were wearing them also so it would have been a gang robbery and I prefer to work alone.

Oh, the sights we can see if we just take the time. One woman was wearing her mask backwards, two others had it pulled down in Walmart and they were no longer practicing any distancing and in fact, there were two kids running around and ahead of their control units, I hesitate to call them parents.

The only person I wish had dropped her mask was the woman working at the pet store. I've never seen her before but she could have an underbite like a steam shovel and still be hot. As usual, I got off task just taking her beauty in and shopped accordingly and now realize I have a reason to return or buy a horse and some chickens. Make that a lot of chickens. I wonder if she'd be interested in an egg magnate?


Taco Engineer
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Good morning Pops and happy Saturday to the rest of you. No need to wish Pops that, it's Saturday all the time in Heaven.

Went to town yesterday. Refresher: going to town is Marble Falls, going to the city is Austin. I got to live out a long time fantasy of mine, wearing a mask into a liquor store. It was muted by the fact that others were wearing them also so it would have been a gang robbery and I prefer to work alone.

Oh, the sights we can see if we just take the time. One woman was wearing her mask backwards, two others had it pulled down in Walmart and they were no longer practicing any distancing and in fact, there were two kids running around and ahead of their control units, I hesitate to call them parents.

The only person I wish had dropped her mask was the woman working at the pet store. I've never seen her before but she could have an underbite like a steam shovel and still be hot. As usual, I got off task just taking her beauty in and shopped accordingly and now realize I have a reason to return or buy a horse and some chickens. Make that a lot of chickens. I wonder if she'd be interested in an egg magnate?
In another time, which may repeat, chickens and horses were very useful. I support your purchasing.