FEATURED Morning Pops!


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CowboysZone DIEHARD Fan
Good morning Pops and, good morning, to one and all.

What strange weather we are having. With no forecast of rain (or snow) and projected daytime temperatures in the mid-60's, we awoke this morning to freezing rain. In total defiance of mother nature, I stood on the front porch, tea cup in hand, and watched our sprinkler system kick-in at 5:00 am. My wife commented, "I know why you're smiling -- the sprinkler didn't freeze last night." It is truly the simple things that tickle my fancy.

So who's following the news about the murder hornets? Feel like the Egyptian plagues are soon to befall us? After working in the yard all day yesterday, I am not worried about hornets. I uncovered a nest of timber rattlers and ran across a mother bear and two cubs while clearing brush on our property --- and lived to post this morning on the 'Zone!

Now, if somehow zombies start appearing, all bets are off!

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Morning Pops and friends.

My company has implemented a new policy, in which they want us to eliminate OT as much as possible, and try to keep our hours limited to 40, which means if we do get OT after 8 hours we either have to finish the week with less than 8 on Friday, or burn a vacation day.

I have 36 hours so far (4 OT hours) so it's either work in the warehouse for four hours or take a vacation day.

Happy 3 day weekend!
We just got cleared for up to 5 hours OT per week. Thankfully!


Confused about stuff
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CowboysZone DIEHARD Fan
Good morning Pops and, good morning, to one and all.

What strange weather we are having. With no forecast of rain (or snow) and projected daytime temperatures in the mid-60's, we awoke this morning to freezing rain. In total defiance of mother nature, I stood on the front porch, tea cup in hand, and watched our sprinkler system kick-in at 5:00 am. My wife commented, "I know why you're smiling -- the sprinkler didn't freeze last night." It is truly the simple things that tickle my fancy.

So who's following the news about the murder hornets? Feel like the Egyptian plagues are soon to befall us? After working in the yard all day yesterday, I am not worried about hornets. I uncovered a nest of timber rattlers and ran across a mother bear and two cubs while clearing brush on our property --- and lived to post this morning on the 'Zone!

Now, if somehow zombies start appearing, all bets are off!

I'm all about living in the country, but that much country is a bit too much.


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Good morning Pops and Popsadoodles. We had storms blow through last night. I'd heard we were in for nasty weather, so I checked the weather radar and saw a relatively small, angry cloud NW of Dallas. I thought that can't be it, but it was. It blew a small limb out of my pecan tree over night. With all the crazy storms in April, I didn't think anything was still loose on that tree.
Morning, Pops and all Y'all. Thanks for the well wishes, everyone. My vision is much better this morning. Probably 20/40 in the right eye and 20/60 in the left. It will never be 20/20 again, even with corrective lenses, unless God grants me a miracle. I've been blessed with so much good luck in my life so I'm not complaining. ABQ, I think 68 is out of the question. My lowest (honest) score ever is 75 and I'm proud of it.

Xelda, I wish you the absolute best of luck with your tests. We all Love you with a capital "L".
Thank you, Leon. I'm glad to hear about your vision. Golf math is still confusing. If people like playing golf, it seems they'd want to hit the ball more instead of less.

I went to work yesterday and screwed up enough for two months worth of screw ups. The bright side is I caught them before they became someone else's screw ups. After work, I went by Lowe's. I had serious needs and forgot all of them but one. I needed some turf builder for that major tire track rut I'd left at the mail box during the storms. I was going to buy some bird seed, but the price per pound was unreasonable compared to Sam's. An older couple were choosing bird feeders and decided on one that was at the far back of a higher shelf. They started looking for an associate so I offered to get it for them. They're somewhat puzzled because I'm not much taller than they are. I grabbed a pair of long garden shears and turned it facing me so the hand grips could get the feeder. The couple were taken aback by meeting a real life MacGyver. I told them I have a black belt in shopping. The wife was still laughing as I left the aisle.

Good morning Pops and, good morning, to one and all.

What strange weather we are having. With no forecast of rain (or snow) and projected daytime temperatures in the mid-60's, we awoke this morning to freezing rain. In total defiance of mother nature, I stood on the front porch, tea cup in hand, and watched our sprinkler system kick-in at 5:00 am. My wife commented, "I know why you're smiling -- the sprinkler didn't freeze last night." It is truly the simple things that tickle my fancy.

So who's following the news about the murder hornets? Feel like the Egyptian plagues are soon to befall us? After working in the yard all day yesterday, I am not worried about hornets. I uncovered a nest of timber rattlers and ran across a mother bear and two cubs while clearing brush on our property --- and lived to post this morning on the 'Zone!

Now, if somehow zombies start appearing, all bets are off!

The world is counting on you to kill those snakes, Montanalo! Do it, do it, do it, just DO IT!!!! Thank you.

Have a good day everyone.


Regular Joe....
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Morning Pops. Morning Fellas and good morning to all who stop in and visit this thread.

Welcome to Friday everybody!

Big weekend ahead. So I decided that I'm just going to go ahead bit the bullet and replace two of the three swamp coolers at our house. The third, I am going to relocate to support the game room area, as it still works perfectly. So lots to do today. Going to have to go out and buy all the stuff today and get it home so that it can be ready to go in the AM. Not looking forward to getting cooked on the roof but, the Wife is looking forward to having some cool air inside the house so........... So that's my weekend. What do you guys have planned?

Think we might make a Salad this weekend. It's going to be hot and I'm not going to want to eat really heavy so a Salad sounds about right. Shrimp, Scallops, Crab, Turkey, Hard Boiled Eggs, Tomatoes, Chopped Celery, Avocados, Tangerines, Lemons, Craisins, Pralines, Red Onions, Garlic Croutons, all served over a bed of Spinach and Lettuce with a Raspberry Vinegarette dressing for the Wife and a Green Chile Ranch for me.

Jobs, Leon, dbrp, Xelda, zrin, Trouty, ksk, RGV, Coach, RWB, Ranching, SW, John, Jan, Corso and Colo, what's the good word folks?

Everybody, another week down! I hope you all have a great plan for the weekend. Heck, even if you gotta fill up one of those little baby pools with cool water and sit out in the yard with your feet in the cool water, a cold beer or two and a lawn chair, take a few minutes to just relax and wind down, it's important.

Whatever the plan is, have fun, be safe and come back Monday, ready to work! Have fun everybody!

With that, gonna leave everybody with a Friday 5 song that sets the tone for me.

This is Natasha Bedingfield - Pocket Of Sunshine



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Morning Pops and everyone.

Happy Sunday Mother's Day to all you momma's of bipeds or quadripeds, and Happy Mutha's Day to the rest of you.

Gonna rain today so plans are to be indoors while Mother Nature does the job of watering my plants. Guess I'll continue with the task of organizing and unpacking the straggler stuff.

Have a great day and be sure to acknowledge/honor your mommas (and the mommas of your children/grandchildren) today whether in person, by phone, or in quiet thought and remembrance.


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It can't be Montanalo. No back up cats.
It can't be Leon, no golf club.
By the process of elimination, it must be RGV! Why didn't you tell us you're on the Masked Singer?

Well X, if you ever hear me singing, you will know why I kept it a secret :oops:

Good morning Pops and friends. Happy Mother’s Day to you moms out there.
You moms are special, everyday should be Mother’s Day.


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Good Sunday morning Pops and a Happy Mothers Day to all the Moms. And a special one to all of those women celebrating neither being my Mom nor having a child sired by me.

You are indeed fortunate because I, and and my lady, weren't smart enough to stop at one that was cute, cuddly and large, 10lbs8ozs and 23 3/4 inches long. We got another one that was cute. cuddly and large, 10lbs6ozs 22 3/4 inches long and a huge pain in the butt. I don't know if all men know this but women get hemorrhoids in the later stage of pregnancy but with our second, we both got them and it never went away, just got older every year. So, we had to name it. It turns 40 next month. And no closer to maturity than I was at 70.

Lots of folks are going to be celebrating this day differently and many lost that special lady in their lives with the toll in the nursing homes so I say a prayer for them and will keep them in my thoughts this day.

I lost my Dad on October 1, 2009 and my Mom lost the love of her life. I was to know that pain exactly 16 months later and if my Mom hadn't been there to step in as my best friend and guide, I would not be here today, of that I am certain because I had already made plans. We formed a new bond because we shared something that was very hard to verbalize but we relied on each other and I leaned on her for a couple of years. My plans changed because I realized I was being selfish and now I knew how to better help my Mom when one of "those days" would come out of nowhere.

I lost her on February 10, 2016 and felt that feeling my wife had tried to describe to me when she lost her last parent, an adult orphan. But I will not be sad this day. I do not believe time heals all wounds but it does apply enough treatment for us to use that time to realize the truth. My Dad lived to be 88 and I know he loved me, my Mom lived to be 90 and I know she loved me and I got to spend 45 years with the love of my life and she loved me. How can any man be sad when he realizes how good he had it.

There are people that will not have one or two but to have all three of those? I am indeed one lucky man and I will celebrate my good fortune today and not take real blessings for granted. Especially for one undeserving of such good fortune.

Happy Mothers Day.


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Good Mother's Day morning to all of you Popsadoodles and to honor Pops. Nothing deep and insightful here, just a wish for this to be a good day for everyone. Comfort and the tender mercies of God for those whose mommas are no longer with us.

I think I told y'all that I grew up across the street from the rich people's cemetery. As a kid, I would walk through it and sometimes stumble across a large mass of flowers gathered in one spot. I'd go and pick out the prettiest flowers to take home to momma. She would say how much more she liked the simple flowers growing in the yard. I felt so bad for her having no taste. I knew the superior flowers were the ones with decent sized stalks over the ones we could stick a finger nail through the stalk to place another stalk in and make necklaces out of. I could not sway her. As a kid that wasn't trusted with money, those good flowers were the best I could do.

Morning Pops and friends...and mother's of friends!

Happy mother's day to all you mothers!
:eek: Why do I feel like we just barely dodged a cussing?

Have a good Sunday everyone and thank you for being in my on line existence.


Confused about stuff
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CowboysZone DIEHARD Fan
Good Mother's Day morning to all of you Popsadoodles and to honor Pops. Nothing deep and insightful here, just a wish for this to be a good day for everyone. Comfort and the tender mercies of God for those whose mommas are no longer with us.

I think I told y'all that I grew up across the street from the rich people's cemetery. As a kid, I would walk through it and sometimes stumble across a large mass of flowers gathered in one spot. I'd go and pick out the prettiest flowers to take home to momma. She would say how much more she liked the simple flowers growing in the yard. I felt so bad for her having no taste. I knew the superior flowers were the ones with decent sized stalks over the ones we could stick a finger nail through the stalk to place another stalk in and make necklaces out of. I could not sway her. As a kid that wasn't trusted with money, those good flowers were the best I could do.

:eek: Why do I feel like we just barely dodged a cussing?

Have a good Sunday everyone and thank you for being in my on line existence.
Look at that - We're close enough that I don't even need to finish my sentences anymore!