FEATURED Morning Pops!

Good afternoon Pops and friends. Saturday I saw 2 little baby birds in the yard. I figured they fell out of a nearby small tree from the recent storm we went through. I thought about leaving them alone but then pictured them being a cat’s next meal. The mama bird would make a racket when I got close to them. I pulled some Spanish moss from a nearby tree and made a nest. I put the birdies in the nest and put them up there. Mama bird went right to them after I backed off. I checked about 30 minutes later and they were on the ground again. My nest building skills need some work.

So I got a plastic container, drilled some holes in the bottom, placed a couple shop towels on the bottom then Spanish moss to make it look somewhat like a nest. I put them in that nest, mama didn’t make a racket this time when I picked them up. I found a better spot that looked more secure. Yesterday I checked on them off and on. They were still in there and most importantly Mama was feeding them. If this nest doesn’t hold up, I’ll screw it to tree next time. I know they’ll jump out of the nest someday soon but at least they’ll have a fighting chance with a few more feathers. Hopefully they don’t come back when they’re full grown and decorate my pickup truck. It’s Monday, make it a great day ;)
So much for the old wives tale that if you touch a baby bird, the mother won't care for it anymore.
So much for the old wives tale that if you touch a baby bird, the mother won't care for it anymore.

Actually I googled before I touched them and google said it wasn’t true about mamas not caring for them after human touch and we all know the internet never lies..:thumbup:. If for some reason I saw that they were not cared for then plan B. Whatever that may be :huh:
Plan B is cats.

:laugh: Well that never crossed my mind. The womenfolk in here might not approve and especially the one in my household.

The mama mocking bird would surely target my pickup. Once I saw a person’s sandwich get hit right before taking a bite. He had a few choice words I don’t care to repeat.

I guess I’m grampa to them birdies now, don’t want to disappoint their mama ;)
Morning, Pops and everyone. Good job on those baby birds, RGV. We had something that looked like a mouse on steroids on our back porch. It was so large the cat was reluctant to attack it. After googling it, I found it was a nutria (also called copu). I finally killed it with a baseball bat after chasing it back and forth across the porch several times. It would have made mincemeat out of my flower beds.

Nothing planned for today, so I'll just take it as it comes. Take care, folks.
Morning, Pops and everyone. Good job on those baby birds, RGV. We had something that looked like a mouse on steroids on our back porch. It was so large the cat was reluctant to attack it. After googling it, I found it was a nutria (also called copu). I finally killed it with a baseball bat after chasing it back and forth across the porch several times. It would have made mincemeat out of my flower beds.

Nothing planned for today, so I'll just take it as it comes. Take care, folks.
We encountered a lot of nutria living in West Africa. The locals referred to them as "stick meat" as in, shish kabob.

Morning Pops and all y'all. See, what did I tell ya? It's already Twofer Tuesday and you're one day closer to that 3 day weekend. So cheer the hell up.

RGV is saving the world, two baby birds at a time, and Leon is clubbing nutria, known as Cajun rats down Louisiana way and Colo has some cats that would save them both a lot of time and trouble.

I went to the local HEB yesterday and even after lifting the lock down, people are still pissed and taking it out on the employees. I was doing my usual "hey, thanks for showing up to work today" and not getting my usual bright eyed response. Some of those people, especially the younger ones, are really beat down by all of the complaining. So, I did what anyone with a loud booming voice, according to some, should do. As I was exiting the store, I turned and yelled. "Attention all HEB employees. Thank you for showing up to work today. You are appreciated". That, got the response I wanted, they, and some of the customers cheered and applauded and waved back and I left that store happy. I also think the people that were there will respect my social distancing in the future. For some of those old cranks, social distancing is the next county.

And speaking of social distancing, and I was, why have we waited this long to do that? I love people respecting my space as I respect theirs. There is no good reason for anyone to come closer than 6' without an invite. Even if I am buck nekkid with arms open wide doesn't mean I am looking for a hug.
Morning Pops. Morning Fellas and good morning to all who stop in to visit the thread today. I hope all are well today.

Well, no Grandboy today. He's got some Dr's Appointments going on today so he's hanging with Momma and not Grampa Today.

How is everybody this morning? I'm hopping that we can see some little league this year. One of my other Grandkids, he has talked about Little League nonestop since the end of last season and it's gonna break my heart to have to tell him that there will be no baseball this year. I'm hoping it doesn't come to that but it may. Fingers crossed!

I think we might be in for rain today. Gonna go get another cup of Coffee and get back to work here.

Jobs, Leon, dbrp, Xelda, zrin, Trouty, ksk, RGV, Coach, RWB, Ranching, SW, John, Jan, Corso and Colo, I hope you all have a great day today. Xelda, keep hanging in there girl!

Everybody, have a great day today!

Good morning Pops and Popsadoodles. Don't worry about those knuckleheads, Dabzadoodles. You can always hang out with the cool kids (us).

Montanalo, I read your post from last week and wish I had words of great wisdom. As RGV said quoting the Bible, a soft answer turns away wrath. It won't only turn away wrath, it will keep you in peace about your current behavior. For my own sanity, I backed off and lost contact with a sibling that was/is bitter towards me. Knowing you are not alone probably doesn't help. The Bible also says 'Think on things that are lovely, pure and of a good report' so pray for him and leave it in God's hands.

It's supposed to rain today, but the clouds don't seem to be in the mood to water my flowers. Have a good Wednesday everyone.
Morning Pops. Morning Fellas and good morning to all who stop in and visit this thread.

So, had a thought this morning. I think I might just go out and walk a few trails on the East Side of the Mountains this weekend. I mean, I know it's probably not allowed but you know what, I doubt I'll even see anybody on these trails. They are not exactly on the beaten path and it would do me good to get out and get some fresh air.

So the Grandson stopped by after all yesterday. He and ABQJr. came over to work on the Quad. I expect we'll see them both again tonight. Looking forward to it, to be honest.

Anybody got plans for the long weekend? Let us know!

Jobs, Leon, dbrp, Xelda, zrin, Trouty, ksk, RGV, Coach, RWB, Ranching, SW, John, Jan, Corso and Colo, hope you are all doing well today. I'm pumped to get this thing over and move on to Thursday. Have a great day everybody!

People, take a few minutes today and figure out something cool to do if you don't have a plan for Memorial Weekend. Doesn't have to be a big thing, just something that makes you happy. It's important and you deserve this!

God Bless!
Morning, Pops and all Y'all. I did garden work yesterday morning as well as putting up a small fence around my flower beds off the back porch yesterday to keep the dogs out. They had been digging my plants up. I played golf yesterday afternoon and shot 86 which is better than my average. Take care, everyone.

We encountered a lot of nutria living in West Africa. The locals referred to them as "stick meat" as in, shish kabob.

:lmao::lmao2: That had me in stitches.
Morning Pops and all y'all. Thirsty Thursday is here and you're only one more day away from that 3 day weekend, mine started about this time 4 years ago.

The forecast for the next 7 days ain't good, 80% rain/storms for 6 of the days and 60% for the 4 after, so I must plan accordingly. My grill and smoker are under the patio roof so unless the wind kicks up fiercely, I should be OK should I choose to go that route.

I have a tradition I started about 10 years ago because my wife and I kicked off the summer with our friends on Crystal Beach, the original Red Neck Riviera, for 6 years and that was a blast. It was time lapse viewing of the 10 stages of drunkenness all day, every day, and my wife and I reminding ourselves at least once an hour that we were glad we didn't have daughters. Oh my, if their parents could only see their little princesses in the back of trucks, "Sweet Home Alabama" blaring while their girlfriends held their hair. However, I've not been back there in 10 years.

Where was I? Oh, yeah, tradition. Beginning Saturday and through Monday, I watch nothing but military/war movies. I will hit the patio at least once a day for a libation and cigar and reflect on the bravery of those people to put themselves in harm's way. It makes the battles I fight seem so trivial and just the conditions they fought theirs under were horrible. It is CC's Perspective and Attitude Adjustment weekend and I look forward to it every year.

I approach this from the chronological slant and since there are so few WWI movies, Sat and early Sun are WWII moving into Vietnam Sunday and finishing off with the Mid East Monday afternoon and evening. I may not make it to the Mid East this year because I am doing "Band of Brothers" and "The Pacific", which I do in the even numbered years. I consider "Band of Brothers" the single greatest achievement in TV history and having the surviving real life men close out each segment breaks me up every time.
Morning, Pops and all Y'all. I did garden work yesterday morning as well as putting up a small fence around my flower beds off the back porch yesterday to keep the dogs out. They had been digging my plants up. I played golf yesterday afternoon and shot 86 which is better than my average. Take care, everyone.

:lmao::lmao2: That had me in stitches.
Nigeria was /is famous for unusual word choices. One of my all time favorites was "Apollo".

One day, one of the locals I knew appeared with eye patches. When I asked what happened, he simply said, "Apollo". I asked others, "what is this Apollo?" Finally, someone told me that during Apollo moon launch, many Nigerians would watch the night sky for glimpses of the rocket. Shortly thereafter, there was an outbreak of conjunctivitis, or pink eye. Hence, the eye infection was forever known as Apollo.

I am here all night and I got thousands of these!


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