FEATURED Morning Pops!

Morning Pops, and happy Wednesday to all, from lovely Da Bronx! Already did a couple of stops in lower Brooklyn and it's not even 8:00. Traffic is still lighter than usual here in NYC...The one silver lining of this whole pandemic.

I was wondering how you were treating the traffic, or lack there of RW. I mean, this exact thought hit me when I first saw images of NY when they were aired a month ago or whenever they were first shown. I didn't say anything because I wasn't sure if it would be in good taste or not. Anyhow, I'm glad you are, at least, getting something good out of this whole thing.

Quick shot of RW getting ready to hit the road this last Monday!

Morning Pops. Morning Fellas and good morning to all who decided to stop in and visit the thread.

Humpday and it sure feels like it. Gotta be honest, I didn't feel like getting up and getting to work. I felt like getting up and just going fishing.

I hope everybody else is doing better then I in this regard!

Thank you everyone for the congratulations on the new additions. We are excited about the idea of having more little ones around. My Wife is really excited about our youngest Daughter's pregnancy. She is really hoping that this one might be a girl.

Jobs, Leon, dbrp, Xelda, zrin, Trouty, ksk, RGV, Coach, RWB, Ranching, SW, John, Jan, Corso and Colo, I hope that all of you are doing well. I'm really looking forward to a time when we can just jump in the truck and go get a Chile Dog from the Dog House or get up on Saturday Morning and go out and get some Breakfast from our favorite restaurants. I'm just ready to go out and do stuff!

Chin up everyone! Tomorrow is Thursday and a wind down to the weekend!

God Bless Everybody!
Morning, Pops and pen pals. Xelda, I know exactly what you mean about having fun intentionally singing off key. I can't sing a lick anyway so why not do it up right? Get your morning started off right, Y'all, and smile a lot. It makes everyone, including yourself, happier. Although, I found that smiling behind your mask has no effect on other people unless you squint your eyes. It made me happy though.
I cannot help shifting my eyes from side to side when wearing a mask like I am hiding behind something. Today at HEB, I made my eyes really wide like I was seeing something incredible and made the woman whip her head around to make sure something wasn't sneaking up on her and she looked back at me and I smiled. She started laughing when she realized what I'd done and then I laughed and there we were, two people in masks laughing really hard with people around us a little nervous.

I definitely think I was a ninja in another life because I get that mask on and revert to the old ways. I even walk differently, quieter, more deliberate and have to fight the urge to make sounds like my sword flashing through the air. But it's either that or my light saber. And I like wearing the mask to hide the fact that I am speaking in dubbed language.

Here's the deal, me lovelies, you can go through life like a normal person or an adventurer with your own soundtrack and sound engineer creating your journey as you go. I spent my youth learning and mastering sounds so I could self-entertain in my golden years. We can all be our own movie. The greatest and most powerful gift is that of the imagination. But it needs a soundtrack.
I was wondering how you were treating the traffic, or lack there of RW. I mean, this exact thought hit me when I first saw images of NY when they were aired a month ago or whenever they were first shown. I didn't say anything because I wasn't sure if it would be in good taste or not. Anyhow, I'm glad you are, at least, getting something good out of this whole thing.

Quick shot of RW getting ready to hit the road this last Monday!

And looking sharp! My, the Hooters girls can't wait to get back to work.
Good morning Pops and Popsadoodles. (I started this much earlier today.) I hope everyone is doing well today and Runny gets the kit and caboodle out of Dodge before they realize he's there and they keep him. I saw that picture, ABQ and thought you might have a Runny Junior in training. Good stuff and he's sure intent on that stick between the seats. Just make sure he knows about keeping his eyes on the road before his feet can reach the pedals.

Thank you again, Leon. There are just songs that demand I sing along. Some Neil Diamond, Journey, Bon Jovi, Abba, Cher, Jim Croce and that heavy duty woman he's been dreaming of. He was just getting ready to get his hat, when she caught his eye and he put it back. Just to name a few before I challenge B. B. King or Josh Groban to a sing off. I pity my bathroom... well, the whole house and all neighbors within hearing range. Show tunes are fun too.

Have a good evening everyone, I'm off to sing at the walls.
Morning Pops. Morning Fellas and good morning to all who stop in to visit the thread today.

Well, I'm thinking I need to go ahead and just go fishing. To hell with the the Quarantine stuff, think I'm going to see if I can get ABQJr. and the Little Guy to go with me Early Saturday. Just head out and go fishing. I'm pretty sure that I can find a secluded spot where nobody will be around and if, by chance we do see somebody, there will be a good mile between us.

So we are at Thursday, almost lunch time and I'm ready to put this day behind me. What's the deal with everybody today?

Xelda, Dbz, good to see you all in the thread this morning.

I hope everybody is having a great day today!

Jobs, Leon, dbrp, Xelda, zrin, Trouty, ksk, RGV, Coach, RWB, Ranching, SW, John, Jan, Corso and Colo, keep the faith people! Have a great day!

Everybody, God Bless us all!
Morning Pops and Popsadoodles. I'd like to give you all some great words of wisdom but the dumb*** is strong with me today. I mean I'm not going to root for another team dumb, but on other issues I'm a bit concerned. Yesterday I saw a truck with two poles stuck in the back with an American flag on one and I wasn't certain what was on the other. In it's draped state of motionlessness, it's looking like a Cowboys star. The star is starting to pop up more around my area these days. As far as football goes, they have chosen wisely. Xelda is pleased and knows Garrett and Linehan can't screw it up for us anymore.

I sang to the walls a little, but feel very guilty today. The walls weren't primed when the wall paper went up and the dry wall is taking damage in some areas. I'll be the spackle queen when this is all said and done. Just more time to think about what color I want to paint it.

I debated saying anything about this, but think I will. Yesterday on my way home from work, I was stuck in traffic. A noise went off as I was inching forward. I braked and it went off again. It did this a few times and then stopped. I had my music going and paused it to listen. It didn't happen again. I put two and two together and realized it was my door locks. In my defense, this has never happened before so I didn't automatically think door locks. My key fob was not in a bind or accidentally being pressed. My hands were on the steering wheel away from the locks, so I can only guess someone is working with technology to steal codes off key fobs or cars. I'm just sharing in case anyone else comes across something like this.

Have a good day everyone.
Good afternoon, Pops and pen pals. I've been busy pruning shrubs this morning. Well, pruning is too modest; I cut two of them off at the base. When they sprout out again, I will gently prune to keep them small and rounded. MIL is home from the hospital, and a therapist is coming to torture her this afternoon. Hope you are all having a happy day.
Morning Pops and Popsadoodles. I'd like to give you all some great words of wisdom but the dumb*** is strong with me today. I mean I'm not going to root for another team dumb, but on other issues I'm a bit concerned. Yesterday I saw a truck with two poles stuck in the back with an American flag on one and I wasn't certain what was on the other. In it's draped state of motionlessness, it's looking like a Cowboys star. The star is starting to pop up more around my area these days. As far as football goes, they have chosen wisely. Xelda is pleased and knows Garrett and Linehan can't screw it up for us anymore.

I sang to the walls a little, but feel very guilty today. The walls weren't primed when the wall paper went up and the dry wall is taking damage in some areas. I'll be the spackle queen when this is all said and done. Just more time to think about what color I want to paint it.

I debated saying anything about this, but think I will. Yesterday on my way home from work, I was stuck in traffic. A noise went off as I was inching forward. I braked and it went off again. It did this a few times and then stopped. I had my music going and paused it to listen. It didn't happen again. I put two and two together and realized it was my door locks. In my defense, this has never happened before so I didn't automatically think door locks. My key fob was not in a bind or accidentally being pressed. My hands were on the steering wheel away from the locks, so I can only guess someone is working with technology to steal codes off key fobs or cars. I'm just sharing in case anyone else comes across something like this.

Have a good day everyone.
Could be someone else. Could be low batteries, or a short in your key fob also.
Make sure to eliminate that from the guesswork.
Morning Pops and Popsadoodles. I'd like to give you all some great words of wisdom but the dumb*** is strong with me today. I mean I'm not going to root for another team dumb, but on other issues I'm a bit concerned. Yesterday I saw a truck with two poles stuck in the back with an American flag on one and I wasn't certain what was on the other. In it's draped state of motionlessness, it's looking like a Cowboys star. The star is starting to pop up more around my area these days. As far as football goes, they have chosen wisely. Xelda is pleased and knows Garrett and Linehan can't screw it up for us anymore.

I sang to the walls a little, but feel very guilty today. The walls weren't primed when the wall paper went up and the dry wall is taking damage in some areas. I'll be the spackle queen when this is all said and done. Just more time to think about what color I want to paint it.

I debated saying anything about this, but think I will. Yesterday on my way home from work, I was stuck in traffic. A noise went off as I was inching forward. I braked and it went off again. It did this a few times and then stopped. I had my music going and paused it to listen. It didn't happen again. I put two and two together and realized it was my door locks. In my defense, this has never happened before so I didn't automatically think door locks. My key fob was not in a bind or accidentally being pressed. My hands were on the steering wheel away from the locks, so I can only guess someone is working with technology to steal codes off key fobs or cars. I'm just sharing in case anyone else comes across something like this.

Have a good day everyone.
Maybe it was your car telling you to stop singing or get out.

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