FEATURED Morning Pops!

Look at that - We're close enough that I don't even need to finish my sentences anymore!
I'm afraid you're right. I've seen a storm brewing after that little dot at the end of some of your sentences.
No one let's me finish their sentences.
Finish away, Coach. I'll bet you can make my stories a whole lot more interesting.
Morning Pops. Morning Fellas and good morning to all who have stopped in to visit this thread.

Tired after the weekend. But the house is down right cold now.

How was the weekend for everybody else? Did everybody enjoy a great Mothers Day, I hope?

Jobs, Leon, dbrp, Xelda, zrin, Trouty, ksk, RGV, Coach, RWB, Ranching, SW, John, Jan, Corso and Colo, great time to finish up projects, so I told myself. If I ever think that gain, please, one of you hit me in the head with a Ball Peen Hammer!

Everybody, have a great week. Onward!

Actually, I'm the blonde in drag.

Reminds me of a joke:

Son: Dad, the girls all laugh at me when I wear my swim trunks because I'm so small.

Dad. Stuff a pair of socks into your trunks.

An hour later:
Son: I did what you said but they are laughing even more now.

Dad: Son, you have to stuff the socks in the FRONT of your suit.
Morning Pops. Morning Fellas and good morning to all who decided to stop in and visit the thread today.

So, starting to feel like my old self today. Little bit of a headache this morning when I woke up, think I got too much Sun over the weekend but all in all, feeling pretty good today. Couple of cups of Coffee do wonders.

Got the Boy today so we are watching Spiderman and playing with Hot Wheels race track. Getting ready to start slicing up some potatoes so we can make some homemade Fries in the Ninja. He loves French Fries but he can't have them from fast food or restaurants so we will make some here at home for him!

Tonight, the Wife will be making Fried Breaded Pork Chops with Homemade Red Chile and Fried Potatoes. Maybe some Calabacitas and some Tortillas. The youngest Son will be coming over for supper tonight so this is one of his favorites.

What's the good word with everybody today?

Jobs, Leon, dbrp, Xelda, zrin, Trouty, ksk, RGV, Coach, RWB, Ranching, SW, John, Jan, Corso and Colo, hope you are all off to a great start this Tuesday. I am looking forward to the start of the season. Kinda interested to see what our team looks like this season. Gonna happen folks!

Everybody, have a great week, lets work hard, do all the right things and get to the weekend. Be proud of the work you are doing everybody. Believe it or not, the work you are doing is important. Just working right now is a big deal because a lot of folks aren't. Be proud of what you are doing everyday because I am proud of all of you who are putting it out there.

Stay Safe everybody!

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Good morning Pops and Friends,

We had a really good, steady rain last night with more to come later this week. Although we had a reasonably "wet" winter with lots of snow, last summer was bone dry. The forest in our area is really stressed. Hopefully these rains signal a wetter summer.

@ABQCOWBOY all is good in the neighborhood. Things are ever so-slowly-returning to "normal" -- a lot more traffic on the road, more businesses reopening and, interestingly enough, a number of restaurants are defying the Colorado governor's orders and opening for table service. I think most people are just sick (pun intended) of the draconian shut-down orders and willing to assume a bit of risk/personal responsibility with regard to business start up.

We ventured out to Costco yesterday and generally found shopping had returned to the pre-pandemic chaos: lot's of people, plenty of food goods and almost everyone wearing masks.

I had a dive trip planned this June which, as I expected, was cancelled. I haven't taught any dive classes in about 3 months and haven't been diving since last November. At this point, I am eye-balling our hot tub and wondering if I can get in with my scuba gear. HA!!

Have a great week... and, remember, everyone has to be somewhere
Good morning Pops and Friends,

We had a really good, steady rain last night with more to come later this week. Although we had a reasonably "wet" winter with lots of snow, last summer was bone dry. The forest in our area is really stressed. Hopefully these rains signal a wetter summer.

@ABQCOWBOY all is good in the neighborhood. Things are ever so-slowly-returning to "normal" -- a lot more traffic on the road, more businesses reopening and, interestingly enough, a number of restaurants are defying the Colorado governor's orders and opening for table service. I think most people are just sick (pun intended) of the draconian shut-down orders and willing to assume a bit of risk/personal responsibility with regard to business start up.

We ventured out to Costco yesterday and generally found shopping had returned to the pre-pandemic chaos: lot's of people, plenty of food goods and almost everyone wearing masks.

I had a dive trip planned this June which, as I expected, was cancelled. I haven't taught any dive classes in about 3 months and haven't been diving since last November. At this point, I am eye-balling our hot tub and wondering if I can get in with my scuba gear. HA!!

Have a great week... and, remember, everyone has to be somewhere

That's a good sign Colo. Welcome news and seems to be all positive news!

Find yourself a pond or lake close by. Maybe give it another week or two to warm up some thou. ;)
Morning Pops and all y'all continuing your pursuit of knowledge and wisdom in seeking out this thread. You will notice I said thread and not post, I ain't gittin' paid to edgicate no one so move along in your quest.

ABQ, if your son looks a little different tonight, oh maybe older by a few (30) years and doesn't sound like himself, pay no never mind and just put a plateful of those heavenly pork chops in front of him and I'd have everyone stand back and make sure the kiddos keep their arms and hands inside the vehicle at all times. That meal sounds so good, I might just commit a capital offense and get myself on death row for that as my last meal. I've been keep a list of annoying individuals and might be time to shorten that list.

Sad, we've been hunkered down in a war with an unseen enemy and now we get to see the feud over how and when to open up. This is how stupid this has gotten. A couple in CO opened their restaurant in defiance and admitted they were trying to make a point and had the place full of patrons without masks, no social distancing and a line wrapped around the building. That is so wrong on so many accounts when restaurant owners have been trying to survive this with following the rules. Not mention the risk to every person those people may come in contact with not to mention their employees. They shut them down and should do worse.

I am all for freedom and rights but the first right I support is the right for any person in this country not to be needlessly put at risk from the selfishness and stupidity of others. We all have rights but the right to do right by others comes first.

Be safe, my friends, and be ever vigil for the selfish and the stupid you will encounter.
Morning Pops. Morning Fellas and good morning to all who decided to stop in and visit the thread today.

So, starting to feel like my old self today. Little bit of a headache this morning when I woke up, think I got too much Sun over the weekend but all in all, feeling pretty good today. Couple of cups of Coffee do wonders.

Got the Boy today so we are watching Spiderman and playing with Hot Wheels race track. Getting ready to start slicing up some potatoes so we can make some homemade Fries in the Ninja. He loves French Fries but he can't have them from fast food or restaurants so we will make some here at home for him!

Tonight, the Wife will be making Fried Breaded Pork Chops with Homemade Red Chile and Fried Potatoes. Maybe some Calabacitas and some Tortillas. The youngest Son will be coming over for supper tonight so this is one of his favorites.

What's the good word with everybody today?

Jobs, Leon, dbrp, Xelda, zrin, Trouty, ksk, RGV, Coach, RWB, Ranching, SW, John, Jan, Corso and Colo, hope you are all off to a great start this Tuesday. I am looking forward to the start of the season. Kinda interested to see what our team looks like this season. Gonna happen folks!

Everybody, have a great week, lets work hard, do all the right things and get to the weekend. Be proud of the work you are doing everybody. Believe it or not, the work you are doing is important. Just working right now is a big deal because a lot of folks aren't. Be proud of what you are doing everyday because I am proud of all of you who are putting it out there.

Stay Safe everybody!

I don't have any good words, brother. You used all the good ones!