FEATURED Morning Pops!


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I hate to cut that short, but wanted to get to your last sentence. You aren't the only one who feels that way. Seeing this small troop for friends (and drive by friends) sign in each day means a lot to me. This week was really hard and I refused to inflict my suffering upon all of you. No one could help me outside of just posting so I'd know y'all are all right. After the waking up to pain post, I was ready to start panicking if you didn't come in today and post soon. I'm tempted to tell you to set your alarm clock to post earlier. Dancing a Footloose dance in your boxers for your doctor is quite similar to the mating dance of the Dodo. I won't tell anyone in gen pop about that.

Coach, you'd better listen to Runny! He's our voice of reason when we run amok. We'll have to be his at a Hooter's conventions, so it balances out.

I'm sorry about your Hooters, Runny. I'll bet you enjoy it more than ever when it opens again. Absence makes the heart grow fonder. I'm going to appreciate the dickens out of being able to purchase two of the same thing without having one taken from me by the cashier.
The problem with the re-opening of Hooters is only 3 wings per order, the distancing thing, ya know? I wonder if they have to serve de-constructed burgers?

M'lady, inflict away, the good times and the bad times are what we're all about.

And about that dance, I think he was total hetero before that but ever since then I sense something in his smile behind that mask and him fighting the temptation to wink. I think it was the part where I brought the stirrups into the act that swayed him.


Confused about stuff
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CowboysZone DIEHARD Fan
The problem with the re-opening of Hooters is only 3 wings per order, the distancing thing, ya know? I wonder if they have to serve de-constructed burgers?

M'lady, inflict away, the good times and the bad times are what we're all about.

And about that dance, I think he was total hetero before that but ever since then I sense something in his smile behind that mask and him fighting the temptation to wink. I think it was the part where I brought the stirrups into the act that swayed him.
Just before the pandemic force the closing, they (Hooters) put forth a new policy of only serving well done burgers....so no more burgers at Hooters. I'll just be sticking with the wings, buffalo chicken quesadillas, and steak fries.


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Kidney stones was my first thought but the location that high up was the stumper, the lungs are there but I would take a deep breath and that would barely affect the pain and the level of pain never changed, it was constant for 10 hours and then just left.

I know what you're talking about the old folks, I am really getting pissed. I want to just stand in the HEB and shout "Don't you realize what other people are giving up and suffering because they're protecting you"? However, on Friday, I had this short conversation with this woman around 75 in line behind me. She said something that stuck with me and I wonder how many feel the same way. She said "this is ridiculous, I don't need to be protected and people need to work. I've lived this long without them protecting me". Then I think she thought about it a little more and added "and all of this crying over people in the nursing homes, they didn't give a good GD about them before". I wish I could have stayed longer and talked with her because I don't think she's the only one feeling that way.

That got me to wondering how people my age really think about this because I don't interact with many as social distancing was fun for me before this. I tell you how I feel. It is up to me to protect myself and if I am in the vulnerable category and aware of that, it is my responsibility to protect myself. Don't wreck the world because there may never be a vaccine, as there isn't against other viruses, and we have to live against this thing.

I hope all of you are weathering the emotional and mental effect this is having and we'd all like to think we're strong but this is starting to show the negative signs with a lot of people and yes, we're spoiled Americans with our freedom but what's wrong with that? That's what we fight to protect.
Problem is everyone isn’t receiving their news and info from the same source. And then there’s always those who are so self centered only concerned about their situation. I consider anyone not protecting themself in a public venue disrespectful and threat to everyone.

There’s no getting back to normal at this time. This isn’t going anyway for awhile. This thing is on its own timeline and the economy won’t recover and everyone get back to work until everyone feels safe. Young, healthy , old and frail. Everyone is at risk or someone they love.

Some of these business won’t survive and jobs won’t be returning. Consumer confidence will drive it. The effects will be lingering and possibly everlasting like 9-11 was on flying. New opportunities will emerge and expand like with E Commerce , curbside and more working from their homes.

People living in densely big cities may look to move to more outlying areas where they aren’t as subject to these type of outbreaks with more distance between others. Citizens purchasing habits may change and priorities shift as more will look to live more within their means to save for stoppages in the economy. And by the time we’re thru most Americans will probably be grieving from losing a friend or family member.

While I’m very hopeful and certain America and the world will survive on the other side it’s not going to be the same as before.
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The problem with the re-opening of Hooters is only 3 wings per order, the distancing thing, ya know? I wonder if they have to serve de-constructed burgers?

M'lady, inflict away, the good times and the bad times are what we're all about.

And about that dance, I think he was total hetero before that but ever since then I sense something in his smile behind that mask and him fighting the temptation to wink. I think it was the part where I brought the stirrups into the act that swayed him.
I have Gerds. Esophagus reflux disease. Best remedy is proper dieting of course. Consume tons of water. Best over the counter from HEB is Omeprazole. Take one before you might consume a food ( no more than 1 a day)which sparks it. Mine is so bad I basically have to stay away from all spicy foods , caffeine and alcohol. Just drink wine now and Decaf coffee, tea and beverages. No orange juice either . Too much acid. Try apple juice instead.
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Good Friday Pops and delighted weekenders. We're off to a rip roaring start to opening the state of Texas and except for the fountains back on, I can't tell a difference yet.

The restaurants in my county can be at 50% but have to be at 25% in the county where Marble Falls is.

You know what this reminds me of as far as people venturing forth? "Jaws", that part where the people were a little antsy about going back into the water but Larry the Mayor, ever the crafty one, talked a councilman and his wife, the two largest people on the beach, into getting into the water.

I am surely hoping this doesn't cause a backlash and we can keep opening up, lots of people hurting financially and emotionally.
Enjoy the time we have this summer for it will be back probably stronger in the fall . Cases are still rising in Texas. Not going away if we stop social distancing.

I’m just happy the golf course is open. I certainly feel much safer there than HEB or Walgreens. Kinda of a silly place to shut down. It’s a sport with no more than 4 in a group and no reason to be within 6 feet of each other in your own cart. I still won’t be playing on weekend or when there will be groups out on the course.

But we still will stay away from eating out and any other outings non essential. My wife was furloughed and drawing unemployment for her first time in her life. Her company an Engineer firm was essential but they didn’t have any work after a few weeks . And that’s going to be the bigger conundrum out there and why this virus has shut things down not the government.

In the larger scheme of things what’s a few months or couple years of sacrificing staying at home to save lives for humanity. It’s unfathomable to us our society even weighs the need to get out to entertain themselves versus protecting human lives.


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Illegitimi non carborundum
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Morning, Pops and all Y'all. I did some gardening this weekend, like separating a few plants, weeding, etc. I noticed the earthworms were staying 6" apart. Played golf again on Sat. The wind was still blowing strong, but I enjoyed the outing. Have a great day!


Regular Joe....
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Morning Pops. Morning Fellas and good morning to everybody who stops in to check out the thread this Monday.

I hope everybody is doing well this Monday Morning. Hope everybody had a great weekend.

Short and sweet this Monday, lots going on for me.

Jobs, Leon, dbrp, Xelda, zrin, Trouty, ksk, RGV, Coach, RWB, Ranching, SW, John, Jan, Corso and Colo, have a great day everyone!

People, start of a new week and that means every day brings us close to getting back to normal. Keep on doing what you are doing. Just a little while longer now and we will all come out the other side!

Be well everybody!


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Good Monday morning Pops and all y'all. Just got back from having my female pup's stitches removed and 13 days of wearing that freakin' cone. I told her since Cinco de Mayo is tomorrow, we'll wait to celebrate because two days of back to back celebrating is borderline hedonism. However, Cinco de Mayo is a good day for the run to the border of hedonism so forget that responsible person mumbo jumbo. And I am far too interested in giving into my every whim of pleasure and self indulgence to even consider hedonism.

I may have to have a little wiggle room on the celebrating with a Cinco de Mayo Eve practice run because I view Monday's as special celebrating days because most other people choose to use that day as "come to their senses" day and exercise, eat right and avoid alcohol. And for those of you still working, herein lies the real magic of retirement, you can be as hedonistic and naughty on Monday because every night is Friday night and every day is Saturday.

I used to use my Sunday night as wind down and prep for Monday. Even listened to different music, more acoustic adult contemporary stuff like James Taylor or Carole King but now I no longer need that to remind me that I am a responsible adult and people are depending on me to be that. Now the only ones that depend on me are my dogs and as long as I remember to turn around and come back when I take a walk they're pretty easy going on the lifestyle.

The times they are a changing as we try to approach normal but keep your guard up as you venture forth for it is incumbent on us to protect ourselves so that we may protect others.


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Morning Pops and Popsadoodles. I came earlier to post something, couldn't think of anything so I went out thinking I'll think of something to post while working in the yard. That sentence was the bulk of what I thought of while outside. I know, I know, you're all impressed. It's a natural gift.

The Muslims with the Christmas light strand over their garage hung a giant flag of questionable origins in their garage. Outside of the Olympics, this is the first time I've thought about how unattractive most flags are. Is the U.S. the only flag that's rocking every inch of flag? The British Indian Ocean Territory flag would absolutely win the talent portion of the contest. Miss Congeniality is the Canadian flag, with third place going to the United Kingdom. Second place is us, naturally and the Northern Marine Island flag is the undisputed winner! It has a star with a Lombardi trophy behind it. The crowd goes wild! WOOOO!


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I have Gerds. Esophagus reflux disease. Best remedy is proper dieting of course. Consume tons of water. Best over the counter from HEB is Omeprazole. Take one before you might consume a food ( no more than 1 a day)which sparks it. Mine is so bad I basically have to stay away from all spicy foods , caffeine and alcohol. Just drink wine now and Decaf coffee, tea and beverages. No orange juice either . Too much acid. Try apple juice instead.
Gerds, what an appropriate name for a disease that makes it's victims give up the joys of life. Now, tell the truth. You ever get excited when you called home and the lady of the house would say "Darling, pick up some oatmeal on the way home, the Gerds are coming over for dinner". You already had the idea of a quiet evening of strip Parcheesi and trying out some new cheating moves and now the Gerds are coming over.


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Good Monday morning Pops and all y'all. Just got back from having my female pup's stitches removed and 13 days of wearing that freakin' cone. I told her since Cinco de Mayo is tomorrow, we'll wait to celebrate because two days of back to back celebrating is borderline hedonism. However, Cinco de Mayo is a good day for the run to the border of hedonism so forget that responsible person mumbo jumbo. And I am far too interested in giving into my every whim of pleasure and self indulgence to even consider hedonism.

I may have to have a little wiggle room on the celebrating with a Cinco de Mayo Eve practice run because I view Monday's as special celebrating days because most other people choose to use that day as "come to their senses" day and exercise, eat right and avoid alcohol. And for those of you still working, herein lies the real magic of retirement, you can be as hedonistic and naughty on Monday because every night is Friday night and every day is Saturday.

I used to use my Sunday night as wind down and prep for Monday. Even listened to different music, more acoustic adult contemporary stuff like James Taylor or Carole King but now I no longer need that to remind me that I am a responsible adult and people are depending on me to be that. Now the only ones that depend on me are my dogs and as long as I remember to turn around and come back when I take a walk they're pretty easy going on the lifestyle.

The times they are a changing as we try to approach normal but keep your guard up as you venture forth for it is incumbent on us to protect ourselves so that we may protect others.

Cinco de Mayo... what a perfect storm this year. Cinco de Mayo, Taco Tuesday and Corona all fall on the same day!!


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UOTE="ColoCowboy, post: 10187492, member: 39393"]Cinco de Mayo... what a perfect storm this year. Cinco de Mayo, Taco Tuesday and Corona all fall on the same day!![/QUOTE]Most excellent, and don't forget Twofer Tuesday! Why this is setting up nicely for a "Whatever Happened to Wednesday"? The only hump in this one is going to be that big lump under the bedspread.

When special events collide like this, I usually think this is a good time for the Rapture so I gotta get some extra naughty in under the wire.


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Gerds, what an appropriate name for a disease that makes it's victims give up the joys of life. Now, tell the truth. You ever get excited when you called home and the lady of the house would say "Darling, pick up some oatmeal on the way home, the Gerds are coming over for dinner". You already had the idea of a quiet evening of strip Parcheesi and trying out some new cheating moves and now the Gerds are coming over.
It’s really not that bad. I’ve had it for probably 20 years. I used to just take the meds and continue my normal diet. It wasn’t until I had my heart valve replacement that I begun changing my diet to accommodate the Gerds.

My heart rate would spike if I had heartburn or indigestion which is my main issue I take meds for now since AFIB ( increased heart rate) can cause a blood clot pumping blood too quickly , my biggest concern with Heart Valve replacement. A blood clod can kill me instantly .
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Confused about stuff
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CowboysZone DIEHARD Fan
Good Monday morning Pops and all y'all. Just got back from having my female pup's stitches removed and 13 days of wearing that freakin' cone. I told her since Cinco de Mayo is tomorrow, we'll wait to celebrate because two days of back to back celebrating is borderline hedonism. However, Cinco de Mayo is a good day for the run to the border of hedonism so forget that responsible person mumbo jumbo. And I am far too interested in giving into my every whim of pleasure and self indulgence to even consider hedonism.

I may have to have a little wiggle room on the celebrating with a Cinco de Mayo Eve practice run because I view Monday's as special celebrating days because most other people choose to use that day as "come to their senses" day and exercise, eat right and avoid alcohol. And for those of you still working, herein lies the real magic of retirement, you can be as hedonistic and naughty on Monday because every night is Friday night and every day is Saturday.

I used to use my Sunday night as wind down and prep for Monday. Even listened to different music, more acoustic adult contemporary stuff like James Taylor or Carole King but now I no longer need that to remind me that I am a responsible adult and people are depending on me to be that. Now the only ones that depend on me are my dogs and as long as I remember to turn around and come back when I take a walk they're pretty easy going on the lifestyle.

The times they are a changing as we try to approach normal but keep your guard up as you venture forth for it is incumbent on us to protect ourselves so that we may protect others.
Apparently, you've forgotten that today is Star Wars Day....Ample reason to celebrate, whether you're a SW fan or not.... It's also my nephew's wife's birthday, and coincidentally, she's a Star wars geek.


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Apparently, you've forgotten that today is Star Wars Day....Ample reason to celebrate, whether you're a SW fan or not.... It's also my nephew's wife's birthday, and coincidentally, she's a Star wars geek.
Correct you are, sir. Shame I watched all 11 just recently but I can watch the last one again just to see if it's as bad as everyone thinks it is. I've never seen one I didn't like, got my favs but I can't be a Star Wars critic.

I took my 5 year old son to Star Wars and then his little brother when he was old enough. It's been along for the ride like nothing else in history. I just wish we'd kept all of the original action figures. He could give his 3 kids a college education with the value of those today.

We talked yesterday and he can recall every time we went to see a Star Wars release as that is etched in his memory. Mine too.


Confused about stuff
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CowboysZone DIEHARD Fan
Correct you are, sir. Shame I watched all 11 just recently but I can watch the last one again just to see if it's as bad as everyone thinks it is. I've never seen one I didn't like, got my favs but I can't be a Star Wars critic.

I took my 5 year old son to Star Wars and then his little brother when he was old enough. It's been along for the ride like nothing else in history. I just wish we'd kept all of the original action figures. He could give his 3 kids a college education with the value of those today.

We talked yesterday and he can recall every time we went to see a Star Wars release as that is etched in his memory. Mine too.
May the fourth be with you.