FEATURED Morning Pops!

Morning, Pops and Friends. We had one heck of a thunderstorm this morning between 2 and 3 a.m. Rain pounded the skylights like mad and the thunder sent our Yorkie running to hide out in the bathtub. I don't know why she chooses the tub instead of under the bed or under the covers, but she always goes to the tub.
Morning Pops and my little Three Day Weekenders, is the pump primed for a memorable Memorial Day weekend? I judge mine but what I can't remember and assume I had a wonderful time.

I got a pedicure this morning and my toes are happy, happy, happy! Picked up some tamales from Chata's Kitchen and my mouth is going to be happy, happy, happy tomorrow but got some jerk ribs going on the smoker now and will do our Cousins' Happy Hour at 5 today with the one in Dallas and one in Denver. We started doing this on Zoom when we couldn't make the annual trip to Hot Springs and it's fun. We each make a different cocktail for each Happy Hour and I am doing a Mojito but have a Moscow Mule as a backup and will be the first to spring a double on the event. I would be expected to be the one to do that.

It was exactly 20 years ago on this day, the day before the 3 day weekend, that my wife took me to get my first pedicure. She was tired of hearing me complain about my big toes hurting and when we got home my toes were so joyous, I couldn't keep shoes on. There were little muffled "yays" coming from my shoes. Put on flip flops and they finally calmed down and one actually went to sleep. I've been getting them ever since and only wish I'd started earlier. They're not just for women. The pastel spring polish? Yeah, I go in for the darker and deeper colors and one time had her paint them to look like fungus, put my flip flops, went to the store and zipped right on through the check out. People honor and respect a man with toes like mushrooms.

Only 4 hours to go for the working folks, you can do that, can't ya? Sure you can, I knew you could.
Afternoon Pops and Popsadoodles. It's Friday and my weather report for the next several days is very similar to Coachadoodles'. We got today off along with Memorial Day. It's been a weird time for me and I will appreciate the gift of this day off with extra effort. One day last week, I got all dressed up for work only to find out once I got there that part of my ensemble had picked up an interloper... my house shoes. It's impossible to exude confidence when you are wearing your fuzzy slippers otherwise known as my feet's happiest day at work. It's been 8 days without an embarrassing slipper story. I knew I'd have to tell this one on myself in the safety of the Pops thread where what's said here, stays here. If the story leaks, I will come looking for you.

I walked into work Tuesday to a ground zero Vitalis industrial accident confined to one person that was in no hurry to leave. I remembered Little Shop of Horrors where Steve Martin was getting ready to beat Audrey for musing his hair. He was barking "Where's my Vitalis?" I found it, doctah We had to open the entire building with fans aiming outside to get rid of the stank. Afterwards, I was graced with a long story about how we are related to him through one of my ancestors marrying one of his aunt's ancestors.

I hope everyone has a safe and happy Memorial Day. After the celebrations, who is going to pull Runny out of Hooters? We'll take a vote.
Afternoon Pops and Popsadoodles. It's Friday and my weather report for the next several days is very similar to Coachadoodles'. We got today off along with Memorial Day. It's been a weird time for me and I will appreciate the gift of this day off with extra effort. One day last week, I got all dressed up for work only to find out once I got there that part of my ensemble had picked up an interloper... my house shoes. It's impossible to exude confidence when you are wearing your fuzzy slippers otherwise known as my feet's happiest day at work. It's been 8 days without an embarrassing slipper story. I knew I'd have to tell this one on myself in the safety of the Pops thread where what's said here, stays here. If the story leaks, I will come looking for you.

I walked into work Tuesday to a ground zero Vitalis industrial accident confined to one person that was in no hurry to leave. I remembered Little Shop of Horrors where Steve Martin was getting ready to beat Audrey for musing his hair. He was barking "Where's my Vitalis?" I found it, doctah We had to open the entire building with fans aiming outside to get rid of the stank. Afterwards, I was graced with a long story about how we are related to him through one of my ancestors marrying one of his aunt's ancestors.

I hope everyone has a safe and happy Memorial Day. After the celebrations, who is going to pull Runny out of Hooters? We'll take a vote.
Alas, Hooters won't be opening for some time yet, and if the girls aren't working, there's no sense in breaking in.

I had today off too, because I'd already gotten forty hours in by the end of yesterday, and they're keeping us as close to forty hours as possible. So instead, I worked hard, doing yard work. It's one of those deals where I start doing something, then realize, "Well, I should probably get this old ladder out of my shed and hang it on the outside, to make more room for the stuff I actually use."....Ironic, since I only thought of this because I used it today. That's the way my whole day was; Tangent after tangent, before I came back and finished doing what I started doing before I went off on a tangent.

So now I'm tired and sore, and making spaghetti for dinner....but enough about me.

Hope everyone has a great weekend!
Alas, Hooters won't be opening for some time yet, and if the girls aren't working, there's no sense in breaking in.

I had today off too, because I'd already gotten forty hours in by the end of yesterday, and they're keeping us as close to forty hours as possible. So instead, I worked hard, doing yard work. It's one of those deals where I start doing something, then realize, "Well, I should probably get this old ladder out of my shed and hang it on the outside, to make more room for the stuff I actually use."....Ironic, since I only thought of this because I used it today. That's the way my whole day was; Tangent after tangent, before I came back and finished doing what I started doing before I went off on a tangent.

So now I'm tired and sore, and making spaghetti for dinner....but enough about me.

Hope everyone has a great weekend!
That certainly is enough about you. You could have left out the yard work part altogether and spent more time on you as a burglar in a restaurant full of Hooters girls. The other guys here would want to know all the naughty things you would do, I would just be interested in their wing sauce recipe, probably got that up on the front of a fridge in the kitchen with a fridge magnet.
Good 1st of the 3 day weekend Pops and all y'all. I'd imagine where Pops is it's 3 day weekends every 3 days.

Smoked jerk ribs yesterday and they were mighty tasty, marinating a flap steak for tacos today, Chata's tamales with chili on Sunday and hot shrimp tacos on Monday. That's some serious man planning right there.

I don't know why I couldn't plan my work better. My staff would ask me "hey Captain (that was their nickname for me at my last stations), we having a meeting this morning"? I'd respond "aw hell, I don't know, do we have one planned"? "Yep, same time every week for 9 years". "Damn, I have been stuck in a rut, haven't I? Tell me, what do we do at these meetings"?

Note: You can screw up today since there is a Saturday left in May, 2020, to do a make up on. I should have kept that from myself, do overs are a specialty of mine. But enough about me, back to Runny loose in a girl laden Hooters trying to "occupy" them while getting that wing sauce recipe for me. Oops, guess I had another me to use up.

Soooooo, here's me wishing YOU a safe and memorable Memorial Day weekend.
Afternoon Pops and everyone.

Finally got that batch of bbq sauce made that I said I was going to do when I moved in. Been here 5 weeks already. About time I guess. Daughter requested a jar shipped so I'll be doing that next week. Folks at work will be getting some too. Got me some wings and thighs to throw on the grill tomorrow provided we don't blow away in this tornado warning. If we do... well, doesn't matter then does it? This batch ended up with a tiny bit of sweet with a nice kick (thanks to the cayenne pepper) at the end. Can't wait to get this stuff on the grill!

Got some tomatoes planted and there's a few other things I still need to put in the dirt if it ever stops raining around here.

Off to do the housework I guess.

Have a good weekend all.
Good afternoon Pops and Popsadoodles.

Hooters isn't open yet?
Alas, Hooters won't be opening for some time yet, and if the girls aren't working, there's no sense in breaking in.

I had today off too, because I'd already gotten forty hours in by the end of yesterday, and they're keeping us as close to forty hours as possible. So instead, I worked hard, doing yard work. It's one of those deals where I start doing something, then realize, "Well, I should probably get this old ladder out of my shed and hang it on the outside, to make more room for the stuff I actually use."....Ironic, since I only thought of this because I used it today. That's the way my whole day was; Tangent after tangent, before I came back and finished doing what I started doing before I went off on a tangent.

So now I'm tired and sore, and making spaghetti for dinner....but enough about me.

Hope everyone has a great weekend!
Is that your car in your avatar, Runny? I ask because I have a '55 Bel Air Convertible. Coral and India ivory. It's a resto mod with a 350 crate motor built up a little bit.
Morning, Pops and friends. I've been keeping busy with my gardening. I enjoy spring when mother nature rouses the children from the bed and tells them to rise and shine in all their various colors, shapes and textures. It's a glorious time of the year. Enjoy the long weekend and remember the reason for it. Love you all.
Is that your car in your avatar, Runny? I ask because I have a '55 Bel Air Convertible. Coral and India ivory. It's a resto mod with a 350 crate motor built up a little bit.
No, it's just a painting I did on a sheet on plywood for my brother-in-law, about 15 years ago. It was my way of repaying him for putting my new boiler in my house.
Afternoon Pops and everyone.

Finally got that batch of bbq sauce made that I said I was going to do when I moved in. Been here 5 weeks already. About time I guess. Daughter requested a jar shipped so I'll be doing that next week. Folks at work will be getting some too. Got me some wings and thighs to throw on the grill tomorrow provided we don't blow away in this tornado warning. If we do... well, doesn't matter then does it? This batch ended up with a tiny bit of sweet with a nice kick (thanks to the cayenne pepper) at the end. Can't wait to get this stuff on the grill!

Got some tomatoes planted and there's a few other things I still need to put in the dirt if it ever stops raining around here.

Off to do the housework I guess.

Have a good weekend all.
Sort of. There's a "base" but most of the spices you kind of do whatever you want in quantity. It makes a big-ish batch so I generally share with some people. Gotta watch it while the "boiling" is happening (not a hard boil). Start with 2 cups cider vinegar. Bring it to a boil. Add between 1-3/4 and 2 cups brown sugar (I do closer to 2 cups because I add more spices). Bring that to a boil. Add about 5-1/4 cups molasses and 1 bay leaf and bring to a boil. Add appx 15oz each tomato paste and tomato sauce and yes, "boil" that until they are well combined into the rest of the mix. Add about 1/8 cup liquid smoke. I use hickory, but mesquite works great too. Add all your spices, which are (give or take depending on your appreciation for the spices): 2-1/2 tsp mustard seed, 3-1/2 tsp season salt, 3-1/2 tsp garlic powder, 1/2 tsp sage, 2-1/2 tsp cayenne (I use more), 4-1/2 tsp bbq spice (I make my own dry rub so I use that), 3-1/2 tsp Accent, 3-1/2 tsp minced onion (I use more), 1/2 tsp turmeric. Continue cooking on a lower heat for 30-45 minutes. Taste and adjust the spices but it'll strengthen as it sets over time. I can mine so, there's that. The mix will thicken as it cooks down. If it needs thinning I use beer. I thought about using whiskey but this time it didn't need thinning. Humidity and how heavy handed you get with some of the ingredients always factors in to how it thickens up of course. Again, I don't necessarily follow this to the letter. I have been known to add a jar of store bought:eek:sauce to bring the volume up to make sure I have enough to finish off my jars when canning but I really don't like to. That's pretty much it. Have fun with it.
Thank you. I wasn't happy with that photo, so I edited the color and sharpness. This is closer to an accurate photo of it.

Here's an angled pic of the whole thing.
Growing up my dad used to go on and on about his Chevy... and I believe it was a Bel Air. He was happiest I think reminiscing about his "girl". His connection to that car...you could see that love in his eyes.

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