FEATURED Morning Pops!

Could be someone else. Could be low batteries, or a short in your key fob also.
Make sure to eliminate that from the guesswork.
Thank you Corso. It only happened in one place yesterday, so I'm more concerned about outside interference. My mind did wander a bit and I'm a tad antsy, but no more issues to report.
Maybe it was your car telling you to stop singing or get out.
Now that you mention it...:lmao2: but my car never sassed me before.
As you're driving Christine...

Not Christine Corso. Kitt!!!!!!!

Morning Pops. Morning Fellas and good morning to all who decide to shop up today to celebrate Friday in this thread!

Well, what does everybody have planned for this weekend?

There is a rumor going around here that we may actually have Restaurants opening up and that is kinda cool to me. I almost lost my mind when my Daughter told me that the local bar was opening on Monday! I might have to take a long weekend!

So here it is, Friday and I'm ready to get it rolling. Oldest Boy actually beat me to the punch. I called him up to see if he wanted to go fishing with me on Sat. and he told me he's leaving this afternoon camping. He drew tags this season so he's headed out to scout the area he drew for. I guess I'm on my own but that's OK. The beer will be just as cold, the Sandwich just as tasty!

Jobs, Leon, dbrp, Xelda, zrin, Trouty, ksk, RGV, Coach, RWB, Ranching, SW, John, Jan, Corso and Colo, i hope you are all doing well this Fantastic Friday! I'm seriously ready to break out of this mess we've been living in and get the Summer started! I hope all of you are in just as good a place or better!

Everybody, enjoy a great weekend! We are coming out the other side people and the view is wild!

To each and every zoner, have a great day, a great weekend and enjoy life! But remember to take good care, need you back!

Gonna leave you with this, Uncle Kracker - Smile:

Good morning Pops and Zoner Friends,

Hello from the great state of Montana. We've spent the week meeting with perspective general contractors and, actually, selecting one. The highlight of the week was walking the property with the building contractor and roughly staking out the homesite. The back porch will have views of the Bitterroot valley while the front faces the Rockies.

Needless to say, we're excited. My wife was really tickled with the vet clinics and kennels we inspected. Good to know the fur babies will be well taken care of.

Now, we just have to brace ourselves for the long drive home tomorrow.

Home is everyone doing ahead of the weekend?
Good morning Pops and a fun fantastic Friday for family, friends and felines, fishes and furry's of all types. Been slipping up on my alliteration lately and thought it was time to work some in.

The hotel here can open today but I don't know if it is yet. Don't know the limitations or if their full staff is even around any longer. Haven't noticed an increase in traffic just yet.

Got a sonogram early this morning and you will be glad to know I am still not pregnant. I don't really know why my doc ordered it but I suspect it's revenge for my living the kind of life he wants to live. My self indulgence with cigars n whiskey haunts him. And I don't even tell him the truth about just how bad I can be.

This is your last weekend of May, 2020, try not to screw it up.
Good morning Pops. Good morning guys and gals. Special shout-out to @cowboy_ron .
Hope today is beautiful for everybody.

I have monster allergies. I've already sneezed over 30 times this morning!
Sorry to hear that, Brother. I had a sudden sneeze attack earlier at work, and almost couldn't get my mask off in time. Fortunately I was outside at the time.
Good morning Pops. Good morning guys and gals. Special shout-out to @cowboy_ron .
Hope today is beautiful for everybody.

I have monster allergies. I've already sneezed over 30 times this morning!
Hi dear. Glad to see you back! Hope your heart is healing well.
This video is just for you to put a smile on your face as it did for me. Hope your day is beautiful too. :)
Good morning Pops and a fun fantastic Friday for family, friends and felines, fishes and furry's of all types. Been slipping up on my alliteration lately and thought it was time to work some in.

The hotel here can open today but I don't know if it is yet. Don't know the limitations or if their full staff is even around any longer. Haven't noticed an increase in traffic just yet.

Got a sonogram early this morning and you will be glad to know I am still not pregnant. I don't really know why my doc ordered it but I suspect it's revenge for my living the kind of life he wants to live. My self indulgence with cigars n whiskey haunts him. And I don't even tell him the truth about just how bad I can be.

This is your last weekend of May, 2020, try not to screw it up.
I wondered where you guys hung out at. Running your post count up I see. OMG .. 1222 pages talking about nothing. Lol
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Sometimes the subject of nothing is the best subject.

Look at the Seinfeld Show. The Larry David Show...
See, I never really cared for that description of Seinfeld. Pretty much every sitcom is about nothing, other than what's going on in the episode, which is the same as that show. The dynamic between the characters is different, but you can say that about every other show too.
Evening Pops and everyone.

Been an interesting week. Work has been extremely stressful this week. So glad it's finally Friday!

Daughter and son-in-law totaled the car on Memorial Day night avoiding a deer and took on a telephone pole at 55 mph. Neither the car or the telephone pole won that battle. Thankfully none of the kids were with them and the daughter and hubby were both mostly okay. He had to get on the carrier this week also for a short test run out to sea for a couple weeks. She's a little banged up and trying to see a doctor tomorrow. Thinking she's got a broken rib or something going on ... or just a lot of stressed out muscles.

Switching gears...remember me telling you guys about my great aunt Trudy that I posted the video on when she was 99 years old, the whole thing about Rosie the Riveter? Well, today is her 100th birthday and there's going to be another news story on our local TV about her again! Definitely staying up to watch this time! Can't wait to see what she's up to, but I know she's slowed down a bit. She's earned it.

Have a good night all.

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